
Storm in a Bedsheet 床單裏的風波

英國下議院議長(Speaker of House of Commons) John Bercow的老婆Sally Bercow為Evening Standard拍了只用床單包裹着身體,以西敏寺為背景的香豔照片,已經震撼英國政壇,她對倫敦Evening Standard講以下這番說話,丈夫議長這職位恐怕做不下去了。

"The view from Speaker's House is incredibly sexy, particularly at night with the moon and the glow from the old gas lamps," she gasped.
"When John and I were first courting we used to walk along the South Bank and look at the Houses of Parliament. I never realised how sexy I would find living under Big Ben with the bells chiming."
But it's not just the three-bedroom apartment with its private terrace overlooking the Thames which "inspires" the couple. Her husband's role as Speaker means that some people see him – and consequently her – as more sexually attractive.
"Since John became Speaker, the number of women who hit on him has gone up dramatically," she said. "I don't get jealous because more men have hit on me, too."

豔照本身只不過是狄娜出浴照那種級數的暴露,如果不是議長老婆,那是平凡不過的玉照,三點不露,露出右邊的大腿而已。最致命的是受訪問時爆出夫妻各自偷歡,和諧共處。(Hit on is a slang which means to make persistent sexual advances to).這是繼意大利總理Berlusconi一連串性醜聞之後的另一宗香豔新聞。

4 則留言:

  1. My understanding of 'hit on' is a lot milder actually. I would interpret as flirting. 'Are you trying to hit on her?' would mean 'Are you trying to get her number?'
    Slang can be quite specific to regions. I often defer to http://www.urbandictionary.com/ when unsure.

  2. I normally use dictionary.com to find the meaning if unsure. Reading from the context of the interview, I would say it is more likely conveying my understanding of the use of the slang.

  3. 用網上牛津或劍橋或朗文字典更好。


    Random House Unabridged Dictionary 唔知江湖地位如何。還是用傅統牛津等字典比較好。


    1. 不知江湖地位, 我睇多幾本來參考。
