

唐廉署備案 梁﹕賊喊捉賊

稱防暴隊論來自行會 發律師信促為「誹謗」道歉





唐﹕倘有誹謗 歡迎梁告我



3 則留言:

  1. Bill,

    It appears that he went to make a complaint about the making of a false statement by another candidate. If so the ICAC should be investigating for a possible violation of Cap 554.

    1. L,

      Thank you for pointing this out. The possible violation should be S.26 Cap 554 then, (pasted below)

      (1) A person engages in illegal conduct at an election if the person publishes a materially false or misleading statement of fact about a particular candidate or particular candidates for the purpose of promoting or prejudicing the election of the candidate or candidates.
      (2) A candidate engages in illegal conduct at an election if the candidate publishes a materially false or misleading statement of fact about the candidate or candidates with whom the candidate is associated, or about another candidate or other candidates, for the purpose of-

      (a) promoting the election of the candidate or candidates with whom the candidate is associated; or
      (b) prejudicing the election of the other candidate or candidates.
      (3) For the purposes of this section, statements about a candidate or candidates include (but are not limited to) statements concerning the character, qualifications or previous conduct of the candidate or candidates.
      (4) In a prosecution for an offence of having engaged in illegal conduct under subsection (1) or (2), it is a defence to prove that the defendant believed on reasonable grounds that the statement was true at the time when it was made.

      Subsection (1) is most relevant. If so, CY Leung was denying the statement by saying that it was a false statement. Does a denial constitute the publishing of a false statement then? Has Henry Tang actually put the cart before the horse? If I am facing an allegation and I deny and further say it is a frame up, does it amount to publishing a false statement?

      From the news report, Tang also said he had asked his lawyer to send a letter to CY Leung asking him to withdraw the defamatory statement and apologise. It is consistent with a defamation lawsuit. That was why I formed a view that he was talking about defamation.

      It may appear I have taken side. It may be true. On the other hand, Henry Tang is such a laughing stock. I just cannot resist the temptation of writing about his stupidity and ludicrousness.

  2. L,

    In furtherance of what I said above, seeing the matter from another angle. If Tang thinks that the denial of Leung and the counter accusation of frame up constitutes a violation against Cap 554 S.26(1), then it will be an offence to be investigated by the ICAC. There cannot be any withdrawal of what was said couple with an apology. A criminal offence in law is committed and cannot be undone. There cannot be any private settlement. It further ehances my way of thought about a civil case of defamation. Either way, Tang is bad for stupidity.
