

JEFFREY GILHAM, now a free man, said he was looking forward to the first Christmas with his three-year-old daughter, on his return home yesterday.
Standing outside his St Ives home, Mr Gilham, 41, hugged his wife, Robecca, and gave a short statement. ''This week has been very overwhelming for us. I'm glad to be back home with my family and we're all looking forward to a very special Christmas together, seeing as it'll be the first one I'll have with my youngest daughter,'' he said.
Mr Gilham was released on bail on Friday, after winning an appeal against a conviction for murdering his parents, Helen, 55, and Stephen, 58, in August 1993 at their Woronora home.
The NSW Court of Criminal Appeal is yet to decide whether to order a retrial or acquit Mr Gilham. Even if it orders a retrial, the Director of Public Prosecutions may decide not to proceed.
Mr Gilham has always maintained his innocence, saying it was his brother, Christopher, who had stabbed his parents to death and then set them on fire. Mr Gilham admitted to killing his brother in response, and was given a five-year good behaviour bond after pleading guilty to manslaughter in 1995.
But at Mr Gilham's trial in 2008, the Crown alleged he had killed all three family members and then set the house on fire, and he was jailed for life.
The prosecution's case hinged on forensic evidence that suggested Christopher had died before the fire started, but in Mr Gilham's appeal, a leading toxicologist said Christopher was almost certainly alive at the time the fire was lit.
Mr Gilham's friends, family and neighbours had spent countless hours working on his appeal.

(5/12/2011 Sydney Morning Herald)


被告Jeffrey Gilham和哥哥Christopher跟50多歲的父母同住,他們一家在社區中受人尊重,兩兄弟讀書成績好,被告尤為同儕典範。1993年8月28日早上4時30分,被告赤裸上身,穿著短褲,奔往鄰居處求助,告訴鄰居Christopher殺死了父母,然後放火,自己因此殺了Christopher。


警方只告了他一項殺害Christopher的謀殺罪,扣押了一個月,他獲得擔保。1995年審訊的時候,控方接納了他承認誤殺,他被判簽保守行為5年(good behaviour bond)。同年的死因研訊也裁定是Christopher殺了父母。這件案本來是這樣了結,但到了2000年,被告的叔伯由原本相信被告清白,變成相信被告是殺害父母的真兇,觸發重新調查本案,也重新展開死因研訊。死因庭對案件重新評估立論,把案件轉介刑事檢控專員,建議控告被告謀殺父母,但刑事檢控專員不同意這看法,沒有採取行動。2001年被告的叔伯對被告提出私人檢控(private prosecution),刑事檢控專員卻中途介入,撤銷了這件案(我不知道究竟是withdraw the case抑或enter nolle prosequi, 謄本沒有交代,我在李成康的禁錮事件 的blog介紹過香港私人傳票的法律程序,NSW信相也類似)。

2004年引發另一次重新調查該案,2006年刑事檢控專員終於檢控他兩項謀殺父母的控罪。2007年被告申請終止聆訊(stay of proceeding)理由是再檢控他對他造成迫害、不公平及違反一罪不能兩審原則(oppressive, unfair and in breach of the rule against double jeopardy)。法庭駁回申請,及後上訴也被上訴庭及高等法院((這裏的High Court相等於香港的CFA)駁回。


昨天朋友之間閒談講起這件案,其中一點講到就是殺父母定罪得直,殺兄那項還有發展嗎?可以肯定講,殺兄那一項控罪已處理終結,不能兩審,屬於曾就同一控罪被定罪(autrefois convict)。我曾在一罪兩審 Double Jeopardy的blog講過NSW在2006年通過了一罪可以兩審的法例,但這項殺兄的控罪在16年前已處理了,新法例沒有追溯力,不能重新檢控他謀殺。


5 則留言:

  1. 香港軍裝警察及什差的辦事能力,亦不見得不兒戲馬虎,更加自信十足;亦是這個原因,激起小弟學法的熱情。

  2. 標少,小弟十分喜歡你的BLOG,有機會能否推介一兩本好書給我們這些讀法的學生?

  3. 匿名兄,


  4. 匿名兄,

    我這無聊才讀書的人,書看得很雜,手頭看了Steve Jobs 180頁,寫blog花了不少時間。法律書一本都沒有看,只看appeal judgments。次數看得最多的是錢鍾書的圍城,由中學到現在這30多年來,看了超過10次。不知你的品味,很難介紹。

  5. Sydney Morning Herald今早另一則有關報導,張貼在下面。標少見壞人太多,心存防犯。Gilham的鄰居友儕相信他清白,我在blog裏所寫證據十分簡略,就算最後判他無罪,我絕對相信是他所為。

    DPP trails Gilham over $1m inheritance

    THE murder convictions against Jeffrey Gilham may have been quashed and the case against him left in tatters, but the NSW Department of Public Prosecutions has not given up in its bid to seize the nearly $1 million Mr Gilham inherited from his parents after they were murdered 18 years ago.

    As Mr Gilham enjoyed his first full day at home after spending the weekend with friends following his dramatic appeal success on Friday, the DPP yesterday appeared in a case against him as part of its attempt to recover his share of the Gilham estate.

    It claims the money - reported to be $916,717 - is the proceeds of crime, maintaining that Mr Gilham received it because he murdered his parents.

    Advertisement: Story continues below The inheritance came from the sale of the Gilham family's waterfront home in the southern Sydney suburb of Woronora, where Helen and Stephen Gilham and Jeffrey's brother Christopher were stabbed to death in the early hours of August 28, 1993.

    Mr Gilham also inherited a small fibro house in the western Sydney suburb of Marayong where his father had grown up.

    The Herald understands Jeffrey and Robecca Gilham used some of the inheritance to buy the St Ives house where they now live, and that this property would be under threat if the proceeds of crime prosecution is successful.

    Neither Mr Gilham nor his legal representatives elected to appear in the NSW Supreme Court yesterday, with the DPP represented by a solicitor. The solicitor asked for the matter to be adjourned until mid-next year so the DPP could await the final decision on Mr Gilham's fate.

    The three judges hearing Mr Gilham's appeal found he was entitled to a retrial and they are now deciding whether in fact he should be acquitted on the murder charges. The DPP will be forced to drop its proceeds of crime claim if he is acquitted.
