

上星期五(18/12/2015)超過2000人在布理斯班市中心聖佐治廣場舉行集會,抗議昆士蘭上訴庭把Gerard Baden-Clay的謀殺定罪改判為誤殺。電視畫面所見,一片黃雨傘、黃帽、黃T恤、黃色的抗議牌。别誤會,這不是感染了香港的雨傘運動,也不是一場政治運動。示威者的訴求有幾項:關注家暴、要求廢除/修改法例及要求政府向聯邦最高法院上訴,還原謀殺定罪。


死者Alison Baden-Clay是上訴人Gerard Baden-Clay的妻子,2012年4月19日失蹤,屍體在4月30日被發現倒臥在離家13公里的橋底,相信窒息致死。上訴人對殺妻一概否認,控方最強的證據是上訴人面上的傷痕,控方認為是死者被殺時掙扎抓傷上訴人,上訴人解釋面上的傷痕是怱忙間剃鬚造成。上訴庭認為陪審團有權對這些傷痕推斷為上訴人殺害死者時死者掙扎造成,陪審團也有權對上訴人説謊及事後若無其事而裁定死者被上訴人所殺,但是,控方案情欠缺預謀殺人的動機和證據,故此不能支持謀殺的法律有關"intent"這概念。上訴庭3位法官一致裁定謀殺定罪不穩妥,故此改判誤殺。



Australian senator Glenn Lazarus, who spoke at the rally, used his time to call for changes to the law.

"When the people, the law makers, the law changers ... when they see the response that the community has come here with today they will have a real serious look and hopefully get some stiffer penalties involved with domestic violence," he told the crowd.

Child safety advocate Bruce Morcombe, whose son Daniel was murdered in 2003, told the crowd fundamental change was needed.

"We expect the judicial system to move with the times, they have to, because we all need to maintain the genuine belief that our legal system works," he said.

"Equally, our laws must move with the times, community attitudes change, then the laws must change."


R v Baden-Clay [2015] QCA 265(Queensland Court of Appeal judgment)

4 則留言:

  1. http://hk.apple.nextmedia.com/news/art/20151223/19422678
    官指難置信 卻接納解釋
    如果唔接納, 之後上訴打甩機會大?

    1. NO chance. For disqualification, the defendant should appear in court and must have been told about the length and he was required to surrender his valid driving licence. The proceeding was recorded and can be listened back. I would not believe a word he said.

  2. 大家係咪有點誤會?係接納求情理由,唔係辯解理由。

    1. You are quite right because he pleaded guilty to several of the charges. Still, if he puts forward such a mitigation, it is up to him to prove the mitigation and not for the prosecution to negate it. If the magistrate accepts this mitigation, he will reflect it on sentence. If he rejects it, then the penalty will be more severe.
