

2017年1月新南威爾斯女省長Gladys Berejiklian在前省長中途辭職後上任為省長, 2019年大選勝出連任, 2023年才任滿。她是新南威爾斯歷史上第2位女省長, 工作勤奮, 政績甚佳, 支持率頗高。昨天新省ICAC宣佈會對她進行調查, 於10月18日延續進行公開聽證會, 調查她及她的前男友Daryl Maguire的不當行為(Further Operation Keppel public inquiry), 對她的指控性質基本上不涉貪污, 而是指她在撥款方面向支持者傾側(pork barreling), 而對前男友非法歛財置若罔聞。他們之間的對話被ICAC暗中錄音。

省長辭職公佈的全文在此(full text), 其中幾段我頗有意見:

My resignation as Premier could not happen at a worse time, but the timing is completely outside of my control as the ICAC has chosen to take this action during the most challenging weeks of the most challenging times in the history of NSW.

That is the ICAC’s prerogative. Resigning at this time is against every instinct in my being and something which I do not want to do, I love my job, and serving the community, but I have been given no option following the statement issued.

To continue as Premier would disrupt the state government during a time when our entire attention should be focused on the challenges confronting NSW. I do not want to be a distraction from what should be the focus of the state government during this pandemic, which is the wellbeing of our citizens.

上面引述幾段可以看到省長在打民意牌, 塑造出自己勤政愛民慘被ICAC迫害的形像, 其實去年第一次聽證播出錄音內容, 她就應該辭職, 但她沒有。反對黨在議會提不信任動議卻不夠票通過, 她可能以為抗疫轉移了視線可以淡化事件, ICAC郤鍥而不捨。今天黨友對她的辭職都感到惋惜和意外, 對她充滿溢美之言, 間接打擊ICAC對她的調查, 看起來有點荒謬, 本末倒置了。 

澳洲並無全國性的ICAC, 北領地(Northern Territory)連類似的組織也沒有, 其他6省各有ICAC或類似的組織:

New South Wales (NSW) Independent Commission Against Corruption
Queensland Crime and Corruption Commission (Qld CCC)
Western Australian (WA) Corruption and Crime Commission
Tasmanian Integrity Commission
Victorian Independent Broad-based Anti-Corruption Commission
South Australian (SA) Independent Commission Against Corruption

各省的ICAC或類似組織的職能完全不是香港那種形式, 雖然新省在80年代成立ICAC前向香港取經, 當年成立的目的是執政的自由黨想向工黨議員開刀, 到頭來至今反而是第3個自由黨省長因ICAC而辭職。這裏的ICAC是沒有拘捕權的, 所以不會請人去飲咖啡, 查到政客不端行為就展開聽證會,  然後轉介給DPP考慮檢控。南澳洲上星期甚至通過法案限制ICAC的職能, 進一步保障政客的利益。一個自由民主社會, 為甚麼怕成立獨立自主的ICAC, 好像要輪流執莊, 輪流貪贓, 政客似乎以魚肉百姓為己任。 

21 則留言:

  1. 三段, 全漏空丟失了"and yet..",
    這人, 看來本性如此.

    1. 他的本性已經十分明顯,不用分析,頭腦簡單,要力無力,要智無智,只有…嘻嘻

  2. 維國從來沒有人貪污

  3. 睇完ABC 730,州長明顯在wagga wagga 批錢時有鬆手嘅

  4. 其實誰都知道,記協與壹傳媒有千絲萬縷的關係,甚至可以毫不誇張地說,某些人根本就是黎智英豢養的走狗。如今主人已鋃鐺入獄,《蘋果日報》壽終正寢,壹傳媒也即將全部收檔,記協還能囂張多久?


    1. //記協 ..... 即時跳出來批評指引措詞含糊,並稱傳媒運作「在於上下級的真誠溝通,而非單向地尋求指示」云云。

      跳出來張牙舞爪, 說話根本不合邏輯.
      不想聽, 貼個措詞含糊標籤,
      對應有之義, 先轉成「尋求、指示」, 再胡亂強調,
      就是一直背離措守、自把自為, 還好意思說真誠溝通,
      上下級???? 哈哈, 肯寫這三字, 奇葩


  5. 其實省長作為移民第二代,佢嘅成長故事係好勵志。可惜人總未必敵得過寂莫,以致做咗一啲外人看似愚蠢的事。

  6. 是地方太發達不夠電用?
    看!沒電上線 這裡留言又少了

  7. 坦言集:中國轉變





    研究所所長 陳文鴻

    1. 身為研究員、什麼研究所, 陳文鴻出奇地後覺, 脫不掉西方話語,
      不瞭解中共長期計劃的發揮, 對中共行為來龍去脈拿捏不準.


