


警籲目擊者報案 勿只顧拍片



電梯樓梯黑點 犯人最小13歲



Sydney bus driver filmed up skirts, jailed

A bus driver who installed a spy camera to film up the skirts of hundreds of schoolgirls will spend at least nine months in jail.

Sentencing Takuya Koaze, 48, in the Downing Centre Local Court today, Magistrate Michael Price said he had filmed "many unwitting victims" after he bought a spy camera in Japan and installed it on a Sydney Transport bus.

"An aggravating factor clearly has to be (the victims') vulnerability by virtue of their age," Mr Price said, adding it was not an impulsive or isolated event.

"This is a serious pattern of criminal behaviour, more particularly because it was planned."

Koaze had pleaded guilty to three counts of filming people's private parts to obtain sexual arousal, while working as a bus driver.

Police found more than 2500 images and over 60 minutes of footage of girls, some of whom appeared to be as young as 10 or 11. The images focused on the victims' legs, buttocks and genital area.

Earlier Koaze told the court he had made a "terrible mistake" and he apologised to his victims.

Koaze's mother told the court she continues to support her son and their relationship has grown stronger since the charges were laid.

"After this incidence he began to realise that is not a preferable hobby," Setsoko Koaze said.

Ms Koaze added that her son had turned to religion and was going to marry.

Mr Price said it was clear Koaze, who the court heard has a high IQ, suffered from "some social discomfort".

"It's apparent to the court that you regret your actions," he said.

He sentenced Koaze to one year's imprisonment with a non-probation period of nine months.
(Courier Mail 15/6/2012)

在香港檢控偷拍裙底的控罪在過去10年一直在轉變,標少離港也差不多10年,對控罪改變的因由,只憑自己的推測,希望香港的主控官可以指正勘誤。偷拍裙底大概是10年前才發展起來,所以當初考慮控罪,十分傷腦筋,於是選擇了《刑事罪行條例》中的遊蕩而導致他人合理地擔心本身的安全或利益罪(S.160(3) Cap 200)。一般偷拍裙底的案情都欠缺遊蕩(loiter)這元素,所以被告不是被判無罪就是定罪後上訴得直。有些情況原審裁判官修改控罪為《公安條例》中的公眾地方內擾亂秩序行為罪(Disorderly Conduct)(S.17B(2) Cap. 245),這控罪獲上訴法官首肯,於是前一陣子又把偷拍裙底行為,用這控罪來檢控。我對這控罪的闡釋絕對有保留,公眾地方內擾亂秩序行為罪包含破壞社會安寧(breach of peace)的元素,偷拍裙底引伸至破壞社會安寧,是極具爭議的看法。可能因為這原故,近日改為控以破壞公眾體統罪/有違公德行為罪(Outrage Public Decency)。破壞公眾體統罪並非在香港法例中訂立,它來自普通法(Common Law)。普通法沒有訂出刑罰,所以落案時檢控書要連同《刑事訴訟程序條例》第101I(1)條來描述。

至於刑罰方面,遊蕩(S.160(3) Cap. 200)可處監禁兩年;公眾地方內擾亂秩序行為(S.17B(2) Cap.245)可處罰款5000元及監禁12個月:破壞公眾體統,可判監7年(S.101I(1),Cap. 221),在裁判法院審訊,只可處罰款100,000元及監禁兩年。偷拍裙底罪成,量刑沒有準則,判監的話也是短期監禁,一般都是罰款。

在新南威爾斯州偷拍裙底的控罪卻訂立了清楚的法例條文,屬statutory offence而並非common law offence,S.91L Crimes Act 1900 這樣寫:
Filming a person’s private parts
91L Filming a person’s private parts 

(1) General offence A person who, for the purpose of obtaining, or enabling another person to obtain, sexual arousal or sexual gratification, films another person’s private parts, in circumstances in which a reasonable person would reasonably exp
ect the person’s private parts could not be filmed: 
(a) without the consent of the person being filmed to being filmed for that purpose, and
(b) knowing that the person being filmed does not consent to being filmed for that purpose, is guilty of an offence.
Maximum penalty: 100 penalty units or imprisonment for 2 years, or both. 

Private parts在法律上的定義,見諸S.91I Crimes Act 1900

"private parts" means a person’s genital area or anal area, whether bare or covered by underwear. 

1個penalty unit是110澳元,所以最高罰款是11000元。悉尼這巴士司機遭重判因為案情涉及加重刑罰的因素(circumstances of aggravation)----偷拍16歲以下兒童。悉尼在人口密度及行人電梯的數量遠不及香港,偷拍裙底的情況還不算嚴重,卻訂定了針對性的法例,香港反而還在動腦筋試圖套用現有法例作檢控,困難重重,何不訂立類似新州這一條法例,對症下藥,省卻法律爭拗。


4 則留言:

  1. 你所引述的《刑事罪行條例》似乎應當是《刑事訴訟程式條例》。

  2. Thank you. My inadvertent mistake but it should be 《刑事訴訟程序條例》in Chinese.

  3. 最近興用有違公德或不誠實使用電腦告人,兩條都是通殺條例,香港應該學新南威爾斯州,清晰立法入罪。

    1. Using the common law approach is no longer a trend. In many places, the common law offences have been abolished or used in a very limited extent. In this regard, Hong Kong is a bit backward.
