

今天上載了一宗用鐳射槍偵察的超速駕駛上訴(香港特別行政區 訴 蘇健誠 HCMA304/2012),一件相當簡單的案件。我要談的不是案件本身,而是奉勸理據不足的人,不要隨便選擇上庭抗辯。案情我不打算詳述,只講警察執法的方法及法庭程序。鐳射槍偵察超速的行動,警察會分成兩組,一組負責鐳射槍的操作,另一組負責截停違例車輛。負責鐳射槍操作的一組起碼有兩個警員,一個操作鐳射槍,把違例車輛的車牌及車速告知在身旁負責記錄的警員,由他通知一兩公里外負責截車的警員,即時票控司機。如果不能截停車輛,就要花費很多時間去找出司機身分。

違例司機如果不交告票,選擇抗辯,交通中央檢控科會向法庭申請傳票,案件開始進入法庭程序。法庭會安排被告上庭日期,郵寄傳票給他。這就是被告第一次上庭的時候。法官會聽取答辯(take plea),即是問被告認不認罪,否認控罪的話,再擇日審訊,到時被告第二次上庭,好彩的話當日審結。

上述的上訴案,第一次審訊時,裁判官把被告定罪,被告不服提出上訴(香港特別行政區 訴 蘇健誠 HCMA801/2011),本年1月,上訴得直,但發還另一位裁判官重審。假設他每次上庭都只需一天,至此已花了3天。今年4月,重審被告再被定罪,審訊花了6天,再加上第二次上訴的1天,兩次審訊加上訴,至少花了10天。被告第一次被定罪,罰款1,800元,重審罰2,500元。這原本是定額罰款450元及扣3分的超速少於30公里的案,花了至少10天上庭,最後還脫不了罪,值得嗎?被告很可能為了扣分才抗辯,到頭來賠了夫人又折兵,自食其果。


25. 以本案而言,上訴人提出的抗辯理由大部份是他的猜測,跡近瑣屑無聊,本席同意應罰「附加罰款」。至於訟費,本案約共審訊了6天,裁判官考慮過上訴人抗辯理據後,判他負責部份訟費是適合的。(香港特別行政區 訴 蘇健誠 HCMA304/2012)

除非存在我想不到的理由,否則花上6天審這件案,原審暫委裁判官的能力必定出了問題,審案的time management也很重要,控制得宜,被告也浪費不到時間。能力這樣差的人,怎能委任為法官。標少返港的時候有空的話,一定去見識一下,找些寫作題材,讀者若能給我提點,那個法官值得看,太離譜的人我會寫信給CJ投訴。

3 則留言:

  1. 標少,




  2. W,

    I cannot agree. Supposing the case was adjourned part-heard for 6 days and only part of each day was used, part-hearing normally has the priority over other unheard cases. The deputy should finish the part-heard first before starting another new case. 6 days for a simple case like this is prima facie mediocre or mismanagement. It is not for me to do the post mortem but I will write another blog to canvass all the possibilities when I have time. Some people really need to learn how to suck eggs.


  3. Let me share my experience here, a year ago I was charged with 2 traffic offences. At the end it took me 7 days spreaded over a year to get this over.

    Day 1 - Pleaded not guilty

    Day 2 - Waited one whole day and was told there is no time to hear my case.

    Dat 3 - Trial heard by a magistrate featured in another article of yours in the same page. I was self represented and had no legal background.

    Day 4 - Verdict was suppose to be given, but I complained the prosecutor on some points and the magistrated postponed the verdict to another day.

    Day 5 - The magistrate insisted the prosecutor did nothing wrong and I said if she beleives the prosecutor did nothing wrong, please give her verdict, which the magistrate refused. At the end she decided to "trial de novo" although neither the prosecutor or myself wanted this.

    Day 6 - Trial heard by another magistrate. He found me no case to answer for one offence, and guilty for the other offence which I was fined.

    Day 7 - Appeal heard at the court of first instance. I was notified later my appeal was successful with cost given back to me.

    My personal thought is the government should consider training and hiring more magistrates to ensure more attention is given to each case and to shorten the waiting period.
