


在香港駕車時使用手機的規範,來自《道路交通(交通管制)規例》Cap 374G第42(1)(g)

(1) A driver shall not-
    (g) if a motor vehicle being driven by him is in motion-
      (i) use a mobile telephone while holding it in his hand or between his head and shoulder;
      (ii) use any other telecommunications equipment while holding it in his hand; or
      (iii) use, while holding in his hand, any accessory to-
        (A) a mobile telephone; or
        (B) any other telecommunications equipment.

香港的法例寬鬆,汽事移動時(in motion)手持或置於頭與肩膀之間的方式使用手機,才會犯法。如果遇上塞車或紅燈,車輛停下來時才使用,則不屬違法。


ROAD RULES 2008 - REG 300

Use of mobile phones by drivers (except holders of learner or provisional P1 licences)

300 Use of mobile phones by drivers (except holders of learner or provisional P1 licences)

(1) The driver of a vehicle (except an emergency vehicle or police vehicle) must not use a mobile phone that the driver is holding in his or her hand while the vehicle is moving, or is stationary but not parked, unless the driver is exempt from this rule under another law of this jurisdiction.
Maximum penalty: 20 penalty units.
Note: "Emergency vehicle", "park" and "police vehicle" are defined in the Dictionary.
(1-1) Subrule (1) does not apply to the driver of a vehicle who is the holder of a learner licence or provisional P1 licence.
Note: "Learner licence" is defined in the Act, and "provisional P1 licence" is defined in the Dictionary.
Note: Rule 300-1 places restrictions on the use of mobile phones, whether or not held in the hand, by the holder of a learner licence or provisional P1 licence.
Note: This subrule is an additional NSW subrule. There is no corresponding subrule in rule 300 of the Australian Road Rules .
(2) In this rule:
"mobile phone" does not include a CB radio or any other two-way radio.
"use", in relation to a mobile phone, includes the following:
(a) holding the phone to, or near, the ear (whether or not engaged in a phone call),
(b) writing, sending or reading a text message on the phone,
(c) turning the phone on or off,
(d) operating any other function of the phone.

條例這樣寫,塞車或停燈也不能使用手機,stationary but not parked的情況下使用手機,也屬違法。故此,不要誤以為駕駛期間講電話才算犯法,無論香港或悉尼,法例禁止「使用」(use)而並非單只講電話。香港沒有羅列使用的情況,悉尼列出4種涵蓋甚廣的「使用」也並非窮盡所有情況,下次駕駛時使用手機先想清楚,除非不用手持(holding),否則還是放置一旁好了。如果不用手持,怎樣使用手機也無問題。

1 則留言:

  1. UK has adopted a stricter penalty in March 2017
    about the use of mobile phones when driving. The definition about using is wider and the penalties are stiffer (200 pounds + 6 points) (UK drivers have 12 points maximum within 3 years before they got banned). I think Hong Kong should use a tougher approach to this problem. Lets say 5 points for each offence and keep the current fine levels will be appropriate. Using a mobile phone while driving is dangerous.
