

標少在鳴冤一文提及張慧玲法官批評Wahab不應拘押被告以索取精神報告,認為就算要索取有關報告,也可以給予被告保釋。我相信有關課題在高院法官之間引起討論,我這樣講是看了賴盤德法官(Peter Line)在 HKSAR and Su Wei HCMP2589/2011的裁決而來。第7段這樣講,

7. The reason I am taking the course of adjourning these proceedings into chambers open to the public, giving reasons is this: that there has been some publicity recently about the use of section 51 of the Mental Health Ordinance, and it is a section that does merit some close reading, and what becomes apparent on reading it is that the power to make a remand under that section only arises where it may be or is alleged that the Defendant is a mentally-incapacitated person and the purpose of the remand is for observation, investigation and treatment.




Chapter: 221 PDF Title: CRIMINAL PROCEDURE ORDINANCE Gazette Number:
Section: 9J Heading: Review of refusal of bail or conditions of bail
(1) Where a District Judge or magistrate has refused to admit a person to bail or has so admitted a person subject to any condition, that person may in the case of a refusal, apply to a judge to be admitted to bail or in the case of an admission to bail subject to any condition, apply to a judge to be admitted to bail without bail being subject to that condition.
(2) On the hearing of an application under subsection (1), a judge may by order confirm, revoke or vary the decision of the District Judge or magistrate, and may make such other order in the matter including an order as to costs as he thinks just.


4. I granted bail yesterday, and what I did was replace the order the magistrate had made with a new order pursuant to my powers under section 9J of the Criminal Procedure Ordinance, Cap. 221. I made it a three-week remand and not a two-week remand, and I said the remand would be on unconditional bail, and the reports I requested were a psychologist’s report, which is going to be organised by the Social Welfare Department, who would also be responsible for the community service report and the background report.

5. I thought carefully about what my powers were in regard to dealing with the reports. Section 9J of the Criminal Procedure Ordinance allows me to confirm, revoke or vary the decision of the District judge or magistrate, and it says I may make such other order in the matter, including orders as to costs, as I think to be just, and it is that wide power that I have used here, because I think the order I have made now is the just one.

我完全不同意他闡釋9J的看法,9J賦予高院法官干預被告的擔保及擔保條件的權力,及衍生出來的堂費問題,而並不包括其他權責。9J的標題也說明是Review of refusal of bail or conditions of bail,再者索取精神報告,本身也不是一種擔保條件,高院法官應該無權干預。不能罔顧法律原文的大前題,而把such other order的意思無限放大。我覺得賴盤德法官為了干預原審裁判官的命令,而曲解了法律釋義,如果such other order蘊含無限權力,為何不乾脆直接判罰被告。上級法院肆意批評下級法官的判決,造成了很多裁判官,尤其是暫委裁判官,索性用不同理由判被告無罪,好過上訴時受到批評。








看到法庭兩個字,自然吸引我注意。嚴以律己是我做人的大方向,寬以待人我還要很努力學習,要為迫害我們的人祈禱,恐怕我這一世都做不到。要做當然不是口惠而實不至那種lip service,空談騙自己的人太多。用生活實例來闡釋教義,是很務實有効的方法,舉錯了例子可能適得其反。我無意挑剔,也不會冒犯信教的人,但講這法庭故事的人恐怕是講了虛構的故事。



小學雞自稱黑幫 當差夢或碎





偉仔直言自己不是黑社會,只因無端被罵才作此回應。就自稱黑社會一案,偉仔現要接受警司警誡。協助偉仔的屯門區議員江鳳儀表示,校方應了解事件詳情和提供輔導,不應事事也交由警方處理,斷送學生前程。校方則稱,有關事件並非由校方報警,強調會對學生行為問題經查證及家長溝通後,才按情況適當跟進。 (26/12/2011東方日報)




法官與刁民As If The Judge Was Not There Again



Before: Deputy High Court Judge Au-Yeung in Chambers

Date of Hearing: 15 November 2011

Date of Decision: 15 November 2011




1. This is Mr Choy’s application for leave to appeal against my decision dated 4 October 2011.

2. Mr Choy appeared this morning and asked me whether I had answered his letter dated 7 November 2011. In substance, the background of this matter was a request for transcripts. As will be revealed in the reasons for dismissing the leave application below, I had in fact answered Mr Choy’s previous request for transcripts, but I had not answered his letter dated 7 November 2011 because I considered that letter as abusive in nature.

