

"我看過你的BLOG的"升官制度", 想問: 

任懿君法官自從於Dato Tan Leong Min vs The Insider Dealing Tribunal 1997 一案中被 Sears J猛烈批評, 為什麼還能留在司法界? 及至在2004 Nina Kung vs Wang Din Shin 幾個終審法官再猛烈批評, 此高院法官的判辭內容把家翁王廷歆一方的陳辭「搬字過紙」, 但仍然能夠繼續成為法官, 這是什麼道理?




(6) 法官只可因他無力履行其職責(不論是否因其體力或智力衰弱或其他因由所致)或因其行為不檢而被免職,但須按照第(7)、(8)或(9)款的規定被免職。(第484章第14條第6款)。


(1) 如有人向終審法院首席法官作出申述,指某司法人員無能力執行其職責或行為不當,終審法院首席法官可將收到的申述的詳情通知該人員;如終審法院首席法官作出該項通知,他須同時要求該人員在終審法院首席法官指明的合理期間內,以書面陳述該人員為自辯而所據的理由。

我不清楚讀者單單提任懿君出來講的原因,但事實上Dato Tan Leong Min vs The Insider Dealing Tribunal 案聽審司法覆核的Sears確實把任懿君罵得很不客氣,他們當時其實同為高院法官。我印象中終審法院在龔如心案反而沒有批評得比Sears 嚴厲。但無論如何批評,只不過是能力的問題,並非嚴重到要免職。任命甚麼人都有可能用錯,是終身職就不易罷免。繼續任命,理所當然。現在在高等法院或以下的各級法院都存在這種問題。況且,終審法院龔如心案的判決也未見得無械可擊。Sears的判決也同樣受上訴庭嚴厲批評,故此無需驚訝。

3 則留言:

  1. I recall there was a tribunal formed during the governorship of Chris Pattern for considering in removing a District Court judge. The said judge claimed some foreign parties tried to influence his judicial decision-making. But shortly after the tribunal was formed, the said judge resigned.

    I also understand that at least there was one case in considering to remove a judge from office after 1997. However, in the said case, even before the tribunal was formed, the judge resigned.

    On an incidental matter, in FALCON PRIVATE BANK LIMITED v BORRY BERNARD EDOUARD CHARLES LIMITED & ANOTHER, a CFI judge was found by the Court of Appeal for being bias against counsel of one party and the Court of Appeal setting aside all orders made by the judge and remitted the case to be heard before another CFI judge. I recall this is the first time in history that a CFI/ High Court judge found to be bias against a party. Bill, correct me if I am wrong.

    Judgment can be found in this link:


    1. I know the first case you mentioned. It related to drinking problem. Not too sure the second case you mentioned.

      I am not sure the appeal case you referred me to is the only such case since there are always more than one reason for a decision to be overturned. In the appeal, Kwan JA concluded there was a real possibility of bias and I can see it was on the basis that the CFI judge's criticism of counsel and solicitor's professional integrity.

  2. Many tanks Bill for pointing out my mistake about the first case. Also sorry that I was not able to express myself clearly in my previous post.
