前女友「失憶」 警員涉毆打甩身
控方質疑,孔於今年1月,曾因被一名女子來電滋擾而報警求助,當時她仍能到警署錄口供,但孔昨解釋只記得當時「有好多人搵我,成日出入警署,但唔知乜事」。控方後來要求休庭,其後即提出不提證供起訴該4項控罪。 (13/6/2012明報)
女證人採取不合作態度,上庭扮失憶,又不肯翻閱口供紙,導致被告脫罪,很明顯背後有人搞小動作,做了一些妨礙司法公正的事。如果她作供時徧離原本的證供,變成敵對證人(hostile witness),或者扮失憶,都是試圖使被告脫罪的拙劣方法。甚麼才是上策,我不會在此討論。遇到這種失憶證人,控方沒有其他證據,唯有撤銷控罪。在案件的審理過程中,主控官先不要洩氣,起碼可以警告證人,上庭失憶,法官可以以簡易程序判她藐視法庭。標少又要講古了。
1995年楊受成被控刑事恐嚇(criminal intimidation)及非法禁錮(false imprisonment)林義鈞,因後者從英皇集團跳槽往謝氏投資公司。案件由Paul Kelly主審。林義鈞及其他4名證人全部失憶,主控官向法官申請把林轉為敵對證人,並且盤問他,最後控方因沒有證據指證楊受成,以至no case to answer。Paul Kelly給林義鈞解釋失憶的機會及讓他聘請律師作法律上的陳述,最後引用裁判官條例(Cap 227)第21條第4款
(4) 如任何人自願或遵照傳票指示到裁判官席前,或藉手令或其他方法而被帶到裁判官席前後拒絕宣誓,或雖有宣誓,但無確當辯解而拒絕回答向他提出有關事項的問題,裁判官可憑其親筆簽署及蓋印的手令,命令將他監禁12個月(除非他在此期間同意宣誓及就有關事項作答),或判處該人繳付不超過$5000的罰款。 (見表格17)(由1958年第30號附表修訂;由1968年第6號第2條修訂;由1981年第51號第3條修訂;由1981年第59號第2條修訂)
15. In my view, the power conferred upon the Magistrate to punish a witness under s.21(4) is in addition to his Common Law power to commit a person in a summary way for contempt of court. This power serves two purposes : first, to ensure the due administration of justice, and second, to preserve the Court's dignity and the efficacy of its process. There is little difference between committing a contempt in the face of the court, such as throwing something at the Magistrate, and refusing without just excuse to answer questions put to him during the course of a trial. In the one case, it is disrespectful to the Magistrate by throwing things at him and in the other case, it is disrespectful to him by flouting his order. In both cases, it puts not only the dignity of the Court but also the administration of justice at risk. If there is any difference, I should think that the latter case is more serious because it is not only directed at the Magistrate himself but also goes to the very root of our system. In both cases, I have no doubt that the matter must be seriously dealt with and that the Magistrate has the power, one under Common Law and the other under statute, to deal with the matter himself. (The Queen and Lam Yih Jiun, Michael HCMA791/1995)
用簡易程序處理藐視法庭事件,為的是彰顯公義及確保法庭審案時尊嚴不損。以這件案案情顯示,被告4度上門推撞證人,怎能夠任憑證人以失憶為理由拒絕作供而草草了事,失憶完全不是合理藉口(just excuse),主控官沒有申請把女證人轉為敵對證人的話,恐怕有失職之嫌。