3. Without hearing further from me, Mr Choy walked out of court at about 10:09 am and did not pursue his application for leave to appeal.

4. In the premises, that application ought to be dismissed outright. However, to put the record absolutely straight, I would deal briefly with that leave application. (extracts from HCA2458/2007)


Re: Payment of Blackmail aided and abetted by Bitch Queenie (sic) Au-yeung for the cover-ups of crimes committed”.

“Bitch Queenie (sic) Au-yeung (Registrar of High Court) stopped documents which slandered me made known to me by my Most Honourable Friends on Government Service, her attempt to the further crime cover-ups”.

“… I pay the blackmail of judicial cheatings committed by Criminal/ Bitch Au Yeung, Registrar of HKSAR”.

“I demand Mr Tsang to clear the complaints and the treatment of payment of ransom of the blackmail conspired together with Bitch Queenie (sic) Au-yeung”.


“We have applied for Rogers VP to be removed from this court in a notice of motion submitted on 22 April 2003, because we consider that you are a crook, a serious crook.”

“My Lord – my Rogers, not my Lord – you are not quite entitled to be called a Lord. It’s okay that cheating was had been … was made by you. If a judge made cheating it’s okay if they got authority and you just throw it away in the rubbish bin and make decision and play dirty trick with Winston Poon in court and order … and struck out the petition of Mr Ng Yat-chi on behalf of me. That is very dirty and filthy of you.”

我講這一大堆話,想提出的是,法庭為甚麼會對這些浪費時間,無理肆意批評的人寬宏大量。每件案的判辭都十分認真的寫,嚴肅認真對待那些荒謬申請,豈非變成姑息養奸,這是九七後才看到的現象。縱容這些人,無疑鼓勵仿效者,也妨礙了其他人更快捷獲得裁決的機會。更甚者是由於上級法院法官「開明」,下級法院法官給人罵狗官也不吭聲。10多年前一次判刑會議(sentencing conference),某法官(現貴為上訴庭副庭長)訓斥一眾裁判官,不要動輒就對講粗口的被告,以藐視法庭懲處。大法官認為,一些學歷低,出身草根的被告,粗口就由他講吧,不要計較。說溜了嘴的粗口,不作計較還可以,以粗口罵法官又如何呢?標少不寫副庭長的名字,以免看了這blog的人,到大人席前放肆而歸究於我。裁判官給人罵粗,一般運用裁判官條例第99條作簡易懲處,有人罰錢,有的加監。有一次(20多年前),被告罵當時是裁判官的Gerard Muttrie "f" your mother. Muttrie看他一眼然後說:Go ahead, defendant. My mother is 80. 老外法官可以採取這種開放態度,華人法官卻不能嚥下這口氣。法官沒有驚堂木,也沒有殺威棒,時代變了,但也總不能受人肆意辱罵,無禮對待。這不是個人榮辱的問題,彰顯法治的地方,尊嚴受挫,法治精神也蕩然無存。



Russian billionaire's daughter buys $89m New York pad

The daughter of a Russian billionaire has broken New York real estate records by paying $US88 million ($89 million) for a huge Manhattan apartment, Forbes magazine reports.

Dmitry Rybolovlev, paid full asking price for the multiroom spread at 15 Central Park West, the magazine reported on Monday, saying this was a record for an individual transaction in a city renowned for pricey property.

The record was previously owned by Sanford Weill, a former chairman of Citigroup.

Forbes quoted a representative for Rybolovleva, 22, saying she had "signed a contract to purchase an apartment at 15 Central Park West ... Ms Rybolovleva is currently studying at a US university. She plans to stay in the apartment when visiting New York

She is a resident of Monaco and has lived in the principality and in Switzerland for the last 15 years, the statement said.

Rybolovlev is one of the small group of Russians who became fabulously wealthy during the post-Soviet privatisation of the economy and are known as oligarchs. He is the former owner of fertiliser business Uralkali.

