

上一篇講殺妻案, 留言牽引至另一話題: 港大教授張祺忠涉嫌殺妻案, 警方向傳媒披露案情究竟會否影響無罪推定? 我寫這一篇並非為了反駁任何人, 目的只有一個, 對pre-trial publicity作純法律的討論。如果讓我選擇寫同一課題, 我的對象會是陳振聰, 他是我可以想得出在審訊前受到惡意攻擊的表表者。陳振聰是世紀賤男, 受港人唾罵, 未審就給港人定了罪, 誰會同情、憐憫他? 繼而有膽量講幾句公道話, 為他面對負面及敵對的pre-trial publicity吭聲? 那不是他是否賤男的問題, 而是司法公義的問題, 賤男也應獲得公平審訊, 而不是在輿論公審下蓋棺。我都算有點膽量, 曾經在博文中寫過他沒有獲得公平審訊, 雖然我並非為他呼寃, 因為我覺得他不是這件案有罪, 也是犯了其他罪的。

怎樣確保在adverse pre-trial publicity之下獲得公平審訊? 張祺忠教授案根本不值一提, 一則相距審訊還有一大段時間, 再者警方所披露的案情還未有人可以指出與事實不符、誤導、涉及在正常情況下控方不能呈堂的敏感性資料, 或資料違反證據法則而不能向陪審團披露。在這階段大眾只看到一些plain facts, 一點adversity都沒有。披露了的案情事實會受到爭議嗎? 如果被告plead self defence or provocation,  怎樣處理及收藏屍體, 大概會是不爭的事實, 有報章甚至講警方認為是沒有預謀的, 何來prejudice?

曾蔭權一直被人罵作「貪曾」, 他在審訊過程至上訴, 都沒有以adverse pre-trial publicity來抗辯, 而且, 他也不是全部控罪都被定罪, 這不就說明了陪審團並未受攻擊性的傳媒報導而作出偏頗的裁決嗎?

Nancy Kissel謀殺控罪重審時, 曾經以adverse pre-trial publicity提出永久終止聆訊申請, 當時主審法官, 現在的上訴庭副庭長Macrae頒佈了裁決的判詞, 有很多人可能忘記了或忽畧了這判詞, 因為那不是上訴判詞, 從司法機構網頁不容易搜尋得到, 判詞連結在此: HKSAR AND NANCY KISSEL HCCC 55/2010,  如果輸入Nancy Kissel來搜尋, 只會找到CA及CFA對本案的判決。擔心傳媒報導會影響陪審團看法的人, 應該看下Macrae VP這亮麗的判詞, 從而了解下確立了的法律原則。我不敢撮寫判詞, 但引用其中討論過的一些先例的段落:

“whether the risk of prejudice is so grave that no direction of the trial judge, however careful, could reasonably be expected to remove it.”

19. In Lee Ming Tee the Court observed (at 191 C) that “there is good sense in regarding a jury, properly directed, as able to overcome prejudicial publicity in the vast majority of cases” and gave two reasons for that confidence. The first is that a juror’s recollection of any adverse publicity may be expected to fade with the passage of time: the so-called ‘fade factor’. The second is that the nature and atmosphere of the trial process itself enables the jury to concentrate on the actual evidence presented and tested before it: the so-called ‘drama of the trial factor’...

張祺忠教授這件案在目前可看到的報導, 可能會違反這些已確立的原則還相差十萬九千里, 我就完全沒有擔心過有任何不公之處。反而是另一位教授毒氣殺妻案, 教授對情婦一事直認不諱, 而案情也涉及情婦曾經協助製造毒氣, 難免惹人遐想她的角色, 以及她有某種動機, 繼而對許教授心存偏見, 法官在結案引導陪審團時對此不能忽畧, 否則就會重蹈Nancy Kissel案情夫角色的覆轍了。

11 則留言:

  1. Hi Bill, I just visited the Judiciary's legal reference system page and tried to search the judgment of the milkshake case that you quoted above. I selected the search function "these words in any order", typed nancy kissel and, voila, HCCC 55/2010 was item 7 of the search results.

    1. Good on you. I used "this phrase" to search and HCCC 55/2010 did not come up. I normally do not use "these words in any order" to search because there will be too many unrelated cases popping up. I remember I read HCCC 55/2010 before. So I read High Court Criminal Case year by year to find it. I started from pre 2013 so it did not take long to find it.

    2. Hi Bill, the Judiciary's search engine is very "stubborn". HCCC 55/2010 showed when I searched "Nancy Ann Kissel" using "this phrase".

      Anyway, would you be so kind to enlighten me as to why there was no judgment published for the substantive hearing of HCCC 55/2010?

    3. Well, when the trial judge did not send the judgment to the IT team to upload it then you cannot see the substantive judgment. It is not common for substantive judgment of the trials to be uploaded for all levels of courts. There is no such requirement.

    4. How could there be a substantive judgment for a jury trial?

    5. True. My bad. In that regard, only some ruling on legal arguments or reasons for sentence.

  2. https://news.mingpao.com/pns/dailynews/web_tc/article/20180901/s00002/1535740448628


  3. See also Zervos J’s judgment to refuse stay of proceedings on the ground of pre-trial publicity in the ATV bomb case. https://legalref.judiciary.hk/lrs/common/search/search_result_detail_frame.jsp?DIS=113618&QS=%2B&TP=JU
