





看到法庭兩個字,自然吸引我注意。嚴以律己是我做人的大方向,寬以待人我還要很努力學習,要為迫害我們的人祈禱,恐怕我這一世都做不到。要做當然不是口惠而實不至那種lip service,空談騙自己的人太多。用生活實例來闡釋教義,是很務實有効的方法,舉錯了例子可能適得其反。我無意挑剔,也不會冒犯信教的人,但講這法庭故事的人恐怕是講了虛構的故事。


8 則留言:

  1. 睇標少既BLOG,好似睇人捉棋剝人光豬既感覺,好過癮。

  2. Anonymous,

    Thank you for enjoying reading my blog. It was my slightest intention to belittle people genuinely believe in God. I only look down upon the hypocrites.


  3. hi Bill,

    i am a bit more extreme. even genuinely believing a religion can not escape being hypocrite, because religion itself is hypocrite.

    (a book called God is not Great by Christopher Hitchens has talked about this subject - matter)

    i have actually written an article on this: http://tso1989.blogspot.com/2011/09/christian-ignorance-or-ignorant.html


  4. William,

    What catches my eyes is the court story instead of the religious teaching. I don't bother what people believe. I just hate hypocrite. We all have our illusion and the eventual disillusionment.

    I really envy you. You know a lot. I am so ignorant. I have a lot to learn from you.


  5. Hi Bill

    You mentioned that your friend is a devout Christian, and has whether consciously or unconsciously, tried to share some "words of wisdom" with you, may I ask what is her reason for believing in God?

    I have had many friends who are strong believers of Christianity, and although have tried to attend gatherings, have always come away from these gatherings feeling somewhat repulsed or further from the "God" that they talk about. One question that I always ponder though is why the belief? Some have informed me that it was because they were brought up with it, others have said that they have something to rely on, and some can't explain why.

    The worst of the groups to me might be in the "someone to rely on" group, where "God" receives the blame for the bad things that happens but rarely do thanks goes to "God". What was originally an emotional support sadly becomes an excuse for things that one has done wrong.

    I guess most humans are guilty of such ungratefulness, as we tend to always percieve positives as our own achievements and negatives as others' faults and influences, I would be lying if I say I've never been guilty.

    Many people have their reasons for their beliefs, while I do not agree with Christian's idea that a non-believer will find their end in hell, I do think that Christianity has somewhat provided some consciousness or descipline (however small) so people who originally lack them.

    I actually found this blog entry while reading some of your other ones, your views are certainly interesting. The recent entry about the number of views in the past year has shown that what you have to offer is definitely valued.

    Looking forward to reading all the back dated ones and also future ones.

  6. Anonymous,

    How do you know my friend is female since I see that you used the feminine pronoun of "her" here. I really cannot tell you my friend's reason for believing in God. I am not a good messenger. On the other hand, I did not really talk in depth about religion with my friend.

    I am not surprised to see people around us tend to put the blame on other people for any misdeeds. I can only remind myself to see things from a wider perspective and be more grateful to what we have.

    I am grateful for your continuous interest in reading my blog. I will keep writing.


  7. Hi Bill,

    In fact I didn't know that your friend was female, however, I wrote "her" because majority of my Christian friends who I had mentioned are female, thus, I must have been thinking of them while writing.

    Looking forward to reading more.

  8. Anonymous,

    I was just naughty. The gender is irrelevant. I am writing another blog at the moment. Should be able to post it later, perhaps after watching the Brisbane tennis competition on TV tonight.

