




(22/1/2012 明報節錄)

標少喜歡罵人,也經常批評法官,但不以罵人為樂,罵的時候,不單只有理據,也需要證據。教授治學態度理應嚴謹慎重,未必穩重敦厚,也不要隨口胡謅。教授是上慣電視做慣秀的人,有時說溜了口也難免。但教授這次連珠炮發,不單只罵了幾次狗,還罵王八蛋、賤、要抽等,那就不是一時說溜口了,而是定了腹稿加上臨時奮亢的言論。既然講出口,是心底話,就堅持到底,不要藏頭露尾做烏龜。如果是過度奮亢,後悔講錯,就應堂堂正正站出來道歉。而不是栽贓式的諉過他人,除非在網上流傳那段片,又是祖國制造仿真度高的冒牌貨。自己說的話,怎可以變成南方報系歪曲的報導?教授的老祖宗是孔夫子,不是David Copperfield,講過的話魔術也變不走。孔子英文叫Confucius,不是confusion,孔教授莫非是confusion的後人,擅於混淆視聽。



4 則留言:

  1. i have also written an article on this: http://tsoamateur.blogspot.com/2012/01/hong-konger-british-dog-with-dragon.html

    well, after all, he is not a no - body but a professor at Beijing University and an alleged 73rd generation of descendant of Confucius, what he said more or less reflects the anxiety of the Mainland to integrate HK into China, rendering OCTS as nothing.

  2. Hi Bill and Tso,

    I've had the previlege of reading both blogs, although my Chinese is probably not as refined as my English, but it does seem that this incident has become very overblown, with in fact a lot of offshore media also having a go at this.

    The professor, however grand or even if he was Confucius himself, worries me in the fact that his students look up to him for advice and knowledge and that he is passing such values onto the next generation, isn't that just adding fuel to the fire?

    Also, as much as Hong Kong is now part of China, has Hong Kong not tried to adapt to China with more and more students learning Mandarin, these things will take time, just like the fact that it could be possible that one day Hong Kong will use the RMB as well. But Mainlanders still treat visiting Hong Kong like they are visiting another country, they should then not expect to be spoken to in perfect Mandarin. It would be like us visiting Spain expecting to be spoken in English, and when the locals do attempt to converse in English, we then laugh at them for speaking English poorly.

    Tso does bring up a good point in that yes, there is a difference between the behavours of people who grew up in developed countries and those from China, but that would be a huge generalization for a country of over a billion people. It will take generations for behavours to change, just like how Western countries spent generations to develop. China has spent the last few years following in the footstep of capitalisation, let's hope they follow in the footsteps of behaviours as well.

    I think the anxiety between the Mainlanders and Hong Kong residents are born partially by jealous on both sides, Mainlanders with the fact that they view Hong Kong as a more geniune country, and Hong Kong jealous of the wealth that Mainlanders are currently enjoying.

  3. Anonymous and William,

    The world is smaller now with the internet connection. I do not want to flare up hostility. I limited my comment to what the professor said televised. For the speaking of Mandarin, I do not want to comment. It is a difficult topic. I only agree in part with what William said. I have no objection to a gradual integration language wise.

    One country two systems for 50 years is only a sham. I did not believe it and I still do not now. It is only a number long enough for people to gradually tune in without knowing. Be it a natural course of event or infiltration to make it come true, in the end the number is meaningless. It is just like dissuading楊過from jumping down the cliff by saying 小龍女was saved by 南海神尼and will be brought back to him after 16 years. It was a tact to calm down the sorrowful mind of the young man. 50 years without change is analogous to the 16 years of wait, a delaying tactics to mist your eyes.

    Jealousy, without doubt, is one of the reasons for both camps to hate each other. The extravagance of people accidentally become rich with mammoth wealth disproportionate to their flair one may expect to see not only reddens the eyes of some HK people but also generates a sense of contempt. Yet, the stark contrast of mainlander scrambling for welfare is another extreme to create hatred. It also takes time to absorb and accept.

    What we don’t need is insulting comments from a professor of a prestigious university. The sheer stupidity and the devoid of substance demonstrate the shallowness of his core value. I say no more.

  4. Hi Anonymous and Bill,

    Of course, i wouldn't go as far as all Chineses jump the line or urinate on the streets because in the world of social science (if it can be called a 'science' at all), scientific methods may not be totally applicable. What i do say is that it is rather the culture that plague Chinese.

    Of course, I have been living in Canada for a while and have witnessed Canadian beggar urinating even in the subway but Canadian culture as a whole and at least the Canadians that are rich enough to go out and travel wouldn't have done that.

    So for the Chinese nouveau riches, they seem to be left with the peasant culture where self - discipline and self - control are still lacking.
