刑事檢控專員楊家雄資深大律師會過檔高院是幾個月前就傳出的消息, 由首長第6級的刑事檢控專員地位, 升至首長第8級的高院法官, 不是金錢的分別那麼簡單, 而是地位的提升。早幾天明報專訪前終審法院首席法官李國能, 李官慨嘆人才難覓, 高院法官的收入, 遠不及私人執業的資深大律師, 如果沒有奉獻司法的心, 根本就難以吸引私人執業經驗豐富的人才。
用「無獨有偶」來形容楊家雄繼薛偉成(Zervos)成為高院法官, 這形容詞極不正確, 因為香港的刑事檢控專員在職中途或任滿申請成為高院法官, 幾乎可以講是一種傳統, 久遠的不講, 讓我們看下回歸前後這幾十年的情況, 下列9個刑事檢控專員的去向。
- 杜輝 Joseph Duffy QC(1984-1986)
- 范達理 James Findlay QC(1986-1989)
- 鄧建德 Anthony Duckett QC(署理,1989-1990)
- 胡俊康 John Wood(1990-1994)
- 阮雲道 Peter Nguyen QC(1994-1997)
- 江樂士 Ian Grenville Cross SC(1997-2009)
- 麥偉德 Ian McWalters SC(2009-2011)
- 薛偉成 Kevin Zervos SC(2011-2013
- 楊家雄 Keith Yeung Kar-hung SC(2013-2017)
在Duffy之前的刑事檢控專員Max Lucas QC, 我印象中好像是在任內心臟病發死亡的, 所以我由Duffy講起。上面列出9個刑事檢控專員, 只有3個沒有被委任為高院法官, 分別為3.Duckett, 4.Wood及6.Cross。Duckett並非正庒的刑事檢控專員, 當年英國幫和澳紐幫都不喜歡他, (本地幫毫無勢力), 所以Duckett上不到位(後來返回澳洲做官), 加上當年正值「律政風暴」爆發(我以前也寫過幾篇), 所以找了John Wood這外援來。Wood原本是英國刑事檢控部門專管詐騙案的(Fraud Office), 來到香港上任之後, 才發覺他的強項只是飲飲食食, 刑事檢控科的女性檢控官冠以「鹹、水、蛇」的花名, 即鹹濕、水皮、蛇王。我沒有被鹹濕過, 當然不能現身說法, 此君料子確實有限, 所以約滿就送走了。Cross為何當不上高院法官, 那就有勞記者去訪問他, 反正他時常在報章發表檢控的看法。可見, 刑事檢控專員過檔高院是一種傳統, 而並非明報所講「無獨有偶」。而且高院法官退休年歲比公務員長, 法官50歲以後年資是雙倍計算的, 這也是一種誘因。
同一報道, 東方日報的焦點有所不同:
東方指摘「袁國強 楊家雄未找數 律政司聘刑檢專員執爛攤」。這明顯是建制派的論調, 把延誤既歸究於袁國強和楊家雄是戴耀廷的同班同學, 也歸究於刑事檢控科存在「黃絲」的律師。這種指控隨便怎樣講都可以, 我又無需為他們爭辯, 否則又變成沒完沒了的辯論了。
Anna Lai, Simon Tam, Wesley Wong 都係大炮,但就咁睇三個嘅官運差好遠。
回覆刪除「傾向」內部晉升都好合理,話哂出面有邊個鐘意入熱廚房?揾好少做刑事嘅Tong SC可能諗得過。
Tong SC好似講過自從跑馬地紙盒藏屍案之後無再做刑事, 即是成40年無做刑事, 他不適合做DPP, 佢係都想做SJ喇。
刪除Is it William Tam you meant to say? Simon has health issue since last year. I don't know if he is still in DoJ.
刪除It seems that he has retired. I don't know he has a heart issue though but I always admire his advocacy skills, what a pity.
刪除Sorry mate, not a heart issue, a health issue instead. I do not want to divulge the detail here.
刪除It's sad to learn this. Stay healthy everyone. Leaving the DPP is a wise decision for Yeung SC.
刪除宜家傳 Tong SC 先入 ExCo 熱身嘛,祝官運亨通!
刪除simon 身體不適,已退休。
刪除Wesley, 已進升solicitor general, 地位等同DPP, 下一站傳聞是SJ
Anna 年紀不少,快將退休
冇得直接比較,Simon 同 Anna 都係中途出家。不過家陣人強馬壯,四個 DDPP 都係SC 又好打得,真唔知點揀。
刪除以SC量計算, 確實未試過有這麼多。
刪除Speaking for myself, I never liked Ian Grenville Cross SC. I find him too arrogant a person.
回覆刪除Rumours say his contract was terminated
刪除No one told me anything and I did not ask anyone either. That said, I won't say anything without reliable source. I hear a lot of things from time to time but I say little. I am not a gossiper.
