

休班海關職員攔截電單車引致電單車失控撼樹司機死亡一事, 新聞報導指警方以「干預汽車罪」拘捕了攔車人, 這控罪並不恰當, 也錯得離譜, 應直接了當告誤殺, 誤殺罪元素齊全, 根本不是tampering with a vehicle。我都有看過youtube上的影片, 休班海關職員當時「干預」的對象是司機而不是電單車, 根本是收買人命。「干預汽車罪」的釋義, 終審法院已有案例, 就是這一宗: HKSAR and LAW YAT TING (羅逸庭), 本博在9年前評論過, 在該案終審對「干預」(tamper)一詞釋義, 以下這一段算是核心所在:

11. Section 49 is in Part V of the Ordinance, which is headed “Traffic Offences” and includes a number of separate offences. Section 49 is a discrete offence committed by the act of: (a) getting on to a vehicle (i.e. including entering into or climbing onto a vehicle), or (b) tampering with any part of it, otherwise than with (c) lawful authority (i.e. permission of the vehicle’s owner), or (d) reasonable excuse (e.g. some emergency or other necessity justifying the particular act). The purpose of the section is self-evidently to deter persons from doing certain acts in relation to vehicles unless those acts are done with lawful authority or reasonable excuse. The nature of the acts prohibited, namely getting on to a vehicle or tampering “with any part of the vehicle”, indicate that the statutory purpose is designed to afford broad protection to owners and users of vehicles or those who might be affected by their use (such as other road users or passengers).

判詞另具中文的「新聞摘要」, 以下兩段撮寫了重點:

3. 該條例第49條沒有對「干預」一詞下定義,該詞亦並非技術性用語。第49條的目的,是阻嚇沒有合法權限或合理辯解的任何人,作出登上某部車輛或干預有關車輛的任何部分的作爲。受禁作爲的性質,顯示第49條旨在給予車輛擁有人及使用人,或可能受到其使用影響的人(比如其他道路使用者或乘客),範圍廣泛的保護。

4. 依循詞典對「干預」一詞所下的定義,第49條所指的干預,指某項作爲構成干擾或亂動某部車輛的某部分,以致對該車輛造成改動或損害,或對該車輛作出未經授權的改變。就本宗上訴而言,更特定的定義並不必要,因爲「干預」一詞可包括範圍廣闊的不同作爲。

至於市民使用公民拘捕權協助警察在法律上怎樣行使,  我12年前另一篇文也討論過: 101拘捕令在法律上的意思。這休班海關職員的行為, 完全缺乏合法基礎, 罔顧電單車司機的安危, 後果明顯也是可預見的, 犯罪意念(mens rea)也具備了, 落案應告誤殺。就算案情也符合「干預汽車罪」, 也沒有理由檢控嚴重性與後果不相稱、微不足道的控罪。如果DoJ最終不提控誤殺, 苦主家人應以私人傳票提控。