

一位讀者在大律師非禮之三 留言,告訴我判辭已經上載了,等待看我的評論。這讀者實在抬舉了標少,我是勇於評論,淺見視作卓見的人。淺陋的話講多了,讀者聽慣了,漸漸以為是大道理,就好像聽人搬弄是非,久而久之,便成為揑造出來的事實。

香港特別行政區 訴 李淑妍 HCMA451/2011就是指責大律師非禮作為其中一個上訴理由的案件。暫委法官彭寶琴的判辭寫得過於冗贅,文筆應多加磨練。上訴得直,理據unconvincing and arguable. 彭法官指大律師鄭紀天嚴重失職,在判辭中所舉例證,未能使我信服。判辭中引用終審法院的HKSAR v. Chong Ching Yuen[2004] 2 HKLRD 681一案,我在大律師非禮之二 一文也講過,我認為鄭紀天只是失職,而不致於嚴重失職(flagrantly incompetent)。在判辭第35段,彭官引用控方證人向被告發出的手機短訊其中一段,作為證人要使被告失去工作(被告是女警)而誣揑她的例子。

35. 另外,一則在2010年11月21日1630時,由控方第一證人發給上訴人的短訊顯示:「我原本打算令你連工都冇得做,你這個人根本不適合做警察,也好的,你是時候為做過的事補償,保唔保得住份工,等差人幫你搞啦,但如果你咁睇重份工,你唔會一而再,再而三做錯事。」這則短訊的發出日期,是控方第一證人就本案的控罪(一)至(三)向警署舉報的前一天。


3 則留言:

  1. Can the client sue the trial counsel for civil claim and ask for legal costs in both trial and appeal? Can she complain to hkba as well?

    1. The lay client certainly can lodge a complaint to HKBA. Civil claim of this nature I have not heard of. I did not normally pay attention to civil matters. In any event, lawyers are covered by professional indemnity. Any damages awarded will not come from the counsel's pocket. As I said in the blog, the deputy judge's finding of flagrant incompetence is arguable. A civil case before another judge may result in a different finding.

    2. I read from somewhere that Barristers Eric Kwok SC and Vivian Ho had been sued by their former clients? Have you read about that? Let me copy and paste what I have read: -



      Senior Counsel Eric Kwok SC and Lawyer Counsel Barrister Vivian Ho Sued for Serious Misconduct and Negligence - 資深大律師郭棟明及大律師何慧嫻被控嚴重失職及疏忽






      案件編號: HCA 2221/2013


      A property agency manager has sued a law firm and two of its barristers (Senior Counsel Eric Kwok SC and Barrister Vivian Ho), claiming they failed in their duty to defend him against allegations that he paid kickbacks to secure a deal.

      Poon Chi-ming, formerly a general manager at Centaline Commercial, was convicted in June 2008 of two counts of conspiracy to defraud in the District Court and jailed for 22 months.

      The ruling was overturned on appeal and he was released after spending 14 months in jail.

      Poon, now chief operating officer of Centaline Commercial, filed the High Court writ on Friday against the law firm, Simon C.W. Yung & Co, and the barristers, Eric Kwok SC and Vivian Ho.

      Poon and two other agents were found guilty of conspiring to deceive Centaline into paying HK$600,000 in kickbacks to a private company in two transactions between 2005 and 2006. They had claimed the money was paid as referral fees to an employee of a company buying a commercial property.

      Lawyers Counsel Barristers Eric Kwok SC and Vivian Ho represented Poon in the District Court trial.

      Poon hired another legal team to represent him on appeal. The Court of Appeal ruled in his favour and quashed his conviction in March 2010. Poon was released after spending 14 months in jail.

      The appeal court judges found that the Barristers Eric Kwok SC and Vivian Ho had failed to make good use of a witness statement, meaning Poon missed out on a fair trial.

      The statement was made by billionaire Law Kar-po, the boss of the company which was buying the property. Law told the Independent Commission Against Corruption that he had known about the deal and allowed his employee to accept the referral fees from the property agent.

      The statement had been given to Poon's lawyers before the trial.

      The appeal court found the defence counsel Barristers Eric Kwok SC and Vivian Ho had failed to use the statement when questioning Centaline chairman Shih Wing-ching. Shih was a witness in the trial and testified that if he knew the firm had agreed to the employee receiving referral fees, it would have paid the commission and not felt it had been deceived.

      In the writ, Poon claims that Lawyers Counsel Barristers Eric Kwok SC and Vivian Ho, and the law firm Simon C Y Yung & Co Solicitors, failed to appreciate that Law's statement contained crucial evidence.

      He also says they failed to instruct Poon to call Law and other related parties as defence witnesses.
