


對上一篇講裁判官黃國輝被指過份干預控辯雙方的盤問,以致被告上訴成功脫罪。我相信在主控官的心目中,黃國輝並不是一個好官,原因是他對主控那種蔑視的態度,不顧別人的自尊而作出羞辱。故此當他多次被指進入競技場而使上訴得直,主控官都心存欣喜,我完全可以理解。黃國輝也許應該反躬自省,展示一下正確的司法情操judicial temperament。上一篇之所以寫,並非為黄國輝'翻案。也許我對杜麗冰的本事看不上眼,對她過份挑剔。


"It's a leading question!"
"What is wrong with the leading question? Is it in issue? If it is not in issue, then let's don't waste time."

引導方式的證供有甚麼不妥?它會影響證據價值evidential value。這件案證人講四至五秒,目的是說那侵犯人有猥褻意圖,時間越長這意圖越明顯,否則為甚麼要盯住胸部。把時間剪裁短了,對被告當然有利。如果變成只看了一眼,就更加難凸顯這猥褻意圖,黃國輝這樣問證人豈非對被告更為有利?杜麗冰只舉了這例子來附和辯方的指責,標少很難不認為是空泛缺乏內涵的廢話。可能是杜麗冰舉錯例,又有可能是她辭不達意。黃國輝問了900條問題,找一些明顯不公正的例子有這樣難嗎?所以不要怪我對她的能力置疑。



2 則留言:

  1. Bill

    The appeal about the judge step into the arena is not a new thing. It was arising in many previous appeal cases. An experienced front line staff would have a sense that the judge asks too much questions. If a judge is nice and patient guy, it is easier to handle. the prosecutor could further expose other areas and ask further questions to balance the number of questions.

    In facts, if the judge asks too question, the prosecutor would not have a good feeling because it indicated that you are incompetent and stupid.

    The most difficult scenario is : the judge had heat argument with defence. The prosecutor will be in difficult position. On the one hand, he did not want to participate into the argument. On the other hand, if the argument carried on, it would cause problem to the end-result - bias.


  2. VL

    The trial judge enters into the arena is of course nothing new though not as old as the arena itself.

    The number of questions is one thing, the technique of asking is another. If the judge asks neutral questions or make them appear like clarifications, it will be easier for the appellate court to find justification for the intervention. I know Raymond Wong is not a nice guy sitting on the bench, suffice for me to pause here and say no further.

    When the judge embroils in heated argument with the defence, the prosecutor should find an opportunity or pretext to ask for indulgence to adjourn the trial for a short while to let the judge cool his head.

    Inexperience prosecutors always face the humiliation you mentioned. While they have my full sympathy about the frustration, I should also mention not everyone is fit to be a prosecutor.

    Hey, I from time to time share my experience with you folks to give you encouragement. May I jokingly end the reply by the following.

    A magistrate intervened the prosecutor's examination of a witness to the extent that the prosecutor can no longer tolerate, "Your Worship, if you ask this question on my behalf, I withdraw it. If you ask on my friend's behalf, I oppose to it."
