
Bor Sir與Mor Sir

Boris Johnson與Scott Morrison一時間同時落難, 成為難兄難弟。兩人的共通點是大話連篇, 誠信掃地。 疫情期間, Bor Sir在首相府開「工作」派對太多, 解釋到詞窮理屈, 圓謊乏力, 黨友也倒戈, 相位難保了。Bor Sir負擔重, 幾段婚姻, 當然要戀棧權位, 否則怎養得起幾頭家。大家都被covid搞得慘, 怎容你獨樂樂。Sue Gray (Cabinate Office Second Permanent Secretary)報告一出:

直指Bor Sir領導無方, 警方已接手作刑事調查。在數碼時代, 數碼足跡難以掩飾, Sue Gray交代了怎樣調查(methodology):

We carried out interviews of over 70 individuals, some more than once, and examined relevant documentary and digital information, such as emails; Whatsapp messages; text messages; photographs and building entry and exit logs. This has also included searches of official records.

Bor Sir這一劫難逃了, 倒他的聲音越來越大, 他下台後可以繼續專心發展感情事業了。

位處南隅Down Under的Mor Sir, 近來也四面受襲, 日子也很難過。聯邦大選雖然日子未定, 無論如何也不會遲過5月。於斯時也, Mor Sir民望下跌, 在疫情下怨氣特別多, Mor Sir的瘡疤也特別多, 累積起來足以「奪命」。 Mor Sir不單止面對反對黨, 連自己友都對他也貶斥貽盡。早兩天Mor Sir在National Press Club演說, 毫無疑問他想乘機爭取民心, 可惜事與願違, 這一段新聞就看得到「狙擊手」把他殺個措手不及, 記者(van Onselen)這樣提問:

“I’ve been provided with a text message exchange between the former NSW premier and a current Liberal cabinet minister. I’ve got them right here. In one, she describes you as ‘a horrible, horrible person’, going on to say she did not trust you and you’re more concerned with politics than people,” van Onselen told the Prime Minister. “The minister is even more scathing, describing you as a ‘fraud’ and ‘a complete psycho’. Does this exchange surprise you? And what do you think that it tells us?”

Mor Sir表情十分尷尬地回應, 說甚麼也沒用, damage is done。繼法國總統在潛艦事件指責他說謊後, 他再一次被公開指為騙子。雖然搞政治的人難免不行騙, 出自自己友的口未免太難堪了。不是對手球技好贏你, 是你自己出錯, unforced errors太多, 打敗自己。

這農曆元旦, 可見證這兩人完蛋了。

13 則留言:

  1. 阿根廷:應擺脫對美國和IMF債務依賴

    阿根廷總統費爾南德斯(Alberto Fernandez)表示,阿根廷經濟上嚴重依賴美國和國際貨幣基金組織(IMF),應該擺脫這一巨大的依賴。




  2. Barrister James McGowan of Admiralty Chambers Admitted Misconduct in HKSAR v Apelete [2019] 5 HKLRD 574 [2019] HKCA 1189 - will he be prosecuted for misconduct, disciplined by the BDT, and removed from the roll of barristers?


    36. Before us, Mr McGowan candidly admitted that his actions (or lack thereof) were such as to bring him within the meaning of s.18 of the CCCO. In particular, he accepted that on his part there had been undue delay as well as a repeated failure to comply with the Court's directions, which amounted to serious professional misconduct.

  3. 古思堯涉嫌「煽動顛覆罪」被捕 今早原定到中聯辦抗議冬奧






  4. 中俄元首會晤 指「友好無止境」 稱雙方關係較冷戰時期更強 美警告中方莫助俄避制裁


    中支持要求北約停軍擴 俄反對台獨


    俄加大對華油氣供應 歐元計價

    1. Chan Man Zee
      俄羅斯來華討錢做軍嚮,中國闊手大買平價天然氣及石油。多謝老美促成 ����

    2. 坦言集:中俄抗美





      研究所所長 陳文鴻

  5. 之前Von Onselen 那段text message 也是半信半疑,始終不具名。
    到琴晚Barnaby 自己申個頭出嚟認錯,原來佢自己都有text message ,咁佢前日新聞報道就咪comment Scott mor 啦,前晚仲講風涼話。Barnaby 和Mor sir 一樣好笑。Barnaby 仲解釋什麼上年Backbench 時候嘅事,不過Mor Sir 朝中已冇人可用,Barnaby 只好留低

  6. Denis Chang's Chambers Barrister Paul Harris SC Escaped From Hong Kong During The On-Going National Security Law Investigations Against Him - 1 March 2022

    Hong Kong Bar Association’s former chairman fled the city hours after being questioned by police under a national security law that carries a maximum penality of life imprisonment.