Sydney Morning Herald今天這則新聞可能羨煞不少子女,尤其是想和父母簽約由父母養過世的公主少爺。A$89M相等於7億港元,對於億萬家財的富翁而言,可能只是微塵。窮等人家當然不能想像7億港元的住所如何宏偉壯觀華麗,只有那些一跤跌進幸福窩裏,爬也爬不起,最後可能站也站不起的人才能體會。







星島日報澳洲版本週末的頭條新聞以「誤殺中國學生惡少年脫難」為題,報導了2008年7月18日一宗中國留學生被殺案的進展。星島日報澳洲版的電子版既落後又滯後,竟然找不到這頭條新聞,我只好花時間把判刑判辭看一遍(R v Toal [2009] VSC 304 (3 August 2009) 及R v Toal [2011] VSC 631 (16 December 2011),把案情描述一下。

21歲的中國留學生Yuxiong Han到維省的TAFE修讀汽車工程(automobile engineering),案發時他抵埗才12星期。他一面讀書,一面在餐館當侍應。2008年7月7日晚,死者下班乘巴士回家,和被告Aaron James Toal及他的7個夥伴在同一站下車。大家互不相識,沒有交談,也沒有任何衝突。死者原本走在這班16至18歲的青年後面,死者超越了他們向住所的方向走。這8個人分成幾堆的打算走到其中一人的家裏,被告和另外兩人走在最前。被告和同案16歲的另一被告OJS決定要揍死者一頓(有人講Let's roll him,即廣東話的「郁佢」),被告還應承給OJS10元。兩人跑向死者,死者立即逃跑,OJS打了死者背部一下,死者逃向3線行車限速70公里的馬路,被中線迎面而來的車撞倒,頭部嚴重受傷,11日後死亡。這8個人在警察到場之前離開了現場。

兩名被告被控誤殺,OJS年幼,認罪獲得輕判,Toal原本不認罪,也改為認罪,被判兩年內做500小時社會服務(CBO, Community Based Order)及要服從感化官命令。2011年12月16日,Toal因為5次違反感化官命令及8次沒有履行社會服務,而被重新判刑。維省最高法院(Supreme Court)法官Kaye判被告在12個月內完成未履行的227小時社會服務。

朋友看了這則新聞,無名火起,再加上在星島這頭條新聞下面,是另一則「華裔大學畢業生被人活生生打死」的新聞,更加火上加油,給我發電郵表示不滿,並且問我看法。我於是把判刑的判辭看一遍,然後寫了這個blog。我的結論是fair sentence。


Toal這件案在發生過程裏,完全沒有證據顯示種族成份,被告心裏怎樣想正是天曉得。我只能把它視作無聊終日的青年,在街頭仗多欺少的事件來看。Toal在這件案的刑責是acting in concert,他有沒有打到死者並不重要,但死者逃跑而被車撞死,是否構成誤殺,我覺得有爭議的空間,手頭沒有法律典籍,不能進一步討論。以誤殺罪而言,屬於較輕的一種,意外的成份大於有意把死者置死或致使嚴重身體傷害,只是spur of the moment引致的慘劇。法官列出七大求情理由,包括被告認罪、初犯、有悔意、年輕、不會重犯及改過自新機會大。法官在判刑前也考慮死者在大陸家人的impact statements,做足一切量刑前所有要做的工作。還有一點最重要的考慮是,主控官也支持辯方判處被告CBO的要求。

被告違反CBO及感化官命令又是甚麽一回事,為何法官又再對他這樣寬容呢?判辭顯示被告違反的情況是2010年12月開始,被告心理出現很大轉變,他患上憂鬱症。今年10月更入住精神院舍,精神科醫生診斷他患上創傷後壓力症候群(post traumatic stress disorder)。辯方要求法官延長CBO,讓被告完成227小時未履行的社區服務,控方再次支持這做法,故此法官才下此命令而沒有改判被告監禁。




As If The Judge Was Not There


【明報專訊】上訴庭昨在處理鳥克蘭船與內地貨船相撞刑事上訴時,狂轟原審時控辯雙方共3名資深大律師及兩名大律師,審訊期間不理庭上禮儀,不單經常無謂「插嘴」打斷審訊,大律師之間更經常在法官李素蘭面前互相討論,更甚的是沒有站回應法官提問,實行「當法官無到」,上訴庭明言此風不可長。 (15/12/2011明報節錄)
明報這則新聞報導並不全面,上訴庭副庭長司徒敬(Frank Stock)在倫明高法官(Michael Lunn)頒布主判辭之後,特別用了20段來批評控辯雙方律師對法官無禮的情況,同時批評原審法官李素蘭(Suzie Remedios)多次沒有阻止不必的提問,審訊節拍控制得不好。舉例如下:
502. This type of conduct is unseemly and whilst I have some sympathy for this experienced judge faced with a difficult case, it is conduct which, at an early stage, ought to have been stopped.
509. The question pressed by Mr Westbrook was not a question; it was a comment. But more significantly, the remark to the witness¾to a defendant mind you¾“I’m not interested in your explanation” was rudeness itself delivered by counsel clothed with the authority of his professional robes to a person in a wholly unequal position. The judge should not have permitted it.
510. Cross-examination of the type displayed in the passages I have reproduced, apart from
constituting poor advocacy, is never permissible.



