曾健超和七警是分開兩個案件,曾健超案件中的證人也不是七警而是另外的11警,當證據和證人都不一樣,是否可以不一同審理呢?不一同審理的話,為甚麼會是交叉檢控(cross charging)呢?
教授是學者,標少是二打六,斗膽對學者的看法持異議。兩件案雖然不是同一時間發上,但屬closely proximate and inter-related, 兩件案的案情互相交織(interwined), 在兩件案分别審訊時,同一案情都會出現。舉個簡單例子,當曾健超被控襲警及阻差時,除非他認罪,否則怎會不盤問警察(七警以外的警察)有關他被七警帶到暗角的過程,不要說這叫irrelevant, 這種問題的目的是discredit控方證人的可信性,如果控方證人說看不到,盤問就容易得手。你怎會讓襲擊你及阻差的人走掉而置之不理?我不想在此詳細講我的盤問方法,始終這件案還未審。如果曾健超認罪,對七警案會更不利。但不要忘記,這是影片年代,找到一些影片來contradict證人的講法一點也不難,尤其是時常上鏡及見報的人。假如曾健超否認控罪,審訊後被定罪,他的credibility會構成一定問題,那就帶出文首匿名留言的問題。
曾健超和七警是分開兩個案件,曾健超案件中的證人也不是七警而是另外的11警,當證據和證人都不一樣,是否可以不一同審理呢?不一同審理的話,為甚麼會是交叉檢控(cross charging)呢?
教授是學者,標少是二打六,斗膽對學者的看法持異議。兩件案雖然不是同一時間發上,但屬closely proximate and inter-related, 兩件案的案情互相交織(interwined), 在兩件案分别審訊時,同一案情都會出現。舉個簡單例子,當曾健超被控襲警及阻差時,除非他認罪,否則怎會不盤問警察(七警以外的警察)有關他被七警帶到暗角的過程,不要說這叫irrelevant, 這種問題的目的是discredit控方證人的可信性,如果控方證人說看不到,盤問就容易得手。你怎會讓襲擊你及阻差的人走掉而置之不理?我不想在此詳細講我的盤問方法,始終這件案還未審。如果曾健超認罪,對七警案會更不利。但不要忘記,這是影片年代,找到一些影片來contradict證人的講法一點也不難,尤其是時常上鏡及見報的人。假如曾健超否認控罪,審訊後被定罪,他的credibility會構成一定問題,那就帶出文首匿名留言的問題。
我舉一個簡單例子,七警被控「有意圖而導致他人身體受嚴重傷害」(GBH with intent),影片可以獨立顯示他被毆打,傷勢有替他檢查的醫生作供,但甚麽時候及由誰做成的傷害就要靠曾健超了。他的傷有無可能是較早前其他事導致?或者是舊患?Credibility咪好重要囉。唔信佢,七警就算有打人,都可以convict common assault, AOABH, 就不一定是GBH with intent了。
可以預見的是: 這兩單案件將在未來幾年纏繞着香港的司法系統。
刪除之前有單新聞講印度有人姦殺少女, 印度律師集體唔肯幫佢辯護.
刪除I guess ID would be an issue in the prosecution against the 7 policemen. Mr Tsang may not able to ID all the accused.
回覆刪除Please allow me to ask few questions and I do apologize if you have covered them in your previous blogs:
1. From the news, the accused were not co-operative in the ID parade. In this case, can a dock ID be done even the victim is not able to ID the accused previously?
2. If the previous conviction record(s) of the victim is being asked by the counsel of the accused, then the accused is taking issue about the character of the victim. In this case, can the counsel ask the previous conviction records of the accused if they elect to testify?
3. If the victim cannot ID some or all of the accused, can the accused still be convicted based on the collaborative evidence, namely the VDO recording, assuming the chain of evidences can be proved and the recorder is willing to testify? Or will this be a "no case to answer" case?
Many thanks.
I try my best to comment though amateurishly now after out of the arena for umpteen years.
刪除I don't think the prosecution can safely rely on Tsang to identify all the defts. The ID should rely on the TV crew's recording before, during and after the alleged assault. Dock ID should not be allowed if Tsang was unable to point out the defts during the ID parade. If allowed, it bears little evidential value. I should elaborate on this. Even if Tsang was able to ID the defts during the ID parade, he would be cross examined on this vigorously since the TV film was widely circulated after the incident. The defence may say Tsang was affected by the film. What prosecution should do to establish the ID is to call the TV camera crew to produce the film and then call the policemen involved in the arrest and taking statements from the defts. These policemen should be able to relate the images in the film and the defts. There should be sufficient evidence to establish ID.
As for your second question, please read S.54(1)(f)(ii) Cap 221, when an imputation of character is raised, prosecution can cross examine the previous record of the deft's. But, please bear in mind prejudicial value may outweigh the probative value. It is safe to seek leave from court before venturing on this expedition. I vaguely remember there were appeal cases on this issue. As for the defts, since they are policemen, I suppose they will not have any criminal record. The only other area the prosecution can canvass is to find out if there is any CAPO complaints of assault. Yet, I doubt if prosecution can make use of them.
No case is unlikely in this case. Defts are not likely to testify.
Much grateful for your detailed analysis and explanations. Yes, it is highly likely that the Defendants will testify.