上訴襲擊罪 呈自製文件推翻
被告Brian Alfred Hall(35歲)早前在區院經審訊後,被控3項妨礙司法公正及1項使用假文書副本罪成,法官葉佐文將案押後至下周四(12日)求情。
販毒判囚18年 兩被加刑
警方於09年7月30日搜查被告囚室,檢獲大量文件,包括涉案假的口供及醫學報告, 當中醫學報告沒有寫明日期及作者,僅得被告名字及囚犯號碼。政府化驗師指出,報告副本或由剪貼其他影印本製成。警方於同年10月26日拘捕被告,警誡下指呈交予任官文件均由署方提供,又指警方或懲教署「生安白造」。
Brian Alfred Hall在1998年6月23日因承認販運毒品被判監18年,2004年6月2日被指在赤柱監獄襲擊懲教署職員,2005年6月3日被裁判官Tim Casewell定罪後加監6個月,他不服定罪提出上訴,由重聘為暫委法官的已退休高院首席法官梁紹中聽審,駁回上訴。終審法院2009年7月8日批准上訴,撤銷控罪。主判辭由包致金撰寫,重點是有關控方對辯方披露資料的責任,引用了聯合集團李明治案(HKSAR v. Lee Ming Tee (No.2) (2003) 6 HKCFAR 336),非常設法官Anthony Mason在判辭中所講的披露責任。
For the rationale, status, nature and scope of the prosecution’s duty of disclosure in Hong Kong, one needs only to consult the judgment which Sir Anthony Mason NPJ gave, and with which the other members of the Court agreed, in HKSAR v. Lee Ming Tee (No.2) (2003) 6 HKCFAR 336. Particular attention should be drawn to the following propositions contained in that judgment.
3. Even if not attributable to any breach by the prosecutor of his duty of disclosure, the non-disclosure to the defence of relevant material can result in material irregularity and an unsafe conviction : pp 382J-383A. The prosecution’s duty of disclosure is “based on the defendant’s common law right to a fair trial and on the principle of openness” : p.386 I. This common law right of defendants is provided with constitutional underpinning by arts 39 and 87 of the Basic Law and art.11(2) of the Bill of Rights : p.387B-G. The prosecution’s duty to disclose relevant material is preceded by a duty to “ascertain” what relevant material exists : p.390I. And that is not limited to relevant material in the possession or control of the investigating agency concerned. It extends to such material “in the possession or control of any other government department or agency if there are particular circumstances suggesting that it may have such material” : p.391B-C. As to the scope of the duty, it is explained (at p.391D-E) that :
“The prosecution’s duty is to disclose to the defence relevant material (including information) which may undermine its case or advance the defence case. The duty is not limited to the disclosure of admissible evidence. Information not itself admissible may lead by a train of inquiry to evidence which is admissible : R v. Preston [1994] 2 AC 130 at pp 163-164, per Lord Mustill. And material which is not admissible may be relevant and useful for cross-examination of a prosecution witness on credit.”
The foregoing are the reasons why the appeal was allowed at the conclusion of the hearing to quash the appellant’s conviction for common assault. It should be mentioned that counsel for the respondent very properly declined to support this conviction and, indeed, offered helpful arguments for quashing it. The lesson taught by this disturbing case is that the arrangements made by prosecutors to ensure compliance with their obligations of disclosure must be kept under regular review and operated with constant vigilance.
主控官立場公正,獲法官讚許是一樁美事。但自己準備不足,又乘機取媚,令人鄙夷,可惜這種情況,我也不是第一次見到。被告提出一份剪裁過的偽冒文件,來指責控方沒有向他披露,主控官在檔案中找不到該文件,為何不會對文件的真實性置疑。況且被告獲得文件的講法簡直是天方夜談( The appellant first saw them, by chance, in late September or early October 2007 during an interview at the prison hospital in relation to another matter),只有愚昧的人才會相信。終院當然也不能卸責。當陳振聰以同樣觀點指責華懋沒有披露證人口供,終院卻自圓其說駁回上訴,豈非給人一種主觀而欠公正的印象。如果說這件案可能是首宗以虛假文件成功上訴的案,那麼四張草紙奪取遺產的那一件,不是早它幾年嗎?
