

毆女友同志女警上訴 爆出醜聞

 「出於禮貌共乘的士」 大狀否認非禮




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(5/5/2012 明報)
標少身在遠方,昨天看了這則新聞,也沒有時間評論。鄭紀天(Sky Cheng)出道的時候,標少已移民南洲,所以不知他是何許人。‧我不能評論他被指非禮的指控,但他否認非禮,並指出若有這樣做,受害人應已即時報警。遭到非禮的人,有很多理由導致不向警方報案,沒有即時報案,並不等如沒有發生非禮。從報導看,鄭大狀的講法也不見得具說服力。

代表上訴人的黃達華大律師(Richard Wong)指責鄭紀天嚴重失職(flagrantly incompetent),令上訴人得不到公平審訊,要求推翻裁決。要持這理由成功推翻定罪,上訴人有舉證責任,使法官接納確因律師嚴重失職而致司法不公。(To succeed on this ground, the appellant has to show a miscarriage of justice had occurred because of flagrantly incompetent advocacy. The burden of satisfying the court is on the appellant.)聽審上訴的暫委法官彭寶琴只需從原審紀錄判斷鄭紀天有沒有嚴重失職,已經足夠,而無需考慮大律師曾否非禮上訴人的姊姊。就算確曾非禮,跟抗辯時有沒有嚴重失職,也扯不上關係。至於辯方律師帶多少張紙上庭,並不是關鍵所在,審閱審案的紀錄謄本,對於律師的準備工夫和能力,便一目了然。

7 則留言:

  1. http://news.sina.com.hk/news/2/1/1/2656517/1.html

    I am not sure if the lawyer was incompetent or not, but I think it's not appropriate for lawyer to make joke with his ex-client.

  2. Anonymous,

    From the news report so far, I could not see the real issue of advocay competence being canvassed. Conduct of the counsel is a matter for the HK Bar to look into.


    1. Did the Bar Council investigate this matter (Barrister Sky Cheng being accused of sexually assaulting a lady in a taxi by putting her hand on his penis) in the end?

    2. I am not too sure about the progress of the disciplinary proceeding. I did not hear anything.

  3. Paragraph 6 of the Bar Code provides that: - "It is the duty of every barrister... (d)... to be competent in all his professional activities". If Counsel Mr Sky Cheng was "flagrantly incompetent" (and Deputy High Court Judge Anthea Pang had ruled that he was), then that by itself should mean that Sky Cheng should be referred to the Barristers Disciplinary Tribunal for punishment?

    1. Flagrantly incompetence itself does not render disciplinary proceeding against the counsel. It is the impropriety aspect should be pursued rather.

    2. Really? I thought it could be more complicated that that, and Lawyer Sky Cheng's flagrant incompetence, once established, could by itself render him liable to be penalized by the Barristers Disciplinary Tribunal: http://www.hklii.hk/eng/hk/cases/hkcfi/2015/300.html

      17. As can be seen from this cursory examination of the leading judgments in Chong Ching Yuen, the “flagrant incompetence” cases focus on whether counsel’s incompetence has resulted in the defendant not receiving a fair trial which may or may not have constituted misconduct by counsel. On the other hand, there may be cases where counsel has misconducted himself and the defendant has nevertheless received a fair trial. Whilst guidance may be provided by the principles and comments in “flagrant incompetence” cases, they must be appropriately applied in the context of disciplinary proceedings against a counsel for professional misconduct and the circumstances of the case under scrutiny.