為鄰爭執 蕭定一稱梁太氣燄大



唐唐必勝,身邊的跳樑小丑卻走出來耍猴子戲。人家老婆惡,如果可以做特首夫人,立法會裏就不會有人把香蕉飛來飛去,特首夫人坐鎮立法會,誰敢搗亂就像鄧文迪(Wendi Deng)救梅鐸(Murdoch)一樣,扭打起來,虎虎生威,做個tiger wife。




裁判官涉無故拘押 男子枉囚小欖索償


指被告「語無倫次」 囚禁索報告


張官形容上述做法「奇特」,當法官20多年從未遇過,又指上訴人若非涉及暴力或有自殘傾向,不應在未定罪前無故拘押。張官認為「裁判官權力係好大,加上(上訴人)無律師代表,更可以話係『肉隨砧板上』」,促裁判官小心運用,「唔好立亂困住人」,否則對當事人不公。 (13/12/2011明報節錄)

昨天上訴判辭還沒有上載,我也按捺不住,寫這blog為Wahab(馬保華)呼寃。不認識香港法律的讀者,可能給報導誤導,班太(Judianna Barnes即張慧玲)對Wahab的批評有欠公允。首先,先談法理。香港法例第221章刑事程序條例第75條是否適宜受審,是裁判官押後案件,索取被告精神報告的權力來源。第75條的英文版本比中文更易明白,張貼如下:

chapter:221 PDFTitle:CRIMINAL PROCEDURE ORDINANCEGazette Number:32 of 2000
Section:75Heading:Fitness to be triedVersion Date:09/06/2000

(1) This section applies where on the trial of a person the question arises (at the instigation of the defence or otherwise) whether the accused is under a disability, that is to say, under any disability such that apart from this Ordinance it would constitute a bar to his being tried. (Replaced 37 of 1996 s. 3)
(2) The court, if having regard to the nature of the supposed disability is of opinion that it is expedient so to do and in the interests of the accused person, may postpone consideration of the said question (hereinafter referred to as "the question of fitness to be tried") until any time up to the opening of the case for the defence, and if before the question of fitness to be tried falls to be determined the jury return a verdict of acquittal on the count or each of the counts on which the accused person is being tried that question shall not be determined.
(3) Subject to subsection (2), the question of fitness to be tried shall be determined as soon as it arises.
(4) The question of fitness to be tried shall be determined by a jury, and-
        (a) where it falls to be determined on the arraignment of the accused person, then if the trial proceeds the accused person shall be tried by-
          (i) where paragraph (a) of the definition of "court" is applicable, a jury other than the jury which determined that question;
          (ii) in any other case, the same jury which determined that question;
        (b) where it falls to be determined at any later time, it shall be determined by-
          (i) where paragraph (a) of the definition of "court" is applicable, a separate jury or the jury by whom the accused person is being tried, as the court may direct;
          (ii) in any other case, the same jury by whom the accused person is being tried. (Replaced 37 of 1996 s. 3)
(5) A jury shall not make a determination under subsection (4) except on the written or oral evidence of 2 or more registered medical practitioners (of whom not less than 2 shall be psychiatrists on the Specialist Register established under section 6(3) of the Medical Registration Ordinance (Cap 161)). (Replaced 37 of 1996 s. 3. Amended 32 of 2000 s. 11)
(6) In this section-
"court" (法庭) means-
        (a) the Court of First Instance acting in the exercise of its criminal jurisdiction; (Amended 25 of 1998 s. 2)
        (b) the District Court acting in the exercise of its criminal jurisdiction; or
        (c) a magistrate;
"verdict of acquittal" (無罪的裁決) does not include a special verdict that the accused person is not guilty by reason of insanity. (Replaced 37 of 1996 s. 3)
(7) In this section, any reference to a jury shall, where the trial concerned takes place in the District Court or before a magistrate, be read as a reference to a District Judge or the magistrate, as the case may be. (Added 37 of 1996 s. 3)

