


涉非禮下屬 控方突提申請















話你知﹕守行為三種 兩不用留案低



(13/3/2013 明報 )

這件案見證了有錢的力量。如果你沒有錢請出名的律師,你休想犯非禮可撤銷控罪簽保守行為。「法律面前,人人平等」當然真確,更加真確的是,有權、有勢或有錢的人更加平等,這就是George Orwell 的 Animal Farm:"All animals are equal, but some animals are more equal than others"。

如果你沒有三幾十萬請清洪或同等資深大律師,請他游說律政司撤銷控罪,如果你只是窮等人家,或者「茂理」一個,「光棍」一條,就不要癡心妄想,怎會讓你非禮簽保守行為。如果我是主控官,我一定不接納這處理方法。如果我是 Bina Chainrai (Acting Principal Magistrate),我也不讓控方撤罪。有權有勢更加平等的例子,這裏舉兩個。1. 包致金的女兒在置地高買,超齡獲警司警誡方式處理。2. 前刑事檢控專員阮雲道(Peter Nguyen)的兒子藏毒獲撤銷控罪簽保守行為。他們不是更加平等嗎?

上面另一則新聞講三種守行為的模式,所講的只圍繞裁判官的權力而言,其實只有兩種模式,權力來自《裁判官條例》 第36條(定罪之後的簽保守行為)及第61條(並非定罪的簽保守行為)。大律師陸偉雄所講三種守行為的模式的頭兩種,權力都是來自第61條,其實是一種模式。第61條相信源於幾個世紀之前Justice of the Peace Act 1361,所以警方向裁判官申請要某人簽保守行為,會引用Justice of the Peace Act 1361及《裁判官條例》 第61條。

其他定罪之後的簽保守行為判罰,見諸循公訴程序被定罪的案件(《刑事訴訟程序條例》第107條)。就算審結被判無罪的被告或案中證人,法官一樣有權要他簽保守行為 (《刑事訴訟程序條例》第109I條)。

9 則留言:

  1. I was just discussing this case with my friends earlier. I thought it was ridiculous that the DoJ accepted a bind-over order. The more I read about these sort of news; the more I feel disappointed in the judicial system and want to make a difference. The ironic thing is the person who was charged with assaulting a police officer (he whistled in the police officer's ear) was sentenced to 6 weeks in prison (ESCC3557/12). The difference in severity of both cases is apparent; it's a shame that access to justice is not equal among individuals.

    BTW, Animal Farm was my favourite novel in high school.

    1. DuckiFlo,

      It is always difficult to compare 2 distinctly different cases. The bloke who whistled into the ear of the policeman has 2 previous similar record. Seeing it from that angle, the 6 weeks imprisonment cannot be said to be manifestly excessive.

      There is no absolute equality. What is disgusting is the impropriety of O.N.E. bind over in this indecent assault case. I would rather lose the case than let the defendant be bound over. It looks ugly. The explanation given by the spokesman of DoJ is an affront to my humble intelligence. I was from DoJ back then. I know all these tricks and I know how to manipulate.

    2. I agree that the nature of the 2 cases are very different; however, my point was that it's still an example which reflects the inequality of access to justice. I dare say that if Mr. Cheng Huan was to represent the guy who whistled at the police officer; the outcome of the case will be very different. But of course that's just my 半桶水 opinion.

  2. I guess the main point is the reluctance of the victim to give evidence, nor gain anything from giving evidence in this point, and probably the defense would argue without an independent witness or concrete circumstantial evidence, it is not easy for the court to arrive at a guilty verdict.

    Yes, I would rather want the case to be lost, but honestly O.N.E. Bind over gives the best result to every tangible party: The victim got a bit of money and would not need to risk any work-disruption, nor she need to face the incident again. The defendant lost a damn lot of money - which he would have no problem paying anyway, and he emerges clean. The sad fact is that only justice suffer, and rather than blaming the system of Binding Over, I would blame the horrible lack of legal education for layman and the labeling of sex crime victims.

  3. 標少兄﹕

    1. C,

      Both cases were really old. Bokhary's daughter was dealt with by superintendent's caution in 1994. It had nothing to do with the then Legal Department. The case was concluded at the police level without the need to seek advice or approval from the Legal Department. Peter Nguyen's son was handled by Department of Justice (formerly known as Legal Department) in 2000. Nguyen's son was charged with possession of dangerous drugs. The lawyer represented him wrote to DoJ to bargain for offering no evidence and bind him over. There were many reasons put forward, good family background, clear record, small amount of drugs, remorseful ... I can say it was rather unusual to accept that course of action for a dangerous drug's case. But, I do not want to guess the justification. I can only say it was a very usual course to take. After this case, there were many attempts made by other defendants requesting the prosecution to accept O.N.E/bind over. The prosecution accepted some of them in order to avoid being criticised of favouritism.

      No way could the general public stop the decision of DoJ even though the AG/DPP could be asked in Legco to explain.

    2. Dear Mr. Bill,
      Thank you for your reply! I should have known that the name of the scheme Superintendent's caution implies that the case had never gone beyond the police. I don't remember the case of Bokhary's daughter causing an uproar at the time. Nguyen's case was plainly outrageous. Unfortunately there is no mechanism of checks and balances outside of the DoJ.

    3. C,

      No "Mr" please. Just call me Bill. I hope my third blog on the same subject helps explain why I have disgruntled feelings about the way this case was handled.

  4. 請問自簽守行為同不提證供起訴分別在那?
