

涉港鐵非禮少女 牧師上訴脫罪



標少在今年2月26日寫了在地鐵及巴士上發生的非禮案 ,在3月18日寫了牧師地鐵非禮 ,兩個blogs都提及吳漢超。今早看明報知道上訴得直,第一感覺就猜測是杜麗冰聽審。看到判辭知道真的是她,我再猜上訴人一定出大砲(御用大律師或者資深大律師),又不出所料是Ching Y Wong, SC王正宇。可能我對杜麗冰存有偏見,這件上訴,原審法官明顯犯錯的地方主要是把吳漢超向警方錄取的口供內容理解錯了:

23. 就第一項上訴理由,雙方大律師都同意上訴人在警誡口供P3裏沒有承認他是用下體觸碰到控方第一證人。上訴人在P3裏的第一條問答記載如下:



24. 因此,裁判法官在裁斷陳述書第23段是錯誤地指上訴人在P3內“是承認下體有觸碰到控方第一證人,這點亦支持了控方第一證人的說法”。這是裁判法官在事實上作出嚴重錯誤。
(香港特別行政區 訴 吳漢超 HCMA272/2011第23及24段)


28. 當控方第四及第五證人作供時,她們兩人否認曾對控方第一證人講出這番說話。而兩位證人亦確認她們錄畢口供後,她們是讓控方第一證人閱讀及簽名確認,當然控方第一證人和控方第四及五證人有不一致之處,裁判法官分析後可認為他可繼續接納控方第一證人為可信及可靠證人,而以適當及合理的分析理由解釋為何控方第一證人是誤會了第四及第五證人的意思,但裁判法官沒有這樣做到,他只認為控方第一證人是“原於她不理解法庭程序或誤解了警員的意思”(見裁判陳述書第21段)。
(香港特別行政區 訴 吳漢超 HCMA272/2011第28段)


12 則留言:

  1. "牧師有心的挨碰,及至上車之後的步步進逼,最後下體磨擦的非禮,證據充足。"


  2. Anonymous,

    Without the benefit of seeing the statement of findings of the trial magistrate, just from the reading of the appeal judgment, I can see the appellant's deliberate touching of the victim from the platform to inside the train. Then his lustful desire did not stop but elevated to further advancement. The victim repeatedly retreated to the extent that she sought assistance from other passengers and accusing the appellant of indecent assault. The appellant's initial response was keeping his mouth shut instead of denial. The platform was not crowded nor was the train. The likelihood of accidental touching can be ruled out. There is mens rea and actus reus. There is ulterior motive and interior lust. The evidence is overwhelming. What else do you need beside a conviction?

  3. This is a technical knockout.

    Bill, you are really admirable and adorable, what more I can say?

  4. Anonymous,

    I take it as a compliment instead of a sarcastic and dismissive innuendo.

  5. no no no I am your admirer indeed, sorry for my foolish expression.

    I am a part time student who studying LLB now

    please not to unduly humble yourself, you are really appealing

    Support !

  6. 「維持原判或上訴得直都是輕而易舉••」願聞其詳,尤其如何上訴得直,觀點與杜官有何不同?

  7. Anonymous,

    The easiest way to acquit or overturn a conviction is “There is a lurking doubt”. There is no need to specify what a lurking doubt is. I am not saying I am better than Esther Toh. I am saying one has a higher expectation of the ability of a high court judge. One should not have any expectation of what Bill Siu writes because Bill Siu is an underdog.

    The two mistakes pinpointed in the judgments are not detrimental to the case. For the first point about the mis-reading the statement (P3) made by the appellant to the police, there is no doubt about that. However, it is not an exculpatory statement. It is a mixed statement rather. It cannot be used to corroborate what PW1 said about the private part touch, but it can be used to corroborate the fact that there was physical contact. The high court judge magnifies the mistakes in order to justify her stance. If she minimizes the effect, there is ample evidence to uphold the conviction. There were other corroborations the judge failed to elaborate on. The second mistake about the failure of the magistrate to deal with the inconsistence between PW1, PW4 and PW5 is arguable. I would say it was not sufficiently dealt with instead of a total neglect. No policemen ever admit they are wrong for failing to accurately record with PW says. It is not difficult to reconcile the difference.

    I can only say I will continue to watch these incompetent judges, to examine their written judgments and to lash out my sword if it is not too blunt.

  8. Bill,

    It is true that no policemen would ever admit they failed to accurately record what the PW said to them in the witness statement, and it probably happens every day in real life. So there is an inconsistency that PW1 said he said XYZ to the police PW2. XYZ does not directly go to the material point of the case but clearly affects credibility of the rest of PW1's evidence. Then PW2 gave evidence to say that PW1 never told him about XYZ. Based on this sole ground, would you acquit as PW1's evidence contradicts those of PW2? How can you reconcile the difference?

    The second point is also related. Say there was an inconsistency which a magistrate failed to deal with at all in the judgment, D argues that the inconsistency goes to credibility and reliability of the PW, P argues it is immaterial/does not go to the material point. What would you do?

    My answer would be simple: it depends on which judge. If a judge gives the benefit of the doubt to the appellant/defence, it's not fair to say he is incompetent, but rather, he did his job of acqutting/allowing the appeal because he has a doubt in his mind. If a judge doesn't do that, and ignore these inconsistencies, that will actually be the problem.

    There are several reasons why PW1 could have given inconsistent evidence. Firstly, as you said, she was 心有餘悸 and therefore had minor errors. Secondly, she wasn't sure at all. Thirdly, she wasn't telling the truth. How could the appeal judge pick amongst those three? All she has is the fact that PW1 gave inconsistent evidence. When there are several inferences, it's clear D gets the benefit of the one most in favour of him. The fact that D wasn't wearing underpants is suspicious, but a suspicion is only a suspicion, it should not affect the conviction, but only trial costs.

    I think you are being harsh on a certain judge but I do know that we disagree on that point a while back already. Let's keep this going.


  9. 另一個lurking doubt應為PW1的口供前後「不一致」,就報紙資料,PW1庭上指出遭非禮位置為「大腿」,如果冇理解錯是大腿前方(因事主說低頭見到),但差館口供則為「腰臀之間」即後方,連最重要的非禮位置都有咁大差異,難以令人信服PW1為可信證人


  10. L and Anonymous,

    I am glad I can still reply to you. This time I write a new blog as a reply. I am glad because I suffered a life threatening severe allergy attack while driving to play badminton yesterdat morning. It was my unflinching character saving myself and I am now recovering well and continue to fight.

  11. 杜麗冰可以生安白造,無寫到有。六十幾歲單親,重大讚靚仔本地裁判/審裁官有經驗。Junior 都有經驗lol

  12. 內褲不穿算個人喜好 唔可當可疑行為