從75(3)可見,當是否適宜受審的問題出現時,即須予以裁定,那是法律上的規定。Wahab覺得被告語無倫次,把案件押後,索取被告的精神報告,做法正確,可謂duty bound。如果班太真的像明報所講「高院質疑裁判官無故收押他的做法」,我覺得批評罔顧法理,並不公正。班太無需講一大堆煽情的話,把Wahab講成犯下彌天大罪。班太講得正確的是「裁判官似乎未必得悉,上訴人可保釋外出等候報告的做法。」根據第136章精神健康條例第51(2)(a)條讓被告保釋在外,索取報告:

(2) (a) A court or magistrate may, in lieu of remanding a person under subsection (1), admit him to bail in accordance with the periods specified in subsection (1) on his procuring or producing such surety or sureties as the court or magistrate thinks fit.

可是,慣常的做法是在第一庭,在被告第一次提堂時,控方提出對被告索取精神報告的申請,以決定被告是否適合答辯(fit to plea),或者在把被告定罪之後,在判刑之前,索取精神及背景報告。兩種情況下都把被告還押小欖。審案中途要索取報告,雖然較少,但Wahab沒有做錯。唯一可以批評Wahab的,只是有關扣押的做法。如果把裁判法院索取精神報告的案件來做統計,恐怕不是全部也會是絕大部份都把被告收押。我的看法或許過時,在此,有經驗的讀者,真的要給我指點一下。







Malcolm Naden是新省的頭號通緝犯,自2005年涉及兩宗殺人及一宗兒童性侵犯受通緝,警方一直束手無策。自上星期至今還未完結的圍捕,已經是第7次的大規模行動了。上星期是警察和他最近距離的相遇----20米,一個穿上避彈衣的警員肩膊中彈,其他同僚為了照顧受傷的隊友,便終止追捕。中槍的警員一日後出院,通緝犯相信一年後也拿不到。這一槍也替其他隊友找到不繼續行動的藉口。當然在這裏要下註腳,警察連是誰開槍都看不見,開槍的距離也靠猜測。


7次的圍捕都拉不到人,警方的能力及方法當然備受批評。茂密的叢林,地形複雜,使追踪困難當然是主因,但通緝犯多次在農舍爆竊,偷取食物、啤酒、衣服、望遠鏡及槍彈,手法(modus operandi)如出一轍,警方已掌握了他的指紋及DNA,如果反應快一點,着力一點,成効應該更大。




The question posted is about venue of trial. The law involved is the Second Schedule, Magistrates
Ordinance, Cap 227 Laws of Hong Kong.

I quote the original questions from the email,

I have looked at those ordinance, but its kind of confusing me a bit. Take an example, When i did the exam pass paper, one of the questions was about a person throwing corrosive fluid to hurt others. I know this offender is liable under s29 throwing corrosive fluid, with intend to do GBH. This is the offence triable upon indictment and shall be liable to imprisonment for life. But when I looked at the 2 Schedule, Part 3 MO, it says DC can hear any indictable offence not listed in 2 Sch , PArt 3 MO. In 2 Sch, Part 3 Pont 2, any offence which is punishable with imprisonment for life except throwing corrosive fluid with intend to do GBH.(Does ''except'' mean that DC can hear this case??)

And I know that only CFA can hear any indictable offence listed in second Sch, part 3, . In second Sch, part 3, point 2: any offence which is punishable with imprisonment for life except throwing corrosive fluid with intend to do GBH ( Does 'except' mean that CFI cannot hear this offence?it does not make sense to me!)

The answer to the corrosive question is that CFI should be the court to hear this case. Am I misunderstanding the second sch, part 3?? If I have not made my question prefectly clear, please let me know, i will rewrite it. I have attached second sch, part 3.