刪除I can recall Ian Grenville Cross SC got into a bit of a problem in or around 2007 when he published an article entitled "Directors of Public Prosecutions Great and Small" in the Hong Kong Lawyer Magazine, belittling his predecessors' contributions to Hong Kong, etc. A local silk in private practice then wrote a "Letter to the Editor" to the Hong Kong Lawyer Magazine "telling him off". Not sure what happened next.
刪除I had then left HK and made no connection with anyone. I did not even know this.
刪除Article by DPP seen as an insult
A war of words has erupted between leading legal figures after Director of Public Prosecutions Grenville Cross was accused of belittling his predecessors and former colleagues in an article published in a legal magazine last month.
James Findlay SC, director of public prosecutions from 1986 to 1989, described Mr Cross' article in Hong Kong Lawyer magazine as 'pompous and patronising'.
Bar Association vice-chairman Clive Grossman SC also hit back at Mr Cross' portrayal of some former prosecutors as unruly or of low integrity, saying the level of the prosecutorial team over Mr Cross' tenure 'has declined markedly'.
In a reply to the South China Morning Post yesterday, Mr Cross stood by his assessment and maintained that his current team was of a high standard. He said his team's integrity was 'of the highest order, and far higher than it used to be'.
The controversial article, published in the October issue of the magazine with the title 'Directors Great and Small,' to mark Mr Cross' 10th anniversary in his post, told of the tumultuous times of his seven predecessors. Mr Cross, highlighting the biggest scandals involving prosecutors in the 1980s and early 1990s, argued that his post 'is not for those who want a quiet life, and very few emerged unscathed'.
In a strongly worded letter to the editor published in this month's magazine, Mr Findlay wrote: 'The article is both pompous and patronising. The title of the article itself suggests that some of Mr Cross' predecessors were 'small' men.
'I saw them all, apart from Mr Cross himself, managing a very difficult job. In my view, they all brought to bear their own particular skills and talents and discharged their duties with dedication and honour.'
Mr Cross described Mr Findlay, a former policeman from Rhodesia, as 'an unlikely choice' for the DPP post. He wrote that Mr Findlay did his best, but he was not a natural advocate, and his limited knowledge of prosecuting had proved to be problematic.
范達理又指,江樂士在文中指他曾遠赴英國樞密院打官司,但文中所引述的案例 [1989] AC 288,去英國的人並不是他,江樂士錯引了案例。
It was improper for Ian Granville Cross SC to write that article in that manner whilst still occupying the office of DPP. It embarrassed the whole Department of Justice and brought the whole Prosecutions Division into disrepute. If he were to write like that he should at least wait till he had left the role.
刪除Wonderful. An in-house warfare turned into a public fight.
刪除The fact that Ian Granville Cross SC saw fit to publish an article like that in the Hong Kong Lawyer whilst still in the post of DPP revealed his arrogance and poor judgment. It told us more about himself than the people he wrote about.
刪除人才難覓? 其實是不是在鬧所有人未做過高院法官的人未夠班做高院法官?
哈哈!這不是唯一的結論, 也可以說有資格有能力的人不肯接受任命。
這是事實, 但不是事實全部。總有人具備使命感, 接受這種任命, 連累老母被罵的只屬少數, 尤其涉及政治性質滋生出來的案件。罵娘也關乎那些罵人的人的質素, 不做官一樣可以被罵。而且罵粗在大學校園的認受性高了, 粗口可能已是很多人生活語言的一部份, 罵出來理所當然, 一點羞恥之心也沒有, 奈何?
刪除我真的不知, 並非你多口。近年也在內部升了不少人, 而且也打算提高各級的退休年齡。可能用現成的方便過去外面請, 所以退休之後不少人都做暫委, 有些講到是挨義氣。
刪除it just strikes me that .... 阿大的BLOG文裡面mention的諸位 David 啊 CROSS 啊 ZERVOS啊 ANNA啊 都是效忠與殺人政權的啊。 HOLY CRAP !
回覆刪除禍從口出 這下要命了, 連DOJ諸位都要通緝馬鹿了....
刪除你沉寂了一段時間又週期發作了。我認識的人, 不論是司法人員或法律圈外的朋友, 都問「馬鹿係乜嘢人?」都帶着負面的口脗, 你何必亢奮, 正如頭號通緝犯, 四處都貼着Wanted的海布, 就以為自己是名人了嗎? 你的腦筋有問題。除非你那小學雞總統Donald Trump通緝你, 我才會對你另眼相看。
Follow 咗個blog 咁耐,有冇人有興趣從已知的facts中,推考馬鹿的身分?
回覆刪除不去想他, 對他視若無睹, 他的魅影就不存在, 否則害他亢奮, 猜到他是誰, 揭破他臉皮, 又於誰有益? 放過他就是放過自己。
刪除Sorry, I am worry.
刪除打錯,I am wrong
刪除Peter兄, 馬鹿也罵過我心胸狹窄, 我給他罵醒了, 改善了。
回覆刪除飛鏢會店東狎女客覆核刑期 撤社服改囚2年
well done
Waiting to see the judgment. It is still on the low side of the scale.