

休班海關職員攔截電單車引致電單車失控撼樹司機死亡一事, 新聞報導指警方以「干預汽車罪」拘捕了攔車人, 這控罪並不恰當, 也錯得離譜, 應直接了當告誤殺, 誤殺罪元素齊全, 根本不是tampering with a vehicle。我都有看過youtube上的影片, 休班海關職員當時「干預」的對象是司機而不是電單車, 根本是收買人命。「干預汽車罪」的釋義, 終審法院已有案例, 就是這一宗: HKSAR and LAW YAT TING (羅逸庭), 本博在9年前評論過, 在該案終審對「干預」(tamper)一詞釋義, 以下這一段算是核心所在:

11. Section 49 is in Part V of the Ordinance, which is headed “Traffic Offences” and includes a number of separate offences. Section 49 is a discrete offence committed by the act of: (a) getting on to a vehicle (i.e. including entering into or climbing onto a vehicle), or (b) tampering with any part of it, otherwise than with (c) lawful authority (i.e. permission of the vehicle’s owner), or (d) reasonable excuse (e.g. some emergency or other necessity justifying the particular act). The purpose of the section is self-evidently to deter persons from doing certain acts in relation to vehicles unless those acts are done with lawful authority or reasonable excuse. The nature of the acts prohibited, namely getting on to a vehicle or tampering “with any part of the vehicle”, indicate that the statutory purpose is designed to afford broad protection to owners and users of vehicles or those who might be affected by their use (such as other road users or passengers).

判詞另具中文的「新聞摘要」, 以下兩段撮寫了重點:

3. 該條例第49條沒有對「干預」一詞下定義,該詞亦並非技術性用語。第49條的目的,是阻嚇沒有合法權限或合理辯解的任何人,作出登上某部車輛或干預有關車輛的任何部分的作爲。受禁作爲的性質,顯示第49條旨在給予車輛擁有人及使用人,或可能受到其使用影響的人(比如其他道路使用者或乘客),範圍廣泛的保護。

4. 依循詞典對「干預」一詞所下的定義,第49條所指的干預,指某項作爲構成干擾或亂動某部車輛的某部分,以致對該車輛造成改動或損害,或對該車輛作出未經授權的改變。就本宗上訴而言,更特定的定義並不必要,因爲「干預」一詞可包括範圍廣闊的不同作爲。

至於市民使用公民拘捕權協助警察在法律上怎樣行使,  我12年前另一篇文也討論過: 101拘捕令在法律上的意思。這休班海關職員的行為, 完全缺乏合法基礎, 罔顧電單車司機的安危, 後果明顯也是可預見的, 犯罪意念(mens rea)也具備了, 落案應告誤殺。就算案情也符合「干預汽車罪」, 也沒有理由檢控嚴重性與後果不相稱、微不足道的控罪。如果DoJ最終不提控誤殺, 苦主家人應以私人傳票提控。

38 則留言:

  1. 有holding charge勝過淡化此事,網上群情洶湧, 只希望警察徹查此事,還死者一個公道。

  2. 陸建廷律師有戀童癖點解可以做事務律師? Solicitor Kelvin Luk Charged With Sex Crime - WKCC2052/2024 - 2025年1月9日再提堂 https://hkcourtnews.com/律師陸建廷涉與12歲女童非法性交-製逾200張色情/

  3. 同唔同意李柱銘資深大律師係罪犯唔應該執業? Martin Lee SC is a Convicted Criminal who should be Struck Off the Roll of Barristers? https://www.wenweipo.com/a/202104/19/AP607cd075e4b0476859b7276e.html

  4. 點睇鍾元富大律師對刑事審訊接納證據的基本法則一知半解胡亂指控聆訊時代表上訴人的大律師不稱職不切實際地提昇上訴人對成功上訴的期望做法不專業損人不利己 (法官潘敏琦說) 香港特別行政區 訴 袁郁鈞 [2007] 1 HKLRD 819 - Barrister Hylas Chung Unprofessional, Harmed Others And Did Not Benefit Self, Utterly Should Never Be Encouraged Or Imitated (Said Judge Maggie Poon)?