2.Another case like this
Jim Chan and his younger brother Joe Chan approached a light goods vehicle parked on the roadside outside New Town Plaza in Sha Tin. They walked around the vehicle then kicked the offside door twice with their legs. They also smashed three of the windows. The vehicle subsequently required repairs costing $26,000. A police officer happened to be on duty nearby. He witnessed their actions and arrested the brothers for criminal damage, contrary to section 60(1) and punishable under section 63 of the Crimes Ordinance

s63 says A person guilty of any other offence under this Part shall be liable on conviction upon indictment to imprisonment for 10 years.

when I was doing this question, I doubted, because up to 10 yrs. Well, I just wonder how you can be sure how many years they will be sentenced and in turn picking the right court, since MC 3 yrs, DC 7 yrs ?the answer to the above criminal damage is MC. For professional lawyers, they surely know MC, but for student, its difficlut to determine either MC or DC when facing the sentence like this up to 10 years.

Bill Siu's reply

Your question can be divided into 2 parts. The first part is jurisdiction and the second part is selection of venue. The first part is pure statue and the second part is sentencing tariff from appeal precedents and reasonable expectation by the prosecution as the like sentence will be.

Jurisdiction is of fundamental importance. The prosecution is bound by the statue and does not have the free will to decide which court to go to. Just like your question posted, the power comes from Second Schedule, Cap 227.

What you have to do is to look at the list of offences in the Second Schedule and the empowering and triggering sections in the Magistrates' Ordinance. Sections 91 and 92 Cap.227 empower magistrates to deal with indictable offences with the exception of offences in Part I Second Schedule (I will disregard the power of special magistrate and concentrate on that of the permanent magistrate’s for brevity of discussion here). What will confuse you is apparently the use of double negative in the statue. The double negative comes from the word “except”. It first appears in Section 92

Whenever any person is accused before a permanent magistrate of any indictable offence except an offence specified in Part I of the Second Schedule…

When reading in conjunction with Part I of Second Schedule,

2. Any offence (except an offence against section 10 or 12 of the Theft Ordinance (Cap 210), or an offence against Part VIII of the Crimes Ordinance (Cap 200)) which is punishable with imprisonment for life.

When the double negative is read together, it becomes a positive. That means, in this instance, the magistrate has jurisdiction to try the case. If you look at Section 10 of the Theft Ord, you can see the charge is Robbery which is liable on conviction upon indictment to imprisonment for life. That is why robbery cases can be dealt with in magistrate’s court if the nature is not very serious. This will help you understand more easily. The rule is double negative makes a positive just like mathematics.

The general principle is a magistrate cannot try an offence which carries death penalty or life imprisonment and then you have to see if there is any exception. The exceptions are listed out in Part I Second Schedule. The exceptions in Part I empower the magistrates to deal with the offence. Part I Second Schedule covers a wider range of offences than Part III, analogous to a universal set and a subset. So when a magistrate has no jurisdiction to deal with offences mentioned in Part I, he does not have jurisdiction to deal with offences contained in Part III because Part I is inclusive of Part III. There are more exceptions in Part III which means a District Judge has wider power and can deal with more offences than a magistrate. For instance, Section 17 (Wounding with Intent) Cap 212 can be dealt with by a District Judge but not a magistrate.

The jurisdiction of a District Judge comes from Section 75 Cap 336 District Court Ord. The interpretation of Section 75 Cap 336 is just like Section 92 Cap 227. When you see a double negative situation, it means the District Court has jurisdiction to deal with the offences. If you see it this way, there will not be any confusion. One more thing to remember is any offence triable summarily only standing alone can only be tried in the magistrate court unless it is brought alongside an indictable offence .  On the contrary, the magistrate can try any indictable offences not listed in Part I Second Schedule with the consent of the prosecution (S 94A Cap 227).

The question you asked in your email about the Throwing Corrosive Fluid with Intent to do GBH (S29 Cap 212) is an exception in Part III Second Schedule. So the District Judge can deal with it and of course CFI can deal with it too but a magistrate cannot because it is not an exception in Part I Second Schedule.

For the second part of your question about the selection of venue, it is true that it is difficult for an inexperienced person to select the correct venue. If you are not familiar with the sentencing tariffs, you cannot make the right choice. Look at the example you gave about the criminal damage of the car. Use a common sense approach instead of being overwhelmed by the maximum sentence can be imposed. The repair cost for the damage to a Corolla may be $20,000 but a similar damage to a 7 series BMW may cost $200,000. The act itself is only a few kicks or using a pole to hit the bonnet or smash the windscreen. The cause can be a road rage resulting in a momentary fit of anger instead of a well-planned premeditated act. What sentence will a court pass?  I should say at most a few months’ incarceration. How about stealing a few items from the supermarket? Theft (S.9 Cap 210) carries a maximum of 10 years’ imprisonment. The normal sentence for the first offender is a fine of a few hundred dollars. So don’t be misled by the maximum sentence.