    Paul Harris boarded a flight to the U.K. via Turkey on Tuesday, according to Wen Wei Po which is owned by Beijing’s liaison office in Hong Kong. The outlet published a video of the British citizen at the airport ignoring reporters’ questions.

    Harris confirmed to Reuters that he has left Hong Kong.

    Police had probed Harris on Tuesday in relation to Hong Kong Human Rights Monitor, the non-governmental organization he founded in 1995 before the city’s handover.

    The veteran human rights lawyer, who is fluent in Cantonese, was branded an “anti-China politician” by Beijing’s liaison office in Hong Kong last April after he criticized the sentencing of some 10 pro-democracy figures for participating in two unauthorized assemblies in August 2019.

    After Harris stepped down as Bar Association leader in January, state media Global Times said he’d used his tenure to “spread distorted remarks, to defend lawbreakers, to exculpate the violence, and to exert pressure on the judiciary.”

    “Harris repeatedly ranted to amend the national security law for Hong Kong, challenging the authority of the Standing Committee of the National People’s Congress,” it added.

    A representative from the Bar Association couldn’t immediately be reached for comment. Hong Kong police didn’t reply to an emailed request for a response.

  7. 夏博義漏夜舉家「走佬」

    【大公報記者 周揚、施文達(文) 李斯達(資料)】大律師公會前主席夏博義,昨日突然現身警察總部,消息指夏被警方國安處警誡會面,或與他所搞的「香港人權監察」有關。更涉嫌違反國安法,充當外國利益代理人。 消息稱,昨晚7時,夏博義攜同老婆兒子,突然拖着大量行李,匆匆現身香港國際機場,辦理登機手續,搭乘前往土耳其的航班離開香港,轉折返回英國老家。

    夏博義昨晚在辦理登機手續時,一度因為證件問題未能完成有關手續。現場所見,他情緒很壞,與幾名工作人員爭論好久,驚動了不少乘客。 據了解,夏博義是準備坐土耳其航空TK071班機,於深夜11點離開香港,先飛土耳其,然後會轉往英國老家。消息稱,夏博義可能是上午被警方調查,作賊心虛,立即逃跑。 昨午11時,夏博義到灣仔警察總部,與他同行的還有兩名穿西裝男士,他們匆匆進入警署。至下午1時35分,夏博義一行人從警署離開,夏面容憔悴,記者追問他來警總的原因,夏一言不發,垂頭迴避記者鏡頭,並急步竄離現場。據了解,警方國安處正在調查夏博義,是次被國安處警誡會面。 消息指,夏博義被要求交代在「香港人權監察」中涉嫌違反國家安全的行為。夏博義於90年代與大律師公會前主席戴啟思、香港大學法律學院教授陳文敏等人,共同成立「香港人權監察」,並成為首任主席。該組織與「美國國家民主基金會」(NED)有政治聯繫,自1995年起獲NED撥款資助1500萬港元,其中2014年違法「佔中」獲得神秘資金資助。有指該組織與夏博義在英國倫敦的關聯律師行Doughty Street Chambers有密切關係,該律師行的掛牌大律師有Caoilfhionn Gallagher,而另一名御用大律師海蓮娜·肯尼迪女男爵,與提名夏博義出任上屆大律師公會主席的李柱銘及吳靄儀十分友好。 安排反華大狀為黎辯護 海蓮娜多次惡意傳播新疆謠言和虛假信息,是去年三月被中國制裁的九名英國人之一,惟海蓮娜反華惡行未有停止,去年六月聯同一群英國反華政客在倫敦成立山寨版「法庭」,稱就新疆問題舉行所謂聽證會。 消息指,夏博義涉勾連同一律師行的反華大狀海蓮娜,為了3月14日開審的黎智英欺詐案,密鑼緊鼓來港上庭。海蓮娜是國際律師會人權研究所主任,她的專長是反華亂港搞政治。