  5. Barrister James McGowan Misconduct Admission - HKSAR v Apelete [2019] HKCA 1189 https://jamesmcgowan2023.blogspot.com/2023/03/barrister-james-mcgowan-admiralty-chambers-hong-kong-admitted-misconduct.html?m=1 36. Before us, Mr McGowan candidly admitted that his actions (or lack thereof) were such as to bring him within the meaning of s.18 of the CCCO. In particular, he accepted that on his part there had been undue delay as well as a repeated failure to comply with the Court's directions, which amounted to serious professional misconduct.

  6. 鹹濕攝影師梁鎮宗非禮罪成囚八周 Disgusting Photographer Gary Leung Convicted of Indecent Assault https://www.hk01.com/社會新聞/1083914/攝影師梁鎮宗非禮女模-官稱未碰敏感部位不代表不嚴重-判囚8周

  7. 區穎麟律師濫用法律程序Solicitor Au Wing Lun William Abuse of Process (Says Judge Poon) - Au Wing Lun v Tam Mei Kam [2007] HKCFI 719; HCA 811/2007 (13 July 2007, Poon J)

  8. Solicitor Gina Chong Unlawfully Took Photos in Court! 張昭婷律師知法犯法法庭內拍照網上共賞涉藐視法庭!





    律政司發言人則指會就事件作出嚴肅跟進,但為免影響相關跟進工作,不適宜於現階段透露具體詳情。 司法機構發言人表示,會先了解事件,再作適當跟進,包括有需要時轉交警方處理。

  9. 李柱銘資深大律師係罪犯唔應該執業 Martin Lee SC is a Convicted Criminal who should be Struck Off the Roll of Barristers https://www.wenweipo.com/a/202104/19/AP607cd075e4b0476859b7276e.html

  10. 周啟邦律師事務所又俾香港法庭鬧 KB Chau & Co Solicitors Criticized by Hong Kong Court AGAIN - Flexi Credits Limited v Wong Chi Kit Clement [2022] HKCFI 2052 - DHCJ Douglas Lam SC https://legalref.judiciary.hk/lrs/common/ju/ju_frame.jsp?DIS=145484&currpage=T

    21. For the reasons above… the Court would expect a detailed and satisfactory explanation on oath from both Mr Ka and KBC explaining the non-disclosure…

    Barrister Derek Hu instructed K B Chau & Co Solicitors

  11. DVC Barrister Kerby Lau Unhelpful, Says Hong Kong Court in [2018] HKCA 403

    8. The defendant’s counsel cited a total of 38 cases in this application. As stated in Practice Direction 2.1 §3(e), the skeleton submissions “should direct at helping the Court to determine whether grounds have been made out for the appeal to be heard by the Court of Final Appeal”. It is unhelpful to load the submissions with copious authorities making more or less the same point in a number of instances.

    Written submissions by Barristers Mr Chua Guan Hock SC and Mr Kerby Lau, instructed by K B Chau & Co Solicitors, for the Defendant (Applicant)


  12. Gilt Chambers Barrister Phillip Ross Unworthy - Said Court in HKSAR v Apelete (No 2) [2019] HKCA 1320


  13. Barrister Vivien Chan Misconduct Inquiry 陳文慧大律師專業失當調查 https://www.scmp.com/news/hong-kong/politics/article/3079048/hong-kong-bar-association-looking-whether-former-government Barrister Vivien Chan had allegedly used her Facebook account to attack local judges and opposition lawmakers. The association has launched an inquiry after a politician filed complaints about her. Hong Kong’s professional body for barristers will investigate if a former government prosecutor has breached its code of conduct, after she allegedly attacked local judges for siding with anti-government protesters on her personal Facebook account. Legal sources said the Bar Association had launched an inquiry against barrister Vivien Chan Man-wai after an opposition politician filed complaints about her. An investigator from the association’s standing committee on discipline will be appointed whenever a complaint is received, a source said.

    “Rioters! Bar Association and judges who supported them are all scumbags!” she wrote in an October 16 post.

    She had also expressed support for police and called protesters “cockroaches”.

    District councillor Ramon Yuen Hoi-man from the Democratic Party said Chan’s strong political stance made her unfit to be a prosecuting counsel.

    “Based on previous reports, the perception seems that Chan just wanted to prosecute Au at all costs.”