  8. Hong Kong Barrister Dorothy Cheung (張曉惠大律師) of Garden Chambers dishonestly or otherwise knowingly gave false evidence under oath before Barnes J in HCCC 312/2017 [2018] HKCFI 2711, resulting in her being disbelieved by Barnes J. Hong Kong Barrister Dorothy Cheung had thereby acted in breach of paragraph 4.1(b) of the Bar Code.



  9. http://www.scmp.com/article/307891/barrister-barred-deceiving-university

    Lawyer Counsel Barrister George Chu Barred for Deceiving University - comments?

    Lawyer Counsel Barrister George Chu (朱奉慈大律師) has been suspended for six months after a disciplinary tribunal found he pretended to have a first class honours degree when applying for a scholarship at the University of Hong Kong.

    George Chu Fung-chee, admitted to the Bar in 1994, also breached a promise to the university not to operate as a barrister once he became a post-graduate student, the Barristers' Disciplinary Tribunal found.

    The suspension was the longest to be imposed since 1996, and the tribunal took the unusual step of ordering that its findings be sent to the Secretary for Justice, Director of Legal Aid, the Law Society and all barristers.

    Bar Association chairman Ronny Tong Ka-wah SC, said it had recently started requesting the tribunal to order publication of this kind in appropriate cases.

    'There is an educational element in the decisions themselves,' he said.

    'There is also a need for an increase in transparency in the profession. Those of us who have unfortunately committed disciplinary offences should be made known to the public.' Referring to Mr Chu's suspension, Mr Tong said: 'This is a serious case. In these circumstances it is only right that it be made known.' Bar Association honorary secretary Ambrose Ho said further changes which would make disciplinary decisions more transparent were being considered, but they might require amending current laws.

    'We hope that by publishing the details of a conviction it might help our own members in complying with our regulations,' he said.

    Mr Chu, whose suspension began on February 1 2000, was found guilty in relation to five complaints of professional misconduct.

    He was convicted of falsely stating that his degree in economics and political science, awarded by the University of Waterloo, in Canada, was a first class honours degree.

    The misrepresentation was used to support an application for admission to the university in March 1997, for post-graduate studentship in early September 1997, and for a scholarship at the end of that month.

    He was also found to have worked as a barrister in September and October 1997, despite promising the university he would not, and signing an eligibility document stating he was not engaged in paid employment.

    Mr Chu has the right to appeal against the tribunal's decision in the Court of Appeal.

    He could not be contacted for comment.

  10. Disgusting Barrister Christopher To Sacked by HKU for Offensive Sex Comments in Class - Comments?


  11. 唐煒明大律師藏毒罪成立罰款四千 - Barrister Ming Tong (Central Chambers) Convicted of a Drug Offence and Fined HK$4,000 - Comments?


    對於唐煒明大律師 (Hong Kong Lawyer Ming Tong) 會否被停牌,大律師公會執委會表示,會慎重考慮任何大律師導致定罪的行為,是否構成專業失當,並交由大律師紀律審裁組作出聆訊,再決定是否對有關大律師作出譴責、暫時吊銷執業資格、支付罰款,甚或從大律師登記冊上剔除其姓名。

  12. Solicitor Au Wing Lun William - Nonsensical, Defies Common Sense, The Most Absurd Submission Ever Heard, Appalling, Abuse of Process - 區穎麟律師知唔知醜㗎!


    AU WING LUN v. TAM MEI KAM AND OTHERS [2007] HKCFI 719; HCA 811/2007 (13 July 2007)

    Before : Hon Poon J in Chambers

    Plainly, the relationship between Mr Au and the Mother, together with the requisite trust and confidence which is essential to the relationship, has completely collapsed. In my view, the rent in the parties’ relationship is so deep that it is simply impossible for the Mother to continue to place any trust or confidence in Mr Au. When that very basis is gone, how can Mr Au continue to act for the Mother in the Probate Action? Mr Au suggested that he can do so and protect her interests without taking instructions from her and despite her objection. This is simply nonsensical. It defies common sense, rocks the very foundation of a solicitor-client relationship and destroys the very freedom that a client enjoys in choosing his own lawyer. It is indeed the most absurd submission that I have ever heard. It really appals me that such a suggestion could have come from the mouth of a practicing solicitor.

    This is a wholly unmeritorious application. It is indeed an abuse of process. I will order costs against Mr Au on an indemnity basis, to be taxed if not agreed and to be paid forthwith.

