澳洲工黨議員Craig Thomson公帑召妓,用工會的信用咭結賬,另涉公款10萬不知所踪,因內部派系鬥争給抖了出來,事件很有可能把民望極低的工黨政府拖垮。工黨明知Craig Thomson虧空公款,也不敢動他,投鼠忌器,希望淡化事件之後才對他開刀。Craig Thomson召妓,比當年立法局議員潘志輝自掏腰包,上深水埗公寓幫襯街坊妓女,離譜得多。他隱瞞事件手法低劣,推諉說信用咭被別人盜用,又不肯說出何人用信用咭召妓結帳。這件毫無疑問的刑事案,一直膠着糾纏不清,如果發生在香港,警察或亷署一早拘控了他。更加可笑的是不論執政黨或反對黨,都有議員出來呼籲,給予Thomson精神上的支持,看看SMH今天的報導
MPs on both sides want Thomson to be treated gently
Jessica Wright
IN A rare show of bipartisanship(兩黨同心) over the continuing Craig Thomson affair, both government and opposition MPs have asked that the embattled MP be shown empathy(易地而處).
A Liberal MP told The Sun-Herald while the opposition believed its attack on Mr Thomson's political conduct was valid and would not let up while questions over the alleged misuse of a union credit card went unanswered, Coalition MPs and senators had little appetite for ''the total persecution and destruction of the man''
''The fact of the matter is, in this place and with the media spotlight so fickle(變幻莫測), any one of us can come under extraordinary heat if the conditions are right,'' the MP said.
The Sun-Herald understands Labor has taken pains to ensure Mr Thomson and his family have open access to support services if they felt this is necessary, including setting up an MP ''buddy system'' for the member for Dobell ''in case he just wants a chat''.(extract from Sydney Morning Herald 28/8/2011)
澳洲政客的憨態,實在坦白得可憐,不敢對Thomson苦苦相逼,是怕他朝有日,自己的髒事也抖出來,希望先種點善因。"Any one of us can come under extraordinary heat if the conditions are right"這話可圈可點,一丘之貉,不敢五十笑百。在我看來,要開解Thomson醜聞的鬱結,給他祈禱輔導,不及再花點公帑,再給他召妓。忽然間他可憐兮兮的,竟然有人同情起來。
議員耗費公帑,中飽私囊,手法低劣可笑。召妓竟可以工會信用咭來結帳,真的沒想過會留下數碼足印(digital trail)?真的要虧空公帑,就不要留下罪證,應該用現金交易,乾淨利落,不留痕跡。