我在去年10月為這件案寫了小販阻街 一文,司法覆核的判辭昨天上載了。申請人敗訴兼付堂費,為意料中事,去年我已經預測了這結果。林文瀚法官忙得不可開交,昨日也頒佈了梁國雄的「剪布」司法覆核,處理憲法爭拗的法官,一點也不好做。但我對林官毫無保留地接受食環署官員誓章的做法卻有異議。林官這一廂惰願的看法,簡直是盲目接納官員誓章內容的真確性(veracity)。下面判辭的一段是他的理據,換了是我,我會邀請與訟雙方到現場突擊檢查。
It would be a serious matter if a public officer were found to be deliberately misleading the court, particularly when misleading statements were made under oath. It goes without saying that the duty of candour must permeate the making of statements in an affidavit of a public officer in judicial review proceedings. As a matter of principle, the obligation of a public authority to place before the court the relevant facts and the reasoning behind a decision challenged should guide not only the public officer who make the affirmation or affidavit, but also those assisting and advising him or her, including their lawyers. There are at least two facets in such obligation: the duty of candour and the duty of due diligence. And it should be emphasized that the obligation is a continuing one, lasting throughout the continuation of the proceedings. At any stage of the proceedings, if it is discovered that there were statements in the evidence of a public authority which are inaccurate or misleading, the court expects the mistake be revealed and explained as soon as practicable. (para 52 INGLORY LIMITED and THE DIRECTOR OF FOOD AND ENVIRONMENTAL HYGIENE HCAL87/2011)