



聽審上訴的法官,有些過份挑骨頭,找到一棵枯樹,沾沾自喜,而不看廣懋的森林,狹隘闡釋公義,自以為了不起。正如上訴庭在Nancy Kissel 一案所講"the wood is in danger of being obscured by the trees"。聽審上訴的法官,是否應該先看整體證據,衡量定罪是否正確,然後才判定原審法官所犯錯誤是否足以推翻定罪。並非人家丟一些魚粮入魚池,你就像魚一樣四處追逐。(各位有沒有留意標少札記版頭上面那10條游來游去,怡然自得的魚。當你把cursor放在那裏click幾下,魚粮就會放出來,魚就會游去追逐,而忘記了怡然自得之樂。)



5 則留言:

  1. "存法治之心比奉法治之名更為重要"



  2. I don't think that a judge is a evidence comparison machine. Sometimes the evidence is too perfect to be the truth, and sometimes the evidence is terrible but it is the truth. A judge should use his common sense and experience to distinguish them. It is a difficult task. Ms BOKHARY, Derek PANG are no better than Esther TOH.


  3. Young Lad and VL,

    Thank you for reading. There is too much fake justice. We can always see people wielding their fists crying out loud to safeguard rule of law before the camera but at heart it is devoid of any meaning.


    You mentioned Mrs Bokhary and Derek Pang. Frankly, there is not much I can write about them. They say little in their judgments. The former enjoys brevity in her judgment. There is no substance in it. The latter enjoys paraphrasing the statement of findings of the trial magistrate making reading so tedious. There is no substance as well.

  4. In the world there has no such thing as legal protection, not because of government and law itself, but because of our brain are too limit.

    It is because Law requires evidence. Victim and witness are expect to remember all of things happen during the crime process. Unfortunately our brain fail to did the job well. Brain also easy to make confuse with memory, especially to those petty crime like Indecent, which can make a lot of miscarriage of justice. (Big crime like fighting and violence are easier to remember for our brain).

    1. I hope I did not misread what you said. My comments have gone beyond the fundamental requirement of evidence. It is a question of what is evidence. If I say there is sufficient evidence to convict and you say there are a lot of doubts and you give the defendant the benefit of doubt. How do we reconcile? We measure it by common sense and logical thinking. That is why I feel that I am better than some of the high court judges in this regard. By the way, Indecent Assault is liable to imprisonment for 10 years. It is not a petty crime as such. Acquitting the defendant unconvincingly can also be a miscarriage of justice. Justice has to be seen to be done to the victims as well. You can see the wisdom of the judges by reading more of their judgements.