    He also alleged that Chan had violated the Bar’s Code of Conduct with her online remarks against judges.

    According to the code, every barrister has a duty not to engage in acts which are “likely to bring the profession of barrister into disrepute or otherwise diminish public confidence in the profession of barrister”.

  14. Barrister Tara Liao Shallow 廖敏皓大律師流於表面 FTLife Insurance v Luk Kin [2024] HKCFI 91 (§97) 廖‍大‍律‍師於聆‍訊中作‍出的陳‍詞,流於表面,沒‍有嘗試找出問題的癥結所在,以致連對自己一方有利的案‍例也沒有援引(例如Shek)( 徐韻華 ) 高等法院原訟法庭暫委法官 呈請人:由肯尼狄律師行轉聘廖敏皓大律師代表 https://legalref.judiciary.hk/lrs/common/ju/ju_frame.jsp?DIS=157286&currpage=T

  15. Barrister Alan Hoo SC Berated By His Own Mother 胡漢清資深大律師俾自己阿媽鬧佢不孝 http://www.scmp.com/news/hong-kong/article/1196611/top-barrister-accused-his-mum

  16. 胡詠斯律師係罪犯 Solicitor Phyllis Woo Convicted Criminal - WKCC4600/2023 - https://hkcourtnews.com/鄒家成及女律師擅把申訴專員投訴表格攜離監獄罪/

  17. 丁煌大律師專業失當罪成被譴責 - Barrister Ting Wong Convicted of Misconduct https://www.hkba.org/content/barristers-disciplinary-tribunal

  18. 陳家昇大律師專業失當罪成 Barrister Chan Ka Sing Misconduct Convicted https://www.gld.gov.hk/egazette/pdf/20192310/cgn201923101784.pdf

  19. 鄧明輝事務律師遲找大律師費用被吊銷執業資格十二個月! 點解會有事務律師遲找大律師嘅費用咁低能?釘牌嗰喎!Solicitor Joseph Tang Convicted of Misconduct for Delay in Paying Counsel! http://www.hk-lawyer.org/content/tang-ming-fai-joseph-respondent

  20. Barrister George Chu Misconduct Convicted 朱奉慈大律師專業失當罪成釘牌 South China Morning Post 12 Feb 2000 (Cliff Buddle) http://www.scmp.com/article/307891/barrister-barred-deceiving-university Lawyer Counsel Barrister George Chu Barred for Deceiving University

  21. Bowers Solicitors Negligent! Pleading Drafted By Bowers (Hong Kong Law Firm) Defective - Poon Wong Yee See (黃綺施) v Lo Sau Woon Diana (盧秀媛) [2023] HKCFI 2188 (Judge MK Liu - 21 August 2023) - 狀紙都唔識寫點解可以開律師樓 - https://legalref.judiciary.hk/lrs/common/ju/ju_frame.jsp?DIS=154538&currpage=T

  22. DVC Barrister Simon Westbrook SC Rude and Distasteful and Displaying Poor Advocacy - Said Court of Appeal in CACC19/2010

  23. 馮華健資深大律師專業失當罪成 - DVC Barrister Daniel Fung SC Convicted of Misconduct http://orientaldaily.on.cc/cnt/news/20100706/00176_015.html

  24. 梁家傑資深大律師鼓吹暴力違反香港法律大律師公會守則?https://hk.on.cc/hk/bkn/cnt/news/20190723/mobile/bkn-20190723163912339-0723_00822_001.html

  25. 方也方被吊銷大律師執業資格 - Barrister Candy Fong’s Misconduct Conviction - https://www.gld.gov.hk/egazette/pdf/20081222/egn200812223579.pdf

  26. 羅達雄大律師兩次行為失當罪成 Olympia Chambers Barrister Lawrence Law Convicted of Misconduct TWICE https://www.hk01.com/article/606734

  27. 香港律師韋業顯專業失當罪成 Solicitor Henry Wai Convicted of Misconduct https://www.hk-lawyer.org/content/wai-yip-hin-respondent

  28. 香港律師丘律邦知法犯法判監七日 Hong Kong Solicitor Leo Yau Sentenced to 7 Days’ Imprisonment.


