早年判18年 重申自己無辜
被告Brian Alfred Hall(35歲)讀至中學,報稱在尼日利亞當足球員及商人,最早可於今年3月出獄,如被告就涉及獄中紀律聆訊的司法覆核成功,應可豁免入獄440日。他昨日為了親自讀出求情信,一度向法庭要求辭退代表大律師戴奧偉,最後獲法庭准許讀信。他於求情時再重申自己無辜,強調在赤柱監獄的嚴密環境下不可能犯事,而今次求情非因後悔,只因已坐牢多年。
警方於2008年尾展開調查,律政司翌年5月亦展開內部調查,懲教署向警方證實被告偽造口供,搜查發現被告以書信向一名菲律賓女子下達指示,向居於尼日利亞胞妹聯絡,協助他犯案。 (13/1/2012 明報)
標少在終審法院再受騙一文評論過這件案,昨日被告被加監4年,我相信他一定會為定罪及判刑上訴。騙法庭的妨礙司法公正,可以講是最嚴重的一種,尤其是騙終審法院,總刑期4年一點也不過重,再重一點也應該,以儆後効。對案情事實方面的分析能力,我不止一次講,終審法院的大老爺未必勝過下級法院的法官,我想他們在聽審上訴時,應該盡量不要在案情事實方面作出干擾。在法律知識方面是權威,並不等同事實裁斷也是翹楚。終審法院的首要功能是對正確法律作闡釋,而並非事無大小,甚麼都管。囿於生活的閱歷,有些事終院法官認為是固有非或然性的(inherent improbability),只是他們生活接觸面狹窄,不懂而已。
上次講在終院上訴代表控方的張維新(Patrick Cheung)要為終院受騙負主要責任,講的時候並沒有收到甚麼風聲,都是看畢判辭後得到的印象。今天明報講律政司也曾為此事作內部調查。調查甚麼呢?當然包括有沒有人失職。從判辭看,張維新怎樣解釋也缷不了責任。對於那些動輒就concede的主控,我要奉勸一句,先做好準備工夫,據理力爭,爭輸了就尊重法官的判決,未必需要concede。真正應該concede的案件,少之又少。沒有鬥心的人,不要做主控。沒有鬥心的主控,winning a case with a losing heart。
The appeal by the Defendant will be heard by the Court of Appeal in the week of 4 Feb 2013 for 2 days). The DPP, Kevin Zervos SC will personally lead the case.
回覆刪除If we do a search at www.hklii.org, we can note how Mr. Hall "contributes" to the development of the jurisprudence in Hong Kong.
刪除Once again my salutation to you for feeding me the information. I seldom browse www.hklii.org.
回覆刪除Pls allow me to say, I learn so much from your blog so I should be the person to take the hat off. By reading your blog, I know what is mean by 山外有山 人外有人!
If my information is correct, the appeal will be heard next Tues & Wed.
Thanks again for all your insights and sharing. I really enjoy in reading your blog.
回覆刪除Happy Chinese New Year! I wish you have a very blessed and healthy Year of Snake. I am sorry that I do not update you earlier about the result of the hearing
The hearing lasted for one day only. The appeal by the Defendant against conviction was dismissed and the application by the Secretary of Justice for review of sentence was allowed. Reasons for judgment (including the sentence) is yet to be handed down by the Court of Appeal.
刪除Happy Chinese New Year to you too. You have a prosperous Year of the Snake too. Thank you for the update. I have not seen any development reported in the media nor did I see the judgment. I will wait for the upload. Thank you so much. I hope the mentioning of your name did not give you any trouble.
回覆刪除Of course not.
The judgment was out yesterday (CAAR1/2012) and the total sentence is increased from 4 years to 6 years and 9 months.
In fact, the Court of Appeal originally want to impose a sentence of 8 years However, given the District Court jurisdiction, they reduce it to 7 years. They further reduce it for 3 months as the sentence is greatly in excess of the original sentence.