    劣行 1



    劣行 2



    劣行 3



    劣行 4



    劣行 5



    劣行 6

    長期從事反中亂港活動 創立反中亂港組織「香港人權監察」,出任首任主席,收受被視為「第二中情局」的「美國國家民主基金會」(NED)撥款累計逾1500萬港元。有紀錄顯示,該組織再獲NED資助70萬港元,可見他服務的僅是英、美的利益,中聯辦曾批評他是與外國聯繫緊密的反華政客。

    劣行 7

    隱瞞政治背景 從2018年起曾代表英國自由民主黨擔任牛津市議員,2021年1月才因出任大律師公會主席而辭去市議員職位,且其提名參選時並未主動披露。全國政協副主席梁振英曾直言,大律師公會主席由英國市議員「兼任」是「滑天下之大稽」。

    來源:大公報A5:要聞 2022/03/02


  8. South China Morning Post, 12 Feb 2000 (Cliff Buddle)


    Lawyer Counsel Barrister George Chu Barred for Deceiving University

    Lawyer Counsel Barrister George Chu (朱奉慈大律師) has been suspended for six months after a disciplinary tribunal found he pretended to have a first class honours degree when applying for a scholarship at the University of Hong Kong.

    George Chu Fung-chee, admitted to the Bar in 1994, also breached a promise to the university not to operate as a barrister once he became a post-graduate student, the Barristers' Disciplinary Tribunal found.

    The suspension was the longest to be imposed since 1996, and the tribunal took the unusual step of ordering that its findings be sent to the Secretary for Justice, Director of Legal Aid, the Law Society and all barristers.

    Bar Association chairman Ronny Tong Ka-wah SC, said it had recently started requesting the tribunal to order publication of this kind in appropriate cases.

    'There is an educational element in the decisions themselves,' he said.

    'There is also a need for an increase in transparency in the profession. Those of us who have unfortunately committed disciplinary offences should be made known to the public.' Referring to Mr Chu's suspension, Mr Tong said: 'This is a serious case. In these circumstances it is only right that it be made known.' Bar Association honorary secretary Ambrose Ho said further changes which would make disciplinary decisions more transparent were being considered, but they might require amending current laws.

    'We hope that by publishing the details of a conviction it might help our own members in complying with our regulations,' he said.

    Mr Chu, whose suspension began on February 1 2000, was found guilty in relation to five complaints of professional misconduct.

    He was convicted of falsely stating that his degree in economics and political science, awarded by the University of Waterloo, in Canada, was a first class honours degree.

    The misrepresentation was used to support an application for admission to the university in March 1997, for post-graduate studentship in early September 1997, and for a scholarship at the end of that month.

    He was also found to have worked as a barrister in September and October 1997, despite promising the university he would not, and signing an eligibility document stating he was not engaged in paid employment.

    Mr Chu has the right to appeal against the tribunal's decision in the Court of Appeal.

    He could not be contacted for comment.

  9. Barrister James McGowan of Admiralty Chambers Admitted Misconduct in HKSAR v Apelete [2019] 5 HKLRD 574


    36. Before us, Mr McGowan candidly admitted that his actions (or lack thereof) were such as to bring him within the meaning of s.18 of the CCCO. In particular, he accepted that on his part there had been undue delay as well as a repeated failure to comply with the Court's directions, which amounted to serious professional misconduct.

  10. Will Lawyer Edward Wong, formerly of Wong & Poon Solicitors, be convicted of conspiracy to defraud and sent to prison for it?