  29. 假若 DOJ 最終以干預汽車罪檢控上庭,苦主家人以私人傳票提控誤殺,法庭會不會以禁止一罪兩審為由拒絕受理?

    1. JR the Tampering of Vehicle charge.

    2. 謝謝標少解答,不過 JR 和私人傳票一旦失敗財務風險驚人,我相信苦主家人不會走這條路

    3. 私人傳票要花很多錢的, 檢控的責任應該由政府承擔。如果這鹵莽行為也造成交通警的傷亡, 恐怕一開始就以嚴重的罪行來拘捕了。我們要看行為本身, 而不是當時關員目的是協助警員, 協助警員極其量只是求情因素。

  30. Hi, Bill Siu, glad to read your comment on the case and I have some questions:-

    1) Is an attempt to stop a moving vehicle equivalent to an arrest?
    2) Is refusing to pull over at the request of a police officer an offence of dangerous driving, an arrestable offence?
    3) If the CE's act amounted to an arrest, could this be justified by the alleged dangerous driving on the part of the biker?
    4) When the biker saw the CE officer at a distance, shouldn't he slow down or stop his bike because the road condition was not safe enough for him to continue riding? If so, is that another count of dangerous driving?
    5) If you agree that the biker rode his bike in a dangerous and irresponsible manner constituting dangerous driving, then, wasn't the risk of losing control or even sustaining serious injury foreseeable by the biker which he nonetheless went on to take? I argue that he brought his fate upon himself when he rode his bike dangerously.
    6) I argue that the gist of the case is whether CE's act amounted to a novus actus interveniens? Do you think the footage also supports the assertion that the contact between the CE officer and the biker (if any) was an accident resulting from the CE officer's dodging of the bike charging at him at high speed (considering that the bike was broken in half, I argue that the speed was high)? If so, any break of the chain of causation?
    7) Let's say the CE officer did hit the biker, how about a defense of using reasonable force against an aggressor? Please allow me to put it this way: A biker riding his bike at you at high speed, you punch him in the face with your bare hand to protect yourself.

    Finally, I think that the CE officer's decision to stop the bike by standing on the road was unwise, but... blaming him for stopping a biker riding a bike dangerously which could endanger and potentially kill others?


    1. My bad, "CE's act" should read as "CE officer's act"... sorry for the typo...


    2. in question 3... sorry...


    3. and question 6... sorry again...


    4. This case is fact sensitive. What I know is from what I watched on YouTube and it may not represent the entirety of the facts. It will be a jury's question when all the evidence is adduced in court in the eventual trial. My comments and replies are based on the limited facts I have learned.

      1. An arrest is not limited to putting your hands on someone to subdue him. An arrest consists of a series of actions. Trying to stop someone from fleeing the scene is part of an arrest. 

      2. Refusing to pull over is, on the face of it, disobeying the direction of the policeman to stop. Only the driving manner can constitute Dangerous Driving. Obeying the policeman's direction can also be dangerous driving if driving in a dangerous manner. 

      3. There is no prima facie evidence of dangerous driving here. At best, there is evidence of speeding but speeding does not equivalent to dangerous driving. It all depends on the driving manner. 

      4. You have mixed up cause and effect. In the first place, what prompted the C&E officer to attempt to stop the bike? The initial intent goes to the legitimacy of the off-duty C&E officer's action. It is apparent from what I saw, the biker swerved a little bit to dodge the C&E officer.

      5. No, I don't. I could see the C&E officer flick the biker's helmet off. I do not want to speculate on the cause of death at the moment. I take a common sense approach here. Whether it is a motorbike or cycling bike, keeping balance is very important. Any act interfering with the balance would cause the rider to fall. Your argument is not substantiated by any facts. You develop your argument based on assumptions. It is pure speculation.

      6. I see the causation differently from you. 

      7. The biker did not ride on the pavement. It was the deliberately reckless behaviour of the C&E officer who stepped onto the road to try to stop the biker. His act also endangered the safety of the traffic policeman as well as other road users in the vicinity. How about the lost-control bike also hit other pedestrians? 

  31. 根本就係草菅人命。標少言簡意賅,直說到我心坎處。不告誤殺,天理不容。
