Breivik judge caught playing solitaire
June 5, 2012
OSLO: One of the five judges in the trial against Anders Behring Breivik, who killed 77 people in twin attacks in Norway last year, was caught on camera playing solitaire online during proceedings yesterday.
In a screen capture published on the website of newspaper Verdens Gang, one of the three lay judges hearing the case, Ernst Henning Eielsen, can be seen playing the card game on his computer as a Swedish professor testifies to the court.
"The judges are attentively following what is being said and what is being presented to the court," an Oslo court spokeswoman, Irene Ramm, said.
"There are different ways of staying focused," Ramm said, adding that Eielsen did not deny having played a game of cards.
On July 22, 2011, Breivik first bombed a government building in Oslo, killing eight people, before going on a shooting rampage on the nearby island of Utoeya where the ruling Labour Party's youth wing was hosting a summer camp.
He killed 69 people in his island massacre, most of them teens, with the youngest having just celebrated her 14th birthday.
(5/6/2012 Sydney Morning Herald)
一時間想不出最切題的標題,直接了當講應該是一邊審案一邊玩機。冗長的審訊,確實難熬,如果法官抵不住睡魔誘惑而doze off,尚且情有可愿。涉及77條命的大屠殺,怎樣審被告也不會重獲自由。在審訊前由法庭安排診斷的兩份精神醫生報告,對被告評估迥異,第一份說他患有偏執型精神分裂(paranoid schizophrenia),第二份指他犯案時沒有精神病(psychotic)。說他有精神病而犯案,挪威人民怎能接受,所以才有second opinion。
30年前,精神病人李志衡衝人深水埗元州邨的安安幼稚園揮刀斬人,造成6死44傷的慘劇,精神報告也說他適合答辯(fit to plead)。沒有醫生願背這黑鑊,就把球踢給法庭。
Breivik這件案舉世觸目,法官怎能掉以輕心,一面玩機一面聽審,侮辱了莊嚴的法律制度,蔑視死者家人朋友的哀痛。這種行為,法理難容。Breivik不外乎只有兩個下場,如果法庭認為他犯案時精神健全,便判他有罪;相反,認為他沒有犯案意圖(mens rea),就判他無罪,但強制判令他入精神病院,渡過餘生。
約20年前,高院法官O'Dea在審案時公然看小說,審訊到了第5天,辯方律師按捺不住要求撤換法官,他拒絕了。後來向當時的首席法官楊鐵樑投訴,O'Dea這火箭人黯然罷官,返回羊比人多10倍的新西蘭。當時是在陪審團退席下進行的voir dire(決定是否接納被告的警誡口供),O'Dea是釘官,接納警誡口供的機會大,所以辯方藉此要他disqaulify自己,如果碰到大律師Thomas Iu,可以向他求證,他代表其中一個被告,其他控辯雙方的人,我已記不起了。
怎樣彰顯法治,除了大義凜然,還要身體力行,lip service的那種偽善,騙不到人。