上訴襲擊罪 呈自製文件推翻
被告Brian Alfred Hall(35歲)早前在區院經審訊後,被控3項妨礙司法公正及1項使用假文書副本罪成,法官葉佐文將案押後至下周四(12日)求情。
販毒判囚18年 兩被加刑
警方於09年7月30日搜查被告囚室,檢獲大量文件,包括涉案假的口供及醫學報告, 當中醫學報告沒有寫明日期及作者,僅得被告名字及囚犯號碼。政府化驗師指出,報告副本或由剪貼其他影印本製成。警方於同年10月26日拘捕被告,警誡下指呈交予任官文件均由署方提供,又指警方或懲教署「生安白造」。
Brian Alfred Hall在1998年6月23日因承認販運毒品被判監18年,2004年6月2日被指在赤柱監獄襲擊懲教署職員,2005年6月3日被裁判官Tim Casewell定罪後加監6個月,他不服定罪提出上訴,由重聘為暫委法官的已退休高院首席法官梁紹中聽審,駁回上訴。終審法院2009年7月8日批准上訴,撤銷控罪。主判辭由包致金撰寫,重點是有關控方對辯方披露資料的責任,引用了聯合集團李明治案(HKSAR v. Lee Ming Tee (No.2) (2003) 6 HKCFAR 336),非常設法官Anthony Mason在判辭中所講的披露責任。
For the rationale, status, nature and scope of the prosecution’s duty of disclosure in Hong Kong, one needs only to consult the judgment which Sir Anthony Mason NPJ gave, and with which the other members of the Court agreed, in HKSAR v. Lee Ming Tee (No.2) (2003) 6 HKCFAR 336. Particular attention should be drawn to the following propositions contained in that judgment.
3. Even if not attributable to any breach by the prosecutor of his duty of disclosure, the non-disclosure to the defence of relevant material can result in material irregularity and an unsafe conviction : pp 382J-383A. The prosecution’s duty of disclosure is “based on the defendant’s common law right to a fair trial and on the principle of openness” : p.386 I. This common law right of defendants is provided with constitutional underpinning by arts 39 and 87 of the Basic Law and art.11(2) of the Bill of Rights : p.387B-G. The prosecution’s duty to disclose relevant material is preceded by a duty to “ascertain” what relevant material exists : p.390I. And that is not limited to relevant material in the possession or control of the investigating agency concerned. It extends to such material “in the possession or control of any other government department or agency if there are particular circumstances suggesting that it may have such material” : p.391B-C. As to the scope of the duty, it is explained (at p.391D-E) that :
“The prosecution’s duty is to disclose to the defence relevant material (including information) which may undermine its case or advance the defence case. The duty is not limited to the disclosure of admissible evidence. Information not itself admissible may lead by a train of inquiry to evidence which is admissible : R v. Preston [1994] 2 AC 130 at pp 163-164, per Lord Mustill. And material which is not admissible may be relevant and useful for cross-examination of a prosecution witness on credit.”
(Brian Alfred Hall and HKSAR FACC12/2008)
The foregoing are the reasons why the appeal was allowed at the conclusion of the hearing to quash the appellant’s conviction for common assault. It should be mentioned that counsel for the respondent very properly declined to support this conviction and, indeed, offered helpful arguments for quashing it. The lesson taught by this disturbing case is that the arrangements made by prosecutors to ensure compliance with their obligations of disclosure must be kept under regular review and operated with constant vigilance.
主控官立場公正,獲法官讚許是一樁美事。但自己準備不足,又乘機取媚,令人鄙夷,可惜這種情況,我也不是第一次見到。被告提出一份剪裁過的偽冒文件,來指責控方沒有向他披露,主控官在檔案中找不到該文件,為何不會對文件的真實性置疑。況且被告獲得文件的講法簡直是天方夜談( The appellant first saw them, by chance, in late September or early October 2007 during an interview at the prison hospital in relation to another matter),只有愚昧的人才會相信。終院當然也不能卸責。當陳振聰以同樣觀點指責華懋沒有披露證人口供,終院卻自圓其說駁回上訴,豈非給人一種主觀而欠公正的印象。如果說這件案可能是首宗以虛假文件成功上訴的案,那麼四張草紙奪取遺產的那一件,不是早它幾年嗎?