

離任前訂新規 為繼任人掃雷






(8.9.2013 明報)

(8.9.2013 明報)



2 則留言:

  1. I am more interested in the issue of "警方在制度上必須尊重刑事檢控專員的決定,但往往會抱怨專員太仔細把關,令調查及檢控時間變得很長,局部檢控也易招惹選擇性執法的質疑。", as I have heard both ICAC and the Police gave a lot of pressure to Prosecution Division after their 'thorough' investigation.

    It is entrenched in the Basic Law that the prosecutorial power lies in the hands of DoJ. Do you think the power of this constitutional provision is weaken?

    Also I got a question about Art. 63, it says the Department of Justice shall control criminal prosecutions, free from any interference. But the boss of DoJ is the SJ, and he is politically appointed. Do you think Hong Kong should have a independent DPP instead of the current system?

    1. Jack,

      I can understand your concern here about the law enforcement agencies' keen attitude to proceed with their cases. I think DoJ works with them as partners. DoJ should take into consideration their concerns. Just like there is a victim of crime pledge. Though victim of crime does not equate to the law enforcement agencies and DoJ, I would take the attitude of them into consideration when a decision is made.

      Your second question as to whether the constitutional provision is weakened, I am really unable to judge. I have left HK for too long.

      Your concern about Art 63 was in fact discussed in《陳玉峰事件終結篇》 dated 15 May 2013 when the learned reader SL left comments. You can re-visit this blog to have a look. I prefer an independent DPP. It is then a question of how we can ensure his/her independence, a very delicate matter not easy to measure.
