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環署稱突擊巡查 黎廣德促查泄風聲





13 則留言:

  1. https://thestandnews.com/politics/%E4%B8%83%E8%AD%A6%E5%86%8D%E6%8F%90%E5%A0%82-%E6%8E%A7%E6%96%B9%E7%94%A8%E7%B6%B2%E4%B8%8A%E7%89%87%E4%BD%9C%E8%AD%89%E6%93%9A-%E6%9C%AA%E7%8D%B2%E7%84%A1%E7%B6%AB%E5%8D%94%E5%8A%A9%E8%AD%89%E7%9C%9F%E5%81%BD-%E6%B3%95%E5%AE%98%E9%97%9C%E6%B3%A8%E6%8E%A7%E6%96%B9%E6%9C%89%E5%90%A6%E5%81%9A%E8%B6%B3%E5%8A%9F%E5%A4%AB/

    【七警再提堂】控方用網上片作證據 未獲無綫協助證真偽 法官關注控方有否做足功夫


    郭官提到,留意到控方案情中提及無綫電視的新聞片段,但控方並沒證據證明片段的準確性和未曾受干擾,認為控方大可發出傳票要求相關人士提供資料。惟控方稱,控方將有10至12段來自無綫電視和其他新聞媒體的片段,內容相同,可以互相證明,又指片段屬公開資料(open source),從互聯網下載,控方曾嘗試接觸無綫的攝影師協助,但被拒絕,後指出無綫拒絕提供攝影師的身分;辯方表示會爭議片段的真確性,以及被告身份.

    ~~~ I think the judge's remark is correct. Is the prosecutor a complete idiot? Just download some clips from the Internet and expect them to pass the test of admissibility just because they support each other? How did he pass his exams on criminal procedure? It's hearsay evidence and he does not call the maker. Is he mad? Or is he trying to have all defendants acquitted on this technicality? What do you think?

  2. http://news.sina.com.hk/news/20151208/-2-4501005/1.html


    ~~~ 副刑事檢控專員梁卓然係咪弱智㗎!唔叫製片人作證佢點將條片呈堂呀? Does David Leung SC have a law degree?

    1. To be fair to David Leung, I think the uncooperative aspect of TVB must have been considered by the London Silk. I am not sure if the maker of the film is not called, the film will plainly be inadmissible? If it is not, then can it provides some corroborative value to support what the victim says? I have not touched these things for too long. What is the governing principle?

    2. A film is the narrative of its maker. If its maker does not give evidence inside the court room under oath, it becomes something like a police statement which does not contain admission - it cannot be adduced as evidence. End of story. If David Leung SC thought he could just download something from Youtube and use it as evidence, I would be questioning whether he had ever studied criminal evidence - ever. I would also be very worried about the poor quality of people in the employ of the Department of Justice. If a prosecutor can just adduce a film downloaded from Youtube and prosecute people with it, why doesn't David Leung SC use a clip from Iron Man and use it to prosecute Jeff Bridges for his attempt to murder Robert Downey Jr? Do you see the problem of using clips from the Internet as evidence?

  3. 我都覺得副刑事檢控專員梁卓然資深大律師完全唔識法律. 網上下載嘅片段就咁就呈堂?佢黐線㗎?用寒戰片段刑事檢控郭富誠好無?傻㗎佢?

    1. Without disrespect, I wonder if you guys read HKSAR v. LEE CHI FAI AND OTHERS CACC 99/2002. I believe the prosecution will adopt the ratio in this case when films were downloaded from the internet or from ATV website and to be produced at the trial of both of the 7 policemen and Tsang Kin Chiu.

    2. A Kwok knew the case because he was the trial judge in that case as well. D Leung knew the case because he was the advocate for that case as well. Difference: There were experts.

    3. I think expert is not of much assistance here. The case cited precedence relating to dealing with video tape. In the present instance, it should be digital matters. In no way any expert can tell if there has been edition digitally. I just wish to point out there is room for argument whether these films are admissible instead of criticising David Leung SC being plainly in error.

  4. Wife caught her husband and his girlfriend in a bed,

    The first video


    Second video


    They can not be separated

    It looks like the lady is his wife girlfriends. . .

    1. There are many things happening worldwide. I cannot read and watch everything.

  5. Is this true love? The man protected mistress in front of his wife, the wife was so angry and hit them, even made a video post in a weibo.

    Sure their marry will end very soon....

    1. Did you leave the comment at the wrong place? I do not provide love or marriage counselling.

    2. No, just give you some view of family affairs.

      You must interest provide this: 共同撫養權/共同監護權 instead of 只判處一方的撫養權/監護權

      If the woman show this video in the court....
      What will happen?

      If in HK, sure she will be arrest.
