

警:朱經緯毆打「證屬實」 徵刑檢意見




馬恩國﹕或屬合理武力 涂謹申﹕可從傷害衡量



非同時索兩科意見 張達明質疑雙重標準







15 則留言:

  1. 五談未經緯案

    Pls change the topic

  2. http://hk.apple.nextmedia.com/news/art/20130223/18174319

    不理解案例 錯漏百出 屢遭澳洲法官質問 大律師馬恩國 出庭變出醜







    Lawyer Counsel Barrister Lawrence Ma (Ma Yan Kwok) is a complete idiot.

    1. 馬恩國大律師係一個笑話。香港大律師公會根本就唔應該容許馬恩國執業。

  3. http://the-sun.on.cc/cnt/news/20140618/00408_003.html

    爆粗大狀馬恩國專業失當罪成停牌 - Counsel Lawrence Ma Guilty of Professional Misconduct and Suspended

    舊年二月喺立法會一個聽證會上,大律師馬恩國 (Lawyer Lawrence Ma) 因為以英文粗口鬧爆議員「長毛」梁國雄而遭投訴,大律師公會 (Hong Kong Bar Association) 隨即對佢進行紀律研訊。研訊前後搞咗年幾,馬大狀上周四終於收到公會嘅書面通知,判罰佢就「爆粗」事件停牌一個月,兼繳清研訊涉及嘅律師費用,相信十幾二十萬元一定走唔甩。馬大狀就自嘲即日暫改稱「釘牌大狀」。

  4. Dear Bill,

    I have read this blog as well as your earlier blog 檢控權 and am a bit confused. In the above Mingpao article, it said "據了解,警方今次轉向律政司刑事檢控科徵詢法律意見,了解案件作刑事檢控的理據是否足夠,以決定是否檢控。" It sounds like it is the police, instead of DoJ, to decide whether to prosecute 朱經緯. Say for example, if the DoJ gives opinion that there is sufficient evidence for prosecution, can the Police decides not to follow DoJ's advice and not go ahead with the charge?
    Or, in a more general sense, if for a particular (high profile) case the police decides after investigation not to seek DoJ advice and not to prosecute, can the DPP proactively request the police to pass the materials to him for deciding whether to prosecute?


    1. I can only talk generally. When a case file is prepared by the police intending to seek legal advice (from the Prosecution Division), the file contains a covering report together with the witness statements etc. The police have certainly formed some views e.g. whether there is sufficient evidence to lay charge/ appropriateness of the charge/ venue of trial. Counsel in DoJ will express some view and make recommendation. At times, there may be disagreement but it rarely happens. Eventually, the police will follow the advice because DoJ is the government legal adviser. In the instant case, I don't know what advice the police specifically seek. If the police are not sure whether there is sufficient evidence to proceed with the charge of Common Assault and DoJ has decided the charge should be laid, then the police will lay the charge. If, like I said, the police want to see if a warning suffices to deal with Chu and DoJ agrees, then that course of action will be taken. If so decided, the Secretary for Justice will be answerable to queries in the Legco.

      It is not uncommon for DoJ to take initiative to ask the police to submit their file, be it high profile or low profile. For example, a simple shop theft case does not require legal advice and the police can just charge the defendant and bring the case to court. The legal representative of the defendant may write to DoJ to see if the charge can be dropped and the defendant be bound over. DoJ will take the initiative to ask the police to submit the case file for such a consideration. Normally for a high profile case even with public interest, when no charge has been laid, DoJ seldom takes initiative to ask for the police file to decide whether to prosecute or not. Being the government legal adviser does not mean DoJ is superior than the police. She should refrain from interfering with normal police work. If the Chief Executive asks DoJ to look at the matter, then it will be very different.

    2. Dear Bill,

      Thanks so much for your reply. From what you said, it appears that in practice a prosecution will happen ONLY IF there are concurrent agreements by the police and the DoJ. If either one disagree (for the police, by not sending file to DoJ; for DoJ, by giving negative opinion to prosecute when police seek legal advice), prosecution cannot take place. So strictly speaking, 檢控權 is shared between Police and DoJ - consent by police (or other law-enforcing agency) is the "prerequisite" of the DoJ's 檢控權.

      If that is the case, then the public has to rely on the police (or other law-enforcing agency)'s self conscience to deal fairly and without bias when deciding whether to effectively "veto" the prosecution of cases involving their own colleagues (esp. senior colleagues). There will be conflict of interest and don't seems right to me.


    3. Well, I do not conclude in the manner you did.

      I think in my blog titled 檢控權 posted on 3/11/2015, this issued was canvassed. You can see there are two tiers of prosecution decisions. At the magistracy level, the majority of cases are instituted without going through DoJ for advice. In reality, there are the court prosecutors (from DoJ) who take care of the magistrate court cases. If the prosecutors feel that there is problem with the case, they will discuss with the police to rectify the mistake or in more complicated cases, refer to DoJ for advice. So you can say the majority of such cases do not go through DoJ as such for legal advice. You can also say it is the police's decision to institute the proceeding.

      In more serious matters when the trial takes place in District Court or High Court, it will definitely go to DoJ for advice and further procedure. Very rarely would there be disagreement because it is difficult for the police to override their legal adviser's decision. The final decision rest with DoJ. That said, there are very delicate situations when disagreement arises. Even different counsel may have different views. In the end, DoJ makes the final decision.

      In the event that when a victim goes to the police to make report of a crime and the police feel that no offence is disclosed and refuse to open a criminal investigation file, then it is definitely the discretion of the police to decide at the outset. Refuse to act or cover up their own colleague's misdeed is not easy because we have many other avenues to voice grievances or complain. Don't forget we still have the fifth estate, the very powerful press these days. When such matters are in the limelight, the police have to act.

      Of course, one cannot rule out the scenario that the police wish to proceed and DoJ wishes to abandon. The extreme of such an example can be seen in the blog I wrote about Edward Christopher Harris dated 7/2/2011. The police felt aggrieved and leaked information to the press and reversed the non prosecution decision. There is check and balance.

  5. 【有冤情】外賣女工被指無牌販賣 遭食署攔截痛苦慘叫





    so funny and disappear news, please give your opinion.

    1. Not easy to comment. There are people who bring along lunch boxes to sell to students without prior order. They act like hawkers. In this case, it won't be difficult for the police to investigate. If the students phoned the food factory to place order, I suppose there is phone record. I saw this kind of thing before, especially outside the construction sites. Never accept one sided story too readily.

    2. Never accept one sided story too readily.

      Read this to learn your way.

  6. 介紹一套好看的日本片,
    天使之刃 ---------關於日本少年法, 對未成年人的檢控等等




