

劉皇發籲特赦新界僭建 不想「流第一滴血」



強調情理法 非法理情


新界鄉事委員會「保衛家園行動小組」召集人梁福元表示,現時距離登記制度截止日期尚有半年時間,希望發展局暫停執法,盡快與原居民商討問題。至於支持特赦的港區全國政協委員劉夢熊認為,現屆政府應在餘下任期處理新界僭建問題,他會在下周的策發會會議上,把特赦建議交予特首曾蔭權和發展局長林鄭月娥,並同時把建議交予候任特首梁振英。 (14/4/2012明報)





4 則留言:

  1. 訴諸法律相信很多人在等時機,正如博主前文指出,香港法院名級法官,空缺多,近退休也多,可能fed up有能力唔撈也有, 在適當時侯揀選務實新人填空後,法院作出有利業主的判決,於是有責的人都可以聳聳肩話不關我的事。

    1. Dear Anonymous,

      If the court eventually decides in favour of the landlords (I doubt very much), we have to accept the decision. That is rule of law and the rule of the game.


  2. Hello BillSiu thanks for your response. Application of Rules of the Game depends to a certain degree on the referee; some are wholeheartedly impartial while others would go a long way to make themselves appear to be impartial. Grandpa from North is very good at manipulating a fair system to his advantage. I am afraid it is already in progress to the HK judiciary system. There is now or in the near future a man-made situation and also natural opportunity to appoint sufficient judges acceptable both professionally and politically.
    Speaking about Rule of Law in HK, my feeling is that it may be Rule of Law in enforcement but not in the making process. It is because there is no universal suffrage, which means not everyone participate in the making of law to be abided by all. Hence laws could be polarized and become Rule by Law or Law is Tool.

    1. Anonymous,

      Responding to comment is my learning process.

      From my narrow topic of the NT illegal structures venturing into the big picture of HK politics, I am afraid I do not have the wisdom to make insightful observations.

      Impartiality of the umpire is something rather intangible. you may form certain impression but difficult to produce evidence. After all, in the HK law courts, political decision is still a rarity. Maybe you can cite the Congo case in which Bokhary PJ pronounced the day had come for the demise of the HK judicial independence. Yet, was he making a political statement himself? That said, I do not invite or embroil myself in further political discussion here. The topic is too big for me to handle. You have to speak to a wiser man.

      The Basic Law has cocooned the development of HK be it universal suffrage or appointment of top officials. 1 country 2 systems is only a sham. Don't forget, 1 country is predominating 2 systems. Whether we are under its protection or extortion is sheer luck. Your fear of infiltration into the judiciary is not unfounded. On the other hand, there are also obsequious flirters coveting for advantage by selling their souls.

      I say no more.
