

City in-house lawyer faces trial over allegation of sexual assault

Defendant accused of smacking a woman’s bottom, pouring a beer over her and calling her an “Australian slut”

Allegations of sexual assault and racial abuse have been made against a City solicitor, Alastair Main. The allegations are that he lifted up a 27-year-old woman’s skirt, slapped her bottom and called her an “Australian slut”.

35-year-old Main who, according to the Law Society, is legal counsel at Schroders, is also accused of pouring a pint of beer over the 27-year-old’s head at the London Rowing Club in Putney last December.

University of Nottingham law-graduate Main — who trained at City law firm Ashurst, according to his LinkedIn profile — appeared before Wimbledon Magistrates’ Court yesterday to enter his pleas. He pleaded not guilty to one count of sexual assault and not guilty to one count of racially aggravated assault.

According to the Mail Online, Ruth Alabaster, prosecuting, told the court yesterday:

The defendant pulled up her skirt and hit her on the bum. There is an allegation of pouring a drink over her head and pushing and shoving and earlier in the evening he called her an ‘Australian slut.’ CCTV is to be relied upon in this matter. I’m sure this case will turn on that.

Main, who has represented England in rowing competitions, has also worked at Coutts & Co, the Queen’s bank. According to press reports he will appear at trial later this year.
(20/8/2016 Legal Cheek)

律師揭起人家的裙來打屁股, 想講不是非禮也不容易, 就算不揭裙, 在衣服外打屁股也可構成非禮, 除非女方不反對, 非禮意念靠推論來建立。這當然是事實裁斷的案件, 被告多數會否認有這樣做過, 或者承認有這樣做但女方是同意的, 或者被告誤以為女方同意的 (mistaken belief of consent), 譬如之前已有肢體的親暱接觸, 又或者以英國的社會價值標準揭裙打屁股是可接受的舉動。如果當時被告喝醉了就不是抗辯的理由。

第二項控罪「種族性質的襲擊」罪(racially aggravated assault), 違反

Crime and Disorder Act 1998


[Racially or religiously aggravated] assaults.

(1)A person is guilty of an offence under this section if he commits—

(c) common assault,

which is [racially or religiously aggravated] for the purposes of this section. 

(3)A person guilty of an offence falling within subsection (1)(c) above shall be liable—

(a)on summary conviction, to imprisonment for a term not exceeding six months or to a fine not exceeding the statutory maximum, or to both;

(b)on conviction on indictment, to imprisonment for a term not exceeding two years or to a fine, or to both.

講真, 有種族歧視元素的普通襲擊, 在裁判法院審理也不過最高可判監6個月, 比起香港沒有種族歧視元素的普通襲擊可判監1年還要低。而且, 這身為律師的被告似乎受到特殊對待, 沒有被拘捕落案, 而是以傳票檢控, 連保釋也不用。

第二項控罪也不難證明, 因為被告用了"Australian slut"這話來罵人, 包含了國藉, 也包含了敵意(hostility)(照頭淋啤酒加上罵蕩婦, 清楚顯示了敵意)。在香港沒有racially aggravated assault的刑事罪行, 只有種族岐視產生嚴重中傷的罪行(racial vilification)的刑事法(法例第602章《種族歧視條例》), 檢控門檻甚高, 要煽動種族仇恨、嚴重的鄙視或強烈的嘲諷, 才構成犯法。印象中也未見有檢控過。

12 則留言:

  1. 所以標少滴酒不沾 KKC

    1. 大姐不是為了那原因。我是缺乏分解酒精酵素的人, 飲少量酒就面紅, 所以在交際場合也少飲, 否則面紅耳赤會很失儀, 一小杯啤酒已面紅, 別人會以為我飲了很多。另外, 我對飲酒一點也不喜歡, 我寧願飲茶, 所以從不蒲吧, 蒲吧的人不會飲茶, 也不會齋飲礦泉水, 故此我就一直都不會去飲, 只會在gathering時趁高興飲小半杯。幾年前索性滴酒不沾, 反正我不信酒精有甚麼好處, 就是這樣簡單。所以飲醉而亢奮從不會發生在我身上。

    2. 阿大不喝酒, 马鹿也不喝. 嘻嘻 不过我是因为感受不到喝酒的乐趣, 吸烟也是同样道理.


    3. 為何要奉為阿大?奇怪?

    4. 這個問題應該由馬律師答你, 如果由我猜測, 可能標少年紀大吧。你這問題也問得奇怪, 你會叫你心愛的人做darling, 別人會問你為何這樣叫嗎? 馬老大曾經叫我做港豬, 也說過我舐共, 你也需要問何解乎? 這些稱謂, 有時是客套用語, 有時包含某些價值觀, 馬老大一直提倡港獨, 我一直罵港獨不切實際, 我們看法南轅北轍, 他從博文裏多少知道我的為人, 所以尊重各自表述的權利, 而不會心胸狹隘地敵我分明, 叫我做阿大阿小也不相干。

    5. BILL 比我年長, 資歷比我深得多, 在刑法/刑事程序上更是百科全書. 于我而言, 阿大當之無愧.


    6. 最令馬鹿感動的卻是義務爲偶爾犯錯的各色人士 解決難題及幫助他們 safe guard their future. 可謂功德大大. 在某些而言,是 might as well literally saved their lives.


    7. 馬老大, 別吹牛, 我除了年紀比你大外, 其他描述都不是事實, 刑法只懂皮毛, 助人也不多, 雖然有些初犯店鋪盜竊的人我確實幫過, save their future的是宅心仁厚的律政司中人, 我只是做了些很皮毛的工作。

    8. 聽說馬鹿之前罵標少很多, 現在錯而能改, 但眼見不少doj, police, 政府部門 錯而不改, 漠視人命, 預告: 如果有人自殺死了, 是被滋擾逼害至死的

  2. 在這世界裏,每一個人都戴着面具生活,並且對於人們戴着面具時的表現深信不疑。當這個面具遭撕破,使該人的真正面目坦露在世人眼前,這人便被迫置於群眾的灼灼目光之下。因政府調查、報章報道,甚至研究報告發表後而曝光的人,因為受不了曝光後所帶來的壓力而自殺或精神崩潰的事例屢見不鮮。生活在自由社會裏的人必須經常自我警惕,除非關乎重大社會利益,否則不得將保衛個人最終自主權的私隱破壞。----------而這所謂關乎重大社會利益,竟然是doj, police, ha 政府部門製造出來的假設

  3. 很久沒上來,打個招呼先:標少好! 這個暑假第一次到澳洲,果然享受人生的好地方,可惜這些機會不是屬於我的. -_-;




    1. 久違了。他們天國近已, 要離地由天上的法庭審判。
