律師馬鹿(化名, aka Maro)告訴我以胸襲警案要上訴到終審法院, Wow, 我原先以為這件案已蓋棺無得再寫, 殊不知又有新發展。以甚麼理由去上訴呢? 暫時未有分曉。先要讚馬老大幾句, 他以前曾經給我狠罵, 很不客氣地罵(佢條友鬧我一樣咁勁), 他夠器量, 我比他小器得多, 他不念舊惡, 改名換姓後時常以第一身把庭上所見及他所知告訴我, 這一次是他通知我我才知道。上訴到終審法院只有兩個理由, 主要的理由是案件涉及「法律論點」一環(point of law limb), 法律論點即是要「涉及具有重大而廣泛的重要性的法律論點」(法例第484章《終審法院條例》第32條), 次要的理由是「顯示曾有實質及嚴重的不公平情況」, 這兩環(limbs)的重要性並不一樣, 終審法院主要考慮法律論點而非案情事實, 所以用不同環節申請, 程序有點不同。終審法院第一宗刑事案上訴就定出程序來。在曾亮新 訴 香港特別行政區一案(ZENG LIANG XIN and HKSAR FAMC 1/1997), 判辭第34段列出有關程序:
Ds would need to overcome the first hurdle
ie Rule 7 CFA Rules
(1) 凡司法常務官應答辯人的申請而認為或自行認為某項申請並無顯示合理的給予上訴許可的理由,或是瑣屑無聊或不符合本規則的,則他可向申請人發出傳票,傳召他在上訴委員會席前提出為何不應駁回其申請的因由。
他所指第一關要過的是上列規則這一關, 言下之意上訴理由是「顯示曾有實質及嚴重的不公平情況」的一環, 若涉及「法律論點」一環, 第一關要過的是聽審上訴的張慧玲法官這一關, 因為要向她申請證明書(certificate), 然後才可向終院申請上訴許可。申請上訴的實際論據我沒有本事估, 要頒佈判辭時才可看到。這樣高深的東西我都唔識估喇, 我只知道街就唔使掃住, 要等司法程序完結後才知有沒有需要履行社會服務令。當然有人會覺得唔使坐監改判掃街或感化咁便宜仲去上訴, 豈有此理, 這就是我們可以炫耀的法治, 權利保障充足, 公正開明。
曾經有條友留言大讚大陸的法治好, 佢驚我無命睇到, 話如果我未死, 十年八年後會超越香港, 我誇下海口, 相約二十八年後華山論劍, 畀夠廿八年佢超英趕美, 睇下佢在法治方面有無咁把炮可以將香港比下去。我自己就注意飲食健康, 強身健體, 確保廿八年後有命印證。我為何要扯這東西來講呢? 喺大陸, 若果發生這種事, 打你一鑊之後你認罪並會講服從判罰不會上訴, 仲有得上訴完又上訴? 咪身在福中不知福喇!
34. It may assist if we set out the position resulting from this construction:
(1) Where an applicant relies on only the "point of law" limb, he should apply to the lower court for the certificate. If granted by the lower court, he should then apply to the Court of Final Appeal for leave. If declined by the lower court, he then applies to the Court of Final Appeal for the certificate and for leave.
(2) Where an applicant relies on only the "substantial and grave injustice" limb, he must apply straight to the Court of Final Appeal for leave. The application is not one for any certificate.
(3) Where an applicant wishes to rely on both limbs:
(a) He should apply to the lower court for the certificate for the "point of law" limb.
(b) If granted, he should then apply to the Court of Final Appeal for leave (i) on the basis of the certificate and (ii) raising the "substantial and grave injustice" limb. The Appeal Committee will then decide whether to grant leave and, if so, whether on both limbs or one of them.
馬鹿在上一篇留言提及:(c) If the lower court refuses to grant the certificate, then the applicant should apply to the Court of Final Appeal (i) for a certificate for the "point of law" limb and (ii) for leave on the basis of firstly the certificate (if granted) and secondly, the "substantial and grave injustice" limb. The Court can then decide on whether to grant leave and, if leave is granted, whether on both limbs or one of them.