What you can do to acquire more knowledge about the tariff is to read the appeal judgments or read the court news in the newspaper.   



JEFFREY GILHAM, now a free man, said he was looking forward to the first Christmas with his three-year-old daughter, on his return home yesterday.
Standing outside his St Ives home, Mr Gilham, 41, hugged his wife, Robecca, and gave a short statement. ''This week has been very overwhelming for us. I'm glad to be back home with my family and we're all looking forward to a very special Christmas together, seeing as it'll be the first one I'll have with my youngest daughter,'' he said.
Mr Gilham was released on bail on Friday, after winning an appeal against a conviction for murdering his parents, Helen, 55, and Stephen, 58, in August 1993 at their Woronora home.
The NSW Court of Criminal Appeal is yet to decide whether to order a retrial or acquit Mr Gilham. Even if it orders a retrial, the Director of Public Prosecutions may decide not to proceed.
Mr Gilham has always maintained his innocence, saying it was his brother, Christopher, who had stabbed his parents to death and then set them on fire. Mr Gilham admitted to killing his brother in response, and was given a five-year good behaviour bond after pleading guilty to manslaughter in 1995.
But at Mr Gilham's trial in 2008, the Crown alleged he had killed all three family members and then set the house on fire, and he was jailed for life.
The prosecution's case hinged on forensic evidence that suggested Christopher had died before the fire started, but in Mr Gilham's appeal, a leading toxicologist said Christopher was almost certainly alive at the time the fire was lit.
Mr Gilham's friends, family and neighbours had spent countless hours working on his appeal.

(5/12/2011 Sydney Morning Herald)


被告Jeffrey Gilham和哥哥Christopher跟50多歲的父母同住,他們一家在社區中受人尊重,兩兄弟讀書成績好,被告尤為同儕典範。1993年8月28日早上4時30分,被告赤裸上身,穿著短褲,奔往鄰居處求助,告訴鄰居Christopher殺死了父母,然後放火,自己因此殺了Christopher。


警方只告了他一項殺害Christopher的謀殺罪,扣押了一個月,他獲得擔保。1995年審訊的時候,控方接納了他承認誤殺,他被判簽保守行為5年(good behaviour bond)。同年的死因研訊也裁定是Christopher殺了父母。這件案本來是這樣了結,但到了2000年,被告的叔伯由原本相信被告清白,變成相信被告是殺害父母的真兇,觸發重新調查本案,也重新展開死因研訊。死因庭對案件重新評估立論,把案件轉介刑事檢控專員,建議控告被告謀殺父母,但刑事檢控專員不同意這看法,沒有採取行動。2001年被告的叔伯對被告提出私人檢控(private prosecution),刑事檢控專員卻中途介入,撤銷了這件案(我不知道究竟是withdraw the case抑或enter nolle prosequi, 謄本沒有交代,我在李成康的禁錮事件 的blog介紹過香港私人傳票的法律程序,NSW信相也類似)。

2004年引發另一次重新調查該案,2006年刑事檢控專員終於檢控他兩項謀殺父母的控罪。2007年被告申請終止聆訊(stay of proceeding)理由是再檢控他對他造成迫害、不公平及違反一罪不能兩審原則(oppressive, unfair and in breach of the rule against double jeopardy)。法庭駁回申請,及後上訴也被上訴庭及高等法院((這裏的High Court相等於香港的CFA)駁回。


昨天朋友之間閒談講起這件案,其中一點講到就是殺父母定罪得直,殺兄那項還有發展嗎?可以肯定講,殺兄那一項控罪已處理終結,不能兩審,屬於曾就同一控罪被定罪(autrefois convict)。我曾在一罪兩審 Double Jeopardy的blog講過NSW在2006年通過了一罪可以兩審的法例,但這項殺兄的控罪在16年前已處理了,新法例沒有追溯力,不能重新檢控他謀殺。



補鑊狂發告票 檔販一殼淚








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遭拖數13年 議員轟「衰到無人有」


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