昨天Sydney Morning Herald這一則新聞, 我看了也沒時間評論:
A veteran NSW judge says she fears her colleagues will be driven to suicide if pressure isn’t lifted on the state’s overwhelmed court system.
In an extraordinary attack on the under-resourced sector, District Court judge Robyn Tupman warned it could come to someone taking his or her life before action was taken to ease the workload of members of the NSW judiciary.
“Let’s not muck around, we don’t want judges committing suicide like what happened in Victoria,” Judge Tupman said, referring to two high-profile deaths in state's judiciary in the past year.
“I fear for the wellbeing of many of my colleagues on this bench who have far less experience, are much younger and perhaps aren’t quite the bastard that I am.
"I hope we don't have the tragic outcome in NSW that has occurred in Melbourne because of the extraordinary workload required to be undertaken by the District Court."
A veteran NSW judge says she fears her colleagues will be driven to suicide if pressure isn’t lifted on the state’s overwhelmed court system.
In an extraordinary attack on the under-resourced sector, District Court judge Robyn Tupman warned it could come to someone taking his or her life before action was taken to ease the workload of members of the NSW judiciary.
“Let’s not muck around, we don’t want judges committing suicide like what happened in Victoria,” Judge Tupman said, referring to two high-profile deaths in state's judiciary in the past year.
“I fear for the wellbeing of many of my colleagues on this bench who have far less experience, are much younger and perhaps aren’t quite the bastard that I am.
"I hope we don't have the tragic outcome in NSW that has occurred in Melbourne because of the extraordinary workload required to be undertaken by the District Court."
最近法官新聞太多, 花多眼亂, 評論正是無從下箸。做工都是這樣, 有人做死, 有人舒服死。法官工作比較孤獨, 精神健康方面一向都是談論的禁區。工作量只是其中一個問題, 處理得太多兇殘暴戾的案件, 誰會知道在精神健康方面有甚麼影響, 因為他們是公眾人物, 卻不能隨便公眾發言。香港這方面尤其保守。法官也會諱疾忌醫, 精神出問題尤其不想給人知, 因為會被質疑斷案的能力。所以, 有時你只能憑直覺感覺或懷疑某法官是否有精神問題, 況且有些人坐了上去(on the bench)(任命為法官)就會癲, 未必與工作壓力有關。
上一篇昨天有此留言: 假車保案主腦重判 大狀罵法官以權謀私, 問我的看法。
一早就有人把這新聞傳給我, 看完整篇新聞, 對「以權謀私」這幾個字摸不著頭腦, 大概是slip of the tongue吧, 陳大狀是指控李官「濫用職權」? 更準確的描述應該是「不公正」。陳銚明一向給我的印象是個平和謙厚, 甚少得罪人的人, 公然罵法官我算是第一次聽到。可惜除了星島的報導外, 其他媒體不見報導, 未能確定內容的準確性。李慶年的官聲我不能批評, 因為我不能靠風聞。李官從總裁判官一職平調區院是今年一月一日的事, 似乎惹了不少火。
李官在另一件案的審理過程狠批了另一位十分資深的大狀王寶榮, 用了:
48. 「...黃大律師明知自已準備不足,有所疏忽和延誤,並忽然提出新議題,法庭要讓他為被告有充足時間解釋及陳述,及讓控方回應等等,仍然佯裝不知,不檢討自已過錯,還指責別人,更甚的是他於7月31日下午4時半仍未弄清己方提出的應有數字。本席對他處理本案的能力,手法,操守及誠信表示高度關注。本案的結果亦與黃大律師的表現無關,反而因黃大律師的表現幾乎影響辯方案情。本席彰顯司法風度,不會因黃大律師的表現影響被告享有公平審訊的權利。」
49. 「...可惜黃大律師不但沒有先溫習後上庭...」(「黃」大律師後來勘誤改回「王」大律師)
官要罵你, 雖然不能與娘要嫁人比, 司法機構也有些「補習班」, 教導法官在庭上的司法風度(judicial temperament), 也有中文判詞寫作坊等, 坐了上去, 這張bench是很神奇的, temperament原本好的有的會變壞, 有的永恆不變。工作量會是其中一個原因。幸好尋死的so far只有一個, 都是很多年前的事, 精神有問題的, 唉! 不說了。
美國大法官Kavanuagh的任命, 就更加不用說了, 糾纏不清的政治任命, 我不說三道四。
美國大法官Kavanuagh的任命, 就更加不用說了, 糾纏不清的政治任命, 我不說三道四。
這是一個怎麽弄權、用權和濫權的課題,例如你串串貢,我就是要抛你個客仔,吹咩!Legitimate power在任何一個社會機構都存在,可悲的是很難可對抗,就如打工仔等,除了唔撈還可怎様?這個陳銚明真有guts,應該是忍無可忍對住個廢官才發聲!
刪除將話就話的討論或評論, 我只可以出到句「好嬲」(因為罵+slip of the tongue+唔撈)
Guts對我來講是一種估計, 不會是判斷, 因為你要解釋不是slip of the tongue,真的指以權謀私.
Anyone who is not truculent and would not put up a show to antagonize the magistrate/judge...
