上星期講士多啤梨大造,十分便宜,今天又去悉尼的週五、六才營業的最大市場Flemington市場逛,士多啤梨供應少了,也漲了價,比上星期差一些的貨色也要14元一tray, 漲了40%,我也買了兩tray,就是這樣的:
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每包500克 |
另外,我又買了一片Ling fish, 這魚中文有超過一種叫法,我只好用英文,魚來自紐西蘭,鮮美價亷。淨肉一片,就2.25公斤,即3又4分3斤,每斤折算港幣70元,相當便宜。Ling的另一產物就是魚肚,即紐西蘭花膠。Ling的吃法簡單,可蒸可煎也可以做羗蔥魚片粥,我忽發奇想,把自己醃制的鹹蛋打了一隻來蒸Ling 片,其他調味不用,也有新意。
It should be a member of cod family right?
回覆刪除Use plenty of salt and several table spoon of chinese/japanese wine to marinate it overnight, and wash the salt away the next day. Steam it with ginger.
It looks like you are making salt fish. I do not put wine in to steam fish. Salt should be used in fresh fish in extremely small amount because it will extract the juice from the meat causing it to lose favour.
刪除Hmm...not really salt fish, it's just something like 一夜干 in Japan, most people will make it for grilled fish but steaming it with ginger is nice also.
回覆刪除The reason to put salt is to push out excessive juice inside the fish and to make the meat more firm, while the flavour will be retained. But I admit it should be little salt not a lot of it...
Wine is optional and if your fish is very fresh, you won't need it at all.
Without disrespect to your suggestion, we probably have a different fish eating culture. I never marinate fish with wine unless I do teriyaki but then you fry instead of steam. If the fish is fresh, retain its freshness without adulterating it with seasoning. If the fish is not fresh enough, never steam. Ling fish has firm meat and not oily, no need to extract the juice. In the steaming process, fish juice will come out because of contraction. For fish of soft and loose meat, salt does not help make it firmer. I suggest that you can steam it in Chiu Chow style, that is steam the whole fish with skin and scales on by bamboo knitted strainer. That is called 炊魚. By this way of cooking, the fish has to be eaten cold and dip with bean paste sauce (普寧豆醬). When the fish cools down, the meat will be firm. Cold fish is like the cold red swimmer crab, eaten cold with stronger favour than eaten hot.
回覆刪除Thanks 標少 for the sharing!