  13. Solicitor Joseph Tang Convicted of Misconduct for Delay in Paying Counsel - Comments?

    December 2012 - Disciplinary Decisions - Tang Ming Fai, Joseph (the Respondent)
    • Principles 6.04, 12.04 and 12.05 of the Hong Kong Solicitors’ Guide to Professional Conduct Volume 1 (“the Guide”)
    Hearing dates: 19 April 2012 and 20 August 2012
    Order: 20 August 2012
    Reasons for Decision: 11 October 2012

    On 20 August 2012, the Tribunal found the following ten charges as in the Amended Complaint Sheet dated 23 December 2011 proven against the Respondent:

    1st Charge

    Breaches of Principles 12.04 and 12.05 of the Guide in that the Respondent had failed to settle the outstanding fee of counsel, Mr. Lawrence Lok, S.C. (“Mr. Lok”).

    2nd Charge

    Breach of Principle 6.04 of the Guide in that the Respondent had failed to answer letters sent by the Law Society requiring him to provide his explanation on his failure to settle the outstanding fee of Mr. Lok.

    3rd Charge

    Breaches in Principles 12.04 and 12.05 of the Guide in that the Respondent had failed to settle the outstanding fee of counsel Mr. Wilson W. S. Lau (“Mr. Lau”).

    4th Charge

    Breach of Principle 6.04 of the Guide in that the Respondent had failed to answer letters sent by the Law Society requiring him to provide his explanation on his failure to settle the outstanding fee of Mr. Lau...

    ... 10th Charge

    The Respondent had engaged in conduct unbefitting of a solicitor in that he had failed to settle the outstanding counsel’s fees, failed to submit the Employees Returns of the Firm within the stipulated time and persistently failed to answer enquiries from the Law Society concerning his professional conduct or to explain his conduct when required to do so. These conduct amounted to breaches of Rule 2(d) and (e) of the SPR.

    The Tribunal ordered that:

    a) in relation to the 1st to 9th Charges, the Respondent be suspended from practising as a solicitor for a period of nine months, being one month suspension for each charge under section 10(2)(b) of the Legal Practitioners Ordinance Cap. 159 (“the LPO”);

    b) in relation to the 10th Charge, the Respondent be suspended from practising as a solicitor for a period of three months under section 10(2)(b) of the LPO;

    c) the total period that the Respondent be suspended from practising as a solicitor in relation to the 1st to 10th Charges is twelve months; and

    d) the Respondent shall pay the costs of the Applicant, the Prosecutor and the Clerk to the Tribunal on a party-to-party basis assessed at the High Court scale to be taxed if not agreed.

  14. Garden Chambers Barrister Dorothy Cheung Disgusting! 投訴香港大律師張曉惠!


  15. 前暫委特委裁判官何麗明,早前處理一宗尼泊爾籍女保安涉不小心過馬路案審逾一年,該女保安稱審訊期間曾因如廁遲到1分鐘,之後被何官要求交出保釋金100元,女保安認為何官做法錯誤,令她情感受到傷害,入稟索償170萬元。區域法院法官就女保安的索償案下判辭,指代表何官的律政司未有依法庭規定在指定期限交答辯書,直接裁定女保安勝訴,賠償金額則有待評核。
    法官強調,是否跟從法庭命令,非由律政司自行決定,本案中律政司違反法庭命令,是故意和傲慢。由於法官認為律政司要求剔除案件的理據並不成立,律政司在沒有依令呈交抗辯書的情況下, 法官最終直接判Thapa Kamala勝訟,但賠償額則有待評核。

  16. 鍾元富大律師 (Barrister Hylas Chung) 被法官狠批「做法不專業,損人不利己」(Unprofessional, Harmed Others And Did Not Benefit Self)

    香港特別行政區 訴 袁郁鈞 (Reported in: [2007] 1 HKLRD 819) HCMA730/2006 (裁判日期:2007年1月23日)


    「上訴人的大律師鍾元富大律師 (Barrister Hylas Chung) 本身對刑事審訊接納證據的基本法則一知半解,胡亂指控聆訊時代表上訴人的大律師不稱職,不切實際地提昇上訴人對成功上訴的期望、做法不專業,損人不利己 (Unprofessional, Harmed Others And Did Not Benefit Self),絕對不值得鼓勵或仿效 (Utterly Should Never Be Encouraged Or Imitated。」 - 高等法院原訟法庭暫委法官潘敏琦 (Deputy High Court Judge Maggie Poon)

  17. 楊明 (林明樂)不小心駕駛罪名成立判18天監禁 - people like him should be locked up forever. Life imprisonment.


  18. 方也方被吊銷大律師執業資格 - Barrister Candy Fong’s Misconduct Conviction - Comments?

