
Board up

我想特朗普連任, 是想美國繼續墮落。昨天看到BBC這篇報導: US election 2020: The Asians who are rooting for Trump to win, 別的地方不講, 只講該文所述一些港人的看法:

Hong Kong: 'Only Trump can hit the Communist Party'

Hong Kong has seen a severe clampdown by Beijing in the wake of massive pro-democracy and anti-China protests. A new security law has been brought in to punish anyone seen as secessionist or undermining Beijing's rule.

"When Donald Trump got elected four years ago, I thought the US had gone crazy," Erica Yuen tells the BBC. "I'd always been a supporter of the Democrats. Now though, I support Trump - along with a lot of the Hong Kong protesters."

The activist and businesswoman says that the priority for Hong Kong is to get a US president who will "hit the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) hard - that's the only thing that Hong Kong protesters hope for".

These hopes have been fuelled by the US president's vocal criticisms of China, particularly with regard to Hong Kong.


我不敢講這些人一定是愚昧無知, 只能說是天真和想法一廂情願。為了抗共, 就不惜一切、漠視現實, 向特朗普靠攏, 等同被人欺負, 自己打不過他, 去找黑社會大佬替你出頭。  我這比喻一點也不誇張, 特朗普的行事作風一向就是見利忘義, 兩面三刀, 厚顏無恥, 反覆無常。對這種人也有信心, 是源於對美國正面看法的inherent bias, 而無視現實狀況, 無視美國人為了鞏固自身利益而不擇手段。中國共產黨確實有不少值得批評的政策, 也有不少需要修正的外交政策, 戰狼外交惹起國際反感, 四鄰警愓, 錯失了因特朗普惹人反感而乘機提升國際地位的機會,  若拜登勝出, 中國將面對更難對付的反中圍堵。我講這些一定惹起民粹主義的人謾罵, 但我最近封了留言功能, 省了這方面的麻煩。

美國選後會產生動亂, 並非空穴來風, 紐約名店的橱窗也開始釘板(board up)了, New York Times就有此報導:

Nordstrom, the high-end department store chain, said it planned to board up some of its 350 stores and hire extra security for Election Day on Tuesday. Tiffany & Company, the luxury jeweler, said that “windows of select stores in key cities will be boarded in anticipation of potential election-related activity.” Saks Fifth Avenue said it was “implementing additional security measures at certain locations in the event of civil unrest due to the current election.”
(Boarded-Up Windows and Increased Security: Retailers Brace for the Election)

相比起來, 美國比香港幸運, 香港去年有不少銀行要用鐵板來抵擋暴行。香港一些人開口埋口講政治影響法治, 有甚麼例子比美國更超彰, 特朗普匆速任命Barrett, 就是為了挑戰敗選結果鋪路, 希望她投桃報李。

昨天區域法院法官沈小民判處一眾暴動案被告無罪, 我不知又有多少人沒看判詞又被口大罵了。Fred Sham出了名又釘又重, 連他都判無罪, 你還有甚麼好說。為甚麼暴徒要black bloc? 一字咁淺, 為了隱藏身份, 再加上雨傘盾牌遮擋, 及一眾幫兇的襄助, 毫無疑問增加了犯事者被拘捕檢控的難度。這些涉及大型群眾犯法的案件, 檢控本身已十分困難, 因為個別被告的行為含糊不清, 在暴動現場出現未必是參與暴動的, 參與的人實際是誰又不能清晰證明得到, 縱使警察拉人夠專業, 上庭作供卻錯漏百出, 未能毫無合理疑點舉證, 脫罪難免。除非把刑事法舉證責任加諸被告身上, 否則在案情事實方面因未符舉證要求而脫罪是常會發生的。也不要着重某些辯方律師的講法, 甚麼含寃得雪, 濫捕濫控之類的廢話, 在現行普通法的制度下, 脫罪是其中一種結果, we have to live with it。也別以為這些被告乾淨俐落地脫了罪就高寢無憂, 畢竟他們忐忑地經歷了一場審訊, 將來求職或外遊, 難免要回答些類似Have you ever been arrested/charged by the law enforcement agency before的問題而須作出法律聲明, 不易蒙混過去, 有不少公司收集這類數據提供給大機構作招聘員工時審查背景之用的。如果兩個應徵的人條件相若, 二擇其一, 你會挑選曾被控以暴動的一個嗎? 話說回頭, 有很多工作完全不用理會背景的, 譬如做釘板的工人。

2 則留言:

  1. https://www.mingpaocanada.com/tor/htm/News/20170403/HK-gfh1_er_r.htm




  2. 法理上可以理解,但是很好奇,谁应该为被打的无辜的人支付医药费?谁应该为被打砸抢的店铺赔偿?但是抓不到犯罪的人的话,这些损失只能他们自己吃下了吗?