Ds would need to overcome the first hurdle
ie Rule 7 CFA Rules
章: | 484A | 標題: | 《香港終審法院規則》 | 憲報編號: | L.N. 384 of 1997 |
條: | 7 | 條文標題: | 並無顯示合理的上訴理由的、瑣屑無聊的或不符合本規則的申請 | 版本日期: | 01/07/1997 |
(2) 上訴委員會在考慮有關事項後,可命令駁回申請或發出在案中秉持公正所需的其他指示。
標少,想請教下,假設佢地可以上訴到終審法院,有冇可能個官否決上訴(先唔理上訴人有咩原因) 但覺得個判刑過低而加重刑罰架?謝謝。
回覆刪除上面引用的案例已講了, 如果聽上訴的張慧玲法官不批出證明書, 被告可以直接向終院申請上訴許可(判辭34(3)(c)段), 無論終院的上訴怎樣發展, 張慧玲法官已無權再改判刑, 除非被告違反了她判處的社會服務令或感化令。理論上在張慧玲法官判令這次判刑上訴得直之後, 律政司不服的話, 可以向上訴庭申請判刑覆核刑期, 然後才去終院。我之前講過, 律政司不會這樣做, 因為沒有勝算, 本案也並非值得這樣做的案。
不是每件刑事案都可以上訴至終院, 上到終院不批許可咪玩完囉, 因為無論如何都要先獲終院上訴許可才能正審上訴。批不批要看merits. 而且, 上終院律師費好貴, 除非有人義助, 唔係話上就上。
從這角度看香港比美國好, 香港不會容許關塔那摩灣的存在, 終院會判關塔那摩灣非法存在。
刪除找了很久, 終於找到: 「法院的挑戰」, 今年6月12日寫的, 28年後再比拼。
回覆刪除中國的是蟻民, 共產黨是天子。
刪除Bill Siu, another judgment concerning your favourite counsel: http://legalref.judiciary.gov.hk/lrs/common/ju/ju_frame.jsp?DIS=106061&currpage=T
回覆刪除But to be fair to him, I don't think M Poon was justified in saying that the Form 86 was too lengthy *for the purpose of the leave application* (it may be frivolous in itself but that's another question). If leave to apply JR is granted, the originating summons (Form 86A) would only say that JR is applied for on the grounds as set out in the Form 86. It is hence perfectly normal for the Form 86A to essentially set out in full the applicants' grounds.
The name of this counsel is already guilty of something.
刪除Lawyer Counsel Barrister Russell Coleman (高浩文大律師) Convicted and Fined HK$4,000 in Western Magistrates' Court on June 3, 1999
(South China Morning Post, June 25th, 1999, Alison Smith)
Convicted Lawyer Faces Bar Inquiry
Barrister Russell Coleman (高浩文大律師) has stepped down from the Bar Council pending an investigation that could lead to disciplinary proceedings.
Russell Coleman, 36, is under investigation by an independent tribunal after he failed to tell the Bar Association's executive committee of his conviction this month for a criminal offence.
Association Chairman Senior Counsel Ronny Tong Ka-wah SC said yesterday he was 'a little upset' after learning of the barrister's conviction by reading about it in the South China Morning Post.
'He told me he was naturally a little embarrassed to reveal the matter to me . . . He thought the conviction wouldn't attract media attention,' Mr Tong said.
Mr Coleman is among nine elected members of the Bar Council - the body appointed to uphold standards of professional conduct and discipline among barristers.
He confirmed last night that he had not offered to resign but had agreed to step down while the investigation takes place.
'As you know, I have agreed pending the usual processes, not to take part in Bar Council and subcommittee deliberations,' he said.
Senior Counsel Ronny Tong SC said Russell Coleman only offered to step down after he broached the matter outside the last meeting of the executive committee.
'I learned on the morning of the Friday and I was a little bit unprepared. When it was revealed in the SCMP, the name was Langley Coleman and I was frantically trying to get hold of him to find out what the position was,' he said. 'I think he quite naively thought the matter wouldn't attract attention.' Mr Coleman was fined $4,000 in Western Court on June 3 for helping his domestic helper work as a caretaker - an offence under the Criminal Procedure Ordinance and Immigration Ordinance.
=> Bill Siu, do you know why Russell Coleman SC was just fined? I thought even back in 1999, the standard sentence for AABOC was 2 months' immediate imprisonment on a plea of guilty?
Sorry, it was too long ago. I have no recollection.
刪除He hadnt made silk then. but granted he is very persuasive in court. an excellent civil advocate.
新聞當真這樣說, 請給我連結。
刪除第一上訴人朱家言, 第二上訴人鄺振駹和第三上訴人吳麗英似乎都係用法援打官司的, 無須擔心律師費, 上訴到終審法院似乎係指定動作
回覆刪除D1 乃未成年 請去掉他名字
這是公開資料, 刊登在法官判詞內
對呀, 是張慧玲的問題, 在司法機構上載的判辭刊登的。
刪除法官失職? 藍絲朋友終於找到機會, 可以投訴張官, 要她下台
刪除只是一時疏忽了, 因為件案原本不是在少年法庭處理的。我以前也批評過一宗非禮上訴揭露受害人的名字, 原審時用了X作代號, 上訴判辭引用了原審過程的審訊謄本, 受害人的名字就披露了, 法官不經意地違法, 偶有發生。
刪除疑因政見不同惹爭執 熱血成員涉襲茶客 http://hkm.appledaily.com/detail.php?guid=55714002&category_guid=6996647&category=instant&issue=20160930
有啲友可能冷血好啲, 或者輸血更好。
Hi Bill, what do you think of CY Leung's threat to sue Apple Daily?
回覆刪除Letter from CY Leung's solicitors to Apple Daily -
Page 1: http://static.apple.nextmedia.com/images/e-paper/20160929/large/1475148892_d6e7.jpg
Page 2: http://static.apple.nextmedia.com/images/e-paper/20160929/large/1475148894_fa44.jpg
Response from CY Leung's solicitors to Apple Daily's news article of today -
Professor Johannes Chan's opinion -
Does he enjoy the protection as an individual like everybody else from defamation? The accusation of him accepting bribe is not yet proven and apparently the ICAC is still investigating. Despicable CY Leung may be, is it premature to jump to conclusion?