    2名被告分別為王光榮(72歲,榮佳建築有限公司負責人,報稱律師)及程振明(65歲,水蕉新村原居民代表,報稱區議員)。控罪指,2人於2005年5月11日至2019年5月7日期間,一同及與其他人士串謀詐騙地政總署,即虛假地表示該些根據「丁屋政策」申請建屋牌照的申請人均為位於水蕉新村有關土地地段的唯一合法註冊業權人,並就該土地地段申請建屋牌照。2人同時虛假地表示,上述申請人從未與任何人士訂定任何協議或安排,以轉移、讓與、處置或其他方式處理其土地地段或其任何權益,以及上述申請人從末作出亦無意作出任何私人安排,把其根據該政策獲得的權利售予其他人士或發展商。因而誘使地政總署署長及其職員違反其公共職責而行事,即向上述申請人批出建屋牌照。據悉,2名被告達成協議,由程負責向原居民收購「丁權」,並安排他們申請在水蕉新村興建丁屋的建屋牌照。廉署調查顯示,水蕉新村原居民代表程振明約自1996年起向元朗原居民收購「丁權」,以發展一個在水蕉新村內的丁屋物業項目。後來約於2005年3月,由王光榮控制的榮佳與程振明達成協議,委派程振明為受託人合作發展該丁屋項目。程於是繼續向原居民收購更多「丁權」,並安排他們申請在水蕉新村興建丁屋的建屋牌照。有關項目其後以私人屋苑的名義,以每幢丁屋市價900至1300萬港元不等出售予公眾。後來,榮佳就該私人屋苑售出的115幢丁屋,獲取逾10億港元。案件編號:ESCC 485/2022


    Edward Wong Kwong-wing, 72, operator of Wing Smart Construction Limited (Wing Smart), and Ching Chan-ming, 65, indigenous inhabitant representative of Shui Tsiu San Tsuen, jointly face one count of conspiracy to defraud, contrary to the Common Law. They will be brought to the Eastern Magistrates’ Courts today for mention.

    The investigation arose from corruption complaints filed with the ICAC. Wong and Ching were charged at this stage after seeking legal advice from the Department of Justice. As the relevant corruption investigation is continuing, the ICAC does not rule out further law enforcement actions.

    Shui Tsiu San Tsuen is a village in Yuen Long. Under the New Territories Small House Policy (“the Policy”), every male indigenous inhabitant of the village aged 18 or above may exercise his “Ding Right” once and apply to the Lands Department to build a small house at the village for his own occupation. “Ding Right” is not transferrable.

    ICAC enquiries revealed that Ching, an indigenous inhabitant representative of Shui Tsiu San Tsuen, started the development of a small house estate project in Shui Tsiu San Tsuen by purchasing “Ding Rights” from indigenous inhabitants in Yuen Long in around 1996. Later in about March 2005, Wing Smart, controlled by Wong, entered into an agreement with Ching and appointed him as its trustee to jointly develop the small house project. Ching then continued to purchase more “Ding Rights” from indigenous inhabitants and arranged for them to apply for building licences to build small houses in Shui Tsiu San Tsuen.

    The charge alleges that between May 2005 and May 2019, Wong and Ching conspired together and with other persons to defraud the Lands Department by making false representations to induce the Director of Lands and his officers to act contrary to their public duty, namely to grant building licences to applicants who applied for building licences to build small houses under the Policy.

    They had allegedly falsely represented that each of the above applicants was the sole legal and registered owner of the respective lot of land located at Shui Tsiu San Tsuen, in respect of which they were applying for building licences.

    It is also alleged that they had falsely represented that the applicants had never entered into any agreement or arrangements with any person(s) to transfer or otherwise deal with their respective lots of land or any interest therein; and the applicants had never made and had no intention of making any private arrangements for their rights under the Policy to be sold to other individual or a developer.

    ICAC investigation revealed that during the above period, a number of small houses were built in Shui Tsiu San Tsuen and sold to members of the public at the market price ranging from $9 to $13 million each under the name of a private estate. As a result, Wing Smart received over $1,000 million for the sale of 115 small houses in the private estate.

    The Lands Department has offered full assistance to the ICAC during its investigation.

  11. Milton Lai Fabricated Evidence in Court - Said DDJ George Lam - Why wasn't Milton Lai arrested and prosecuted for perjury?

    DCCJ 1917/2018 [2021] HKDC 378 LAI KO CHOY v LAI KIN (黎健) & KWONG LAI SIM (鄺麗嬋)

    90. I find that Milton Lai was fabricating his evidence in court. It seems to me that Milton Lai was trying to salvage the weakness in the plaintiff’s case where the plaintiff cared nothing about the mortgage. I reject Milton Lai’s evidence entirely in relation to the purchase of the Property or any discussion about the mortgage. I did not believe a financial consultant could have advised his father when acquiring a property without any of the above-mentioned essential information.
