
紅燈超速相機(red-light speed camera)-----為悉尼朋友寫的一個blog

我以前寫過衝燈 一文,這一次講紅燈及超速相機。首先講紅燈相機的操作。衝燈 一文講過,就算過黃燈(amber light),同樣可以被檢控,結果和衝紅燈一樣。如果是紅燈相機的話,設計上只針對衝紅燈,過黃燈不會被拍攝。在設有紅燈相機的地方,燈位停車白界線以外的地下,藏着電極(electrode),連結交通燈及數碼相機。電極感應駛過車輛的重量,發揮作用。一輛車在紅燈亮了之後,經過白界線以外連續兩個電極,才會被拍攝到。舉例說當你見到交通燈轉為黃燈,把私家車煞停的時候,已轉為紅燈,而你停定時,半輛車凸出白界線,紅燈機會拍攝到你嗎?答案是不會。原因是你的車輛只觸及第一個電極,如果整輛車都在白界線外,連第二個電極都觸及,才會觸動(trigger)紅燈相機拍攝功能。又舉一例,你駛過交通燈的時候是綠燈,碰上塞車,你整輛車停在白界線外,交通燈轉為紅燈時,會不會把你視作衝燈而拍攝下來?答案是不會,因為當你的車輛觸及第一個電極的時候,交通燈是綠燈,不會觸動拍攝系統。

超速相機不外乎以地面電極感應、雷達及雷射3種方法來偵察車速,操作方式有幾種,包括定點相機(fixed speed camera)、流動車速偵察(mobile speed camera)、人手操作雷射槍(hand held laser gun)及點到點平均車速攝影機(point to point average speed camera)。流動車速偵察使用兩種方法,一種是用裝置了超速相機普通私冢車,停在高速公路旁操作,所謂流動是指沒有固定操作地點;另一種是真正流動的警車,車頂裝了雷達,以車跟車的方法偵察車速。人手操作的雷射槍,有的是警員站在路旁操作,或者坐在警車或警察電單車上操作。點到點平均車速攝影機只是針對重型車輛的超速,從A點影一張相,再從B點影一張,以兩點距離及時間計算平均車速,資料在中央數據庫處理,一旦發現平均速度超速,便提出檢控。

新南威爾斯州政府從今年6月開始至2014年底,會把紅燈超速相機由91部增至200部,流動車速偵察車由6部增至45部。早幾天駕車往Tamworth探望小女兒,在往返的800多公里途中,就經過13部相機,5輛警車。之後赫然發覺,由Carlingford 至Thornleigh之間,4部紅燈機其中兩部增加了超速相機,路面標誌(signage)由red light camera ahead 改為red-light speed camera ahead。稍不留神,損失慘重。

3 則留言:

  1. Maybe I should add this: if your car is stuck in the traffic jam outside the stop line and your rear wheels are still on the first electrode, there is a danger of triggering the photo taking when the light turns red and at that very moment you start to move forward. You should just stop without moving for 2 reasons. 1. it is possible your rear wheels are still on the first set of electrodes. By moving forward, you will trigger the red light machine and when your rear wheels touch the second set of electrodes, your photo will be taken. 2. Jumping the intermittent light is also jumping red light. What you should do is just stay stationary until the light turns green again.

  2. Dear friends, if you are lucky enough to be photographed, don't rush to pay the penalty, go to www.sdro.nsw.gov.au and ask for leniency. It has a list showing how u can get away with it. One of them is having a clean driving record of 10 years. When u have saved the $353, don't forget to buy me a big big dinner... 6ec

    1. 6ec

      You can surely try this lenience but you can only use it once. Apart from that, starting March this year, if you have no points incurred in the last 5 years, you will get 50% for licence renewal. For a 5 years' licence, instead of paying $162, you just pay $81.