好似有d 印像標少定馬鹿講過陳銚明大狀...?可能記錯了。
DJ and Chief Mag同級, 所以並非升職, 只是調了個可升職位, 但現實是排隊尾。而且李官入職做裁判官主要在small claim, criminal exposure is limited。PM無審案, CM時只審過「唐宮」, acquitted on facts. 我為了Symon Wong案的評論, 之後連Bernadette Woo也避免碰頭。無印象講過陳銚明, 或者是我痴呆忘記了。
刪除The salaries are identical but the powers are different. A DJ can sentence a defendant to 7 years in prison. CM can only sentence a defendant to 2 years in prison (for most cases). There is a 5 year difference in the judicial power. So it's a promotion.
刪除I think I know that long time ago.
刪除Haha... who cares about the increased jurisdiction apart from amateur law students. People in judiciary all know what it means.
刪除The Chief Magistrate has a troop of magistrates under him. So he can bark his commands and give orders. A District Judge has a Judicial clerk, Interpreter, usher... who else under him? There is no guarantee Judge Lee follows the path of Louis Tong (if I remember correctly from CM to Deputy High Court Judge) or Patrick Li, CM, CDCJ and then High Court Judge, or Anthony Kwok, Stanley Chan, CP Pang, Douglas Yau, Edmunnd Lee, Josiah Lam and the like, from DJ to Deputy High Court Judge. Judge Lee is at present the most junior DJ. Does he specialize in civil or criminal matters? In both streams, there are so many people ahead of him. His chance of deputizing in the High Court is slim. I don't see how people can treat it as a promotion.
刪除Out of curiosity, Billsiu, have you been a District Judge or a High Court Judge in Hong Kong?
刪除You must be kidding, mate.
刪除It's not easy getting appointments at District Court level or above. Some people never get that.
刪除其實標少你有無做過區域法院法官?"You must be kidding" 即係大家應該知肯定無,定係大家應該知肯定有?
回覆刪除10.34 A practising barrister must at all times act with due courtesy to the Court before which he is appearing.
刪除Assuming press reports to be accurate, 陳銚明大律師 was rude and disrespectful and should in my humble opinion be disciplined by the Bar.
刪除Assuming there is good course for Chan Siu-ming to lash out at Judge Lee, I love to see a cross complaint. I just want to see what happened.
刪除Sorry, good cause.
刪除Agree. No informed judgment can be made at the moment. But generally things always happen for a cause.
刪除It was unwise for Barrister Chau Siu Ming to lash out at Judge Lee like this. If he had a complaint, he could lodge it privately. Now he is at risk of being disciplined by the BDT.
刪除[[...美國大法官Kavanuagh的任命, 就更加不用說了....]]---
even BIG BROTHER is watching , I still have something to say....
這個金飯碗得之不易, 所以嘛....
[我宣誓 , 我一定以我的良心理性行事/判決 , 不偏不倚....]
really ?
Pour l'amour de ciel ....
" In God we trust!"
be careful!
I say :
" In God we trust."
回覆刪除天公有眼, 你/妳好彩.
天公冇眼, 佢好彩.....
達爾文的理論 , 你看過嗎? 你懂嗎?
超級強國小埠的一位老師給小學生的作業打了零分, 學生不忿, 投訴父母--父母跟老師理論 , 跟著投訴校長--校長教訓老師說父母是有體面的人, 勸她認錯--老師不認錯, 結果校董會的人和其他家長都來了, 要求老師辭職....
九唔搭八? 是不是? . 不過如果看過短片, 當會認同 : 這個世界是....很荒謬的.
刪除純粹分享軼事,Clement Lee以前坐KC court 1 時有好多「阿婆」口頭蟬,其中一句「莫貪一時樂,種下未來苦」差唔多每單PG案都會同被告講一次,仲會同被告講「你跟住我讀多一次」,然後問被告明唔明白。
刪除借博宣傳? 收廣告費架。
刪除I like His Honour Judge Clement Lee. He is a very good judge. Eminently sensible.
回覆刪除By all means. I won't stop anyone falling in love.
刪除以三姑六婆的街坊智慧推斷... 陳大狀甘以三十年來的累積的名聲, 在庭上如此以自殺式姿態辱罵李官爺, 其中必有重大冤情, 要不就是藉此換取比自身名聲更寶貴的利益
回覆刪除欲知後事如何, 可惜大概沒有下回分解了!
刪除就我所知,李慶年是公道的官,judicial temperament 亦一直不錯。不過推動改革,他人一時難以理解/跟隨,而法官對此執着,便會變得 “惹火”。但用心終歸是好的。我算是為他抱不平罷。
回覆刪除How do you know he tries to motivate some reforms? I know nothing about him.
刪除It could be seen that Clement Lee has been adopting new practices in his court to encourage efficient use of court time (which in my opinion is a good thing). Other practitioners may hold a different view for various reasons.
刪除As a result, Counsels have to be well prepared. Sometimes mutual dissatisfaction may then arise when there are different expectations. While I agree with the comment above that Clement Lee is a good judge, something should have happened to make an experienced counsel so furious. I have no idea what happened though.
Reform? Has there been any consensus with CJ or the Judiciary at large? If not, then he is merely creating inconsistency in the court's practice.
刪除Also, while I agree that court's time should be used in a more efficient way, sometimes I find that certain judges have been too keen or even obsessive with the so-called effecient case management, to the extent that a fair hearing is often neglected.