

傳譯漏一字 謀殺犯重審



一般讀者看這一則新聞可能覺得奇怪,控罪是謀殺,漏譯了serious這個字有甚麼關係呢?在法律上謀殺的意圖並非限於有意把對方殺死,下面一段文字是香港司法機構提供給高等法院法官,審訊謀殺案時,對陪審團作引導的樣本(specimen directions in jury trial)。

So, before you may convict the defendant of the murder of Ms [X] you would have to be sure
of each of the following matters :-
1. that the defendant committed an act or acts which caused the deceased’s death;
2. that the killing was unlawful; and
3. that at the time of the act or acts which caused Ms X’s death the defendant either
intended to kill her, or intended to cause Ms X grievous bodily harm — in other words, really
serious bodily harm.


九十年代之前,香港外籍法官佔着大多數,傳譯的質素有時過於參差,或者態度輕挑,不只會鬧出笑話,有時可以影響判決。有一次,作供的證人信誓旦旦,說自己的證供「真珠都無咁真」,傳譯把它說成as true as pearl。老外法官當然一頭霧水,不明所以。另一次有個被告在超市偷了一大堆東西,包括cucumber, diaper 及marshmallow。傳譯老哥不知那些東西的中文叫法,又打眼色又用廣束話低聲的問我,我沒有理他,因為以前向他提示,試過給法官斥責,不應跟傳譯私下溝通。傳譯見我不出手相助,唯有把那三項物件低聲快速地以譯音讀出來,矇混過關。這個當然是很個別的例子,我見過不少中英俱佳,快而準的傳譯。

3 則留言:

  1. SPC

    They sound pretty similar to what the court interpreter said at that time.

  2. “真珠都無咁真,傳譯把它說成as true as pearl” 是對的。因為一般應將說話者的“原表達”翻譯出來,如果聽者不明白,可以其後將加以解釋。其中一個原因是你不知道說話的那個人之後的說話會否同之前說過的有關連。例如他可以說:真珠都都無咁真..........之後他拿起自己頸上的珍珠給我看...."等。如果你之前沒有將pearl翻譯出來,後面就接不上去。

  3. Anonymous,

    Both my languages are not good enough to give authoritative view on the translation. I can only say as long as the recipient does not understand, there is a problem with the transaltion.
