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這一篇不講貓琴, 講時事。
對我來講最近澳洲最爆炸性的新聞並非議員因雙重國籍被禠奪議席帶來的憲政問題, 而是今天悉尼一個裁判官被拘捕, 被控9項性侵犯兒童的控罪, 案發在1981至1983年間, 連結在此: NSW Magistrate charged over historic child sex offences
Detectives from the State Crime Command’s Sex Crimes Squad charged Mr Curran, 67, this morning when he met them by agreement at Burwood Police Station.
Police will allege the charges relate to a teenage boy who was known to Mr Curran and took place between 1981 and 1983.
Strike Force Stantke was established in 2014 to investigate reports a boy had been sexually assaulted in the early 1980s.
The former Children’s Court magistrate was sworn onto the bench in August 2002 and has sat on cases across Sydney, including at Burwood, Blacktown, Mt Druitt and Downing Centre.
He sat on the Children’s Court between 2004 and 2006.
The task force was established by detectives from the State Crime Command’s Sex Crime Squad in 2014 to investigate reports a boy had been sexually assaulted in the early 1980s and police said investigations under are continuing.(31/10/2017 Daily Telegraph)
以同類控罪而言, 震撼程度當然不及前澳洲大主教George Pell面對的指控, Cardinal Pell在本月初才在墨爾本上庭, 收到風聲避走了去教庭工作也要面對指控而回來受審, 這是新聞的連結: Cardinal George Pell in Melbourne court over historical sexual offences
Police had cordoned off the court entrance early in the day and blocked part of the road outside.
A line of about 30 people - mainly media - waited for hours to secure a seat in the courtroom where the third most senior Vatican official's committal mention was heard.
There was no sign of Pell supporters, but some victim advocacy representatives turned up, a few holding signs.
"It doesn't matter how high up the tree you are, it doesn't matter how much access to money you have, no one is above the law," Brian Cherrie said.
到現在還未清楚大主教面對多少項控罪, 控方還未披露, 明年3月進行交付程序(committal proceedings), 情況才會明朗。大主教是歷來最高級的神甫面對刑事控罪。這件案曝光時, 電視台訪問市民會不會捐錢給大主教抗辯, 有的教徒說會, 我有些虔誠的朋友也說會。我就不予置評。罪, 除了由官判(大主教這一宗由陪審團判), 還要面對天主的審判。I don't give a dime and I don't give a damn。我不是教徒嘛。
兩宗新聞的標題一個用"historic", 另一個用"historical", 前者是用錯了形容詞, 應該用"historical"才對, 因為都在講久遠之前發生的事, 而非具歷史重要性的。性侵犯或非禮等控罪是沒有檢控時限的可公訴控罪(no time limit for commencement of proceedings for an indictable offence), 只要一日被告未死, 陳年往事也會東窗事發。不是嗎, 香港也發生過一宗劉嘉兒神父性侵犯輔祭案, 事發10年後才被檢控, 最後被定罪判監4年半, 上訴至終院也被駁回(LAU KA YEE MICHAEL and HKSAR FACC9/2004)。也並不限於神父不婚而產生的性心理問題, 基督教牧師非禮並被定罪的案件也不少。至於香港法官, 就未聽聞過涉風化案的指控, 被檢控定罪的只有很那羞家騙綜援的高院法官Jackson-Lipkin。
這一篇不講貓琴, 講時事。
對我來講最近澳洲最爆炸性的新聞並非議員因雙重國籍被禠奪議席帶來的憲政問題, 而是今天悉尼一個裁判官被拘捕, 被控9項性侵犯兒童的控罪, 案發在1981至1983年間, 連結在此: NSW Magistrate charged over historic child sex offences
Detectives from the State Crime Command’s Sex Crimes Squad charged Mr Curran, 67, this morning when he met them by agreement at Burwood Police Station.
Police will allege the charges relate to a teenage boy who was known to Mr Curran and took place between 1981 and 1983.
Strike Force Stantke was established in 2014 to investigate reports a boy had been sexually assaulted in the early 1980s.
The former Children’s Court magistrate was sworn onto the bench in August 2002 and has sat on cases across Sydney, including at Burwood, Blacktown, Mt Druitt and Downing Centre.
He sat on the Children’s Court between 2004 and 2006.
The task force was established by detectives from the State Crime Command’s Sex Crime Squad in 2014 to investigate reports a boy had been sexually assaulted in the early 1980s and police said investigations under are continuing.(31/10/2017 Daily Telegraph)
以同類控罪而言, 震撼程度當然不及前澳洲大主教George Pell面對的指控, Cardinal Pell在本月初才在墨爾本上庭, 收到風聲避走了去教庭工作也要面對指控而回來受審, 這是新聞的連結: Cardinal George Pell in Melbourne court over historical sexual offences
Police had cordoned off the court entrance early in the day and blocked part of the road outside.
A line of about 30 people - mainly media - waited for hours to secure a seat in the courtroom where the third most senior Vatican official's committal mention was heard.
There was no sign of Pell supporters, but some victim advocacy representatives turned up, a few holding signs.
"It doesn't matter how high up the tree you are, it doesn't matter how much access to money you have, no one is above the law," Brian Cherrie said.
(Nine News)
到現在還未清楚大主教面對多少項控罪, 控方還未披露, 明年3月進行交付程序(committal proceedings), 情況才會明朗。大主教是歷來最高級的神甫面對刑事控罪。這件案曝光時, 電視台訪問市民會不會捐錢給大主教抗辯, 有的教徒說會, 我有些虔誠的朋友也說會。我就不予置評。罪, 除了由官判(大主教這一宗由陪審團判), 還要面對天主的審判。I don't give a dime and I don't give a damn。我不是教徒嘛。
兩宗新聞的標題一個用"historic", 另一個用"historical", 前者是用錯了形容詞, 應該用"historical"才對, 因為都在講久遠之前發生的事, 而非具歷史重要性的。性侵犯或非禮等控罪是沒有檢控時限的可公訴控罪(no time limit for commencement of proceedings for an indictable offence), 只要一日被告未死, 陳年往事也會東窗事發。不是嗎, 香港也發生過一宗劉嘉兒神父性侵犯輔祭案, 事發10年後才被檢控, 最後被定罪判監4年半, 上訴至終院也被駁回(LAU KA YEE MICHAEL and HKSAR FACC9/2004)。也並不限於神父不婚而產生的性心理問題, 基督教牧師非禮並被定罪的案件也不少。至於香港法官, 就未聽聞過涉風化案的指控, 被檢控定罪的只有很那羞家騙綜援的高院法官Jackson-Lipkin。
兔兔家鄉也有過兒童法庭的法官,涉嫌戀童達幾十年,事發後吞槍自殺。 Judge Gary Little.
回覆刪除這些事情, 老外多一點。