孟晚舟被捕引發的外交風波會怎樣發展下去, 變幻莫測。雖然我覺得美國的舉措完全是政治手段, 在中美貿易戰期間挑起多面戰線, 增加自己的談判注碼。加拿大在強鄰環伺, 霸權欺壓下, 反抗乏力, 或阿諛諂媚, 畢竟美加兩國之間簽署了引渡協議, 美國提出申請, 加拿大也很難不展開法律程序, 在現階段中國外交部叫加拿大放人, 即是在干預別人的正常司法程序。中國總不能說加拿大違反甚麼的, 因為表面上看孟晚舟已獲得被捕人士應有的權利保障, 她可以聘請律師向法庭提出保釋申請, 律師也為她極力陳述她不會逃跑的理據, 將來她也有權展開反對引渡的法律挑戰。中國指責加拿大嚴重侵犯中國公民的合法、正當權益的講法, 似乎站不住腳。萬一日後加拿大法院審視證據後裁定有足夠證據引渡, 司法部長仍可不批出引渡令, 那才是外交層面斡旋的事情。中國政府同樣可以找個理由拘捕美加在華的人, 隨便也可以找到一些控罪來還以顏色, 在國際政治賭枱上見高下。
孟案另一微妙的變數就是特朗普的政治前途, 他是個不按常理出牌的狂人, 或者如行將去職的白宮幕僚長John Kelly稱之為idiot。昨天美國傳媒鋪天蓋地的以類此標題來報導: "The Department of Justice Calls Donald Trump a Felon"。這是一種契機, 若特朗普因向兩名脫星支付掩口費及與俄羅斯合謀影響總統選舉的指控成立, 都是選舉舞弊行為, 結果未必只會受國會譴責, 而是刑事檢控。特朗普的前律師Michael Cohen及前國家安全顧問Michael Flynn已認罪候判, 他們為了減刑, 都會樂意指證他, 我又要放長雙眼看下他怎樣拙劣地抵賴了。
現階段無實質野做, 等進一步發展, 做既都係擺姿態o者~
加拿大多人移民似乎因為好食好住, 扣留期很短, 如可保釋, 議題有限而且過氣.
刪除中國表態, 加拿大即刻言行一致, 回應話VIP好好, 中國已經不能有下一句, 所以不是上策.
反而人民日報的確咬住拘捕移交時手扣腳鐐的待遇, 一百分著力.
官方民間, 分工清楚.
那要看是否加國的standard procedure。
刪除指通報 or 腳鐐?
刪除前者Yes, 後者照鬧.
刪除還未保釋聆訊完就出言威脅政壇小鮮肉,這樣擺姿態難道當食楓樹蜜順喉嗎? KKC
回覆刪除KKC 你誤會, 我兩個都覆,
既然前句是「無、等」, 我是同意你發惡姿態唔妥當, 待遇同情可能無野做(待遇未必好差)
如hk01報導屬實, 單嘢最多罰錢了事, 有關的hp設備只係用作商業用途, 又唔係賣畀恐怖份子用來顛覆美國或殺人放火, 使唔使又拉又鎖呀
賣 printer 都要坐 20 年!
刪除現在是以斯訴罪為基礎, 別搞錯焦點。Making false representation to bankers that Huawei and Skycom are two different entities so that bank facilities can be used to transfer the proceeds of the trade.
刪除明報有華為和skycom的關係, 如屬實, 指控及引渡手法是否恰當?
施永青都有些points, 正如標少先前的評論, 美國佬長時間精心步署佈下天羅地網, 留待十年後要打貿易戰才用來做彈藥, 怎服眾?
刪除美國無權禁止 中國與他國通商
回覆刪除孟可唔可以以中美貿易戰為名, 申請政治庇護, 禁止加大拿政將佢轉交美國
刪除8:30 不論現實可行性, 是否扭計師爺或金牙大狀「純粹討論」?
刪除拗而無基礎, 你等那一方收口認輸?
1. Ms. Meng elected to transit in Vancouver herself. BUT NOT for her transit, she would not be arrested. So how valid is the political motivated arrest in this content?
回覆刪除2. As a matter of international law, it is unheard of a state would issue diplomatic protest over the arrest of a citizen (not an official). Why China did so to the US and Canada? If readers can find another case that a state would issue diplomatic protest over the arrest of a citizen, please enlighten.
3. Ms. Meng has lawyers represented her in the bail application. Given her wealth, she can get the best lawyers to represent her? If the arrest is illegal, the immediate course is to apply for habeas corpus. However, her lawyers make the bail application for her so this means in the view of her lawyers, the arrest is legal. So how can the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the PRC say the arrest of Ms. Meng is illegal per se? Is the Ministry legally qualified in Canada or British Columbia?
4. The lawyers of Ms. Meng offered to surrender her China and HKSAR passports as a bail conditions. Why Ms. Meng can hold the China and HKSAR passports at the same time?
Ms. Meng is a HKSAR permanent resident. When she migrated from mainland China to Hong Kong, the normal procedures are (i) her household register office needs to be cancelled and (ii) she needs to surrender her China passport to the provincial level public security bureau before the public security bureau issued the “One-Way” permit to her for migrating to Hong Kong. Before Ms. Meng becomes a HKSAR permanent resident, if she needs to travel, she would apply for a Document of Identity from the Immigration Department as she would not have any other valid travel document.
Of course, the above is the NORMAL procedures apply to an ORDINARY citizen only.
5. Ms. Meng took the CX838 from Hong Kong to Vancouver. Accordingly to the news, she was transiting to Mexico. Why Ms. Meng did not take a shorter route from Hong Kong to Los Angeles/ San Francisco from Hong Kong, which she can transit to Mexico in a much shorter period of time?
6. The affirmation in support of her arrest said she had been not the United States since 2016 and the deponent believed she was aware of she was being investigated by the United States. Her conducts in the preceding paragraph appears in supporting this assertion.
7. Ms. Meng had last been to the United States in 2016 so she would hold a valid US visa by then.
Of course, her visa may expired, and this may explain why she transited in Canada instead.
China accuses other country in intervening the internal affairs of HKSAR from time to time.
回覆刪除What an irony then for China mutters into the the internal affairs of other countries then now?
It cannot be said so because the arrested is a Chinese tech executive, not a Canadian.
刪除Ms. Meng is a Canada permanent citizen.
刪除Everyday the Hong Kong Police arrests people of different nationalities e.g. trafficking of drug offences at the Hong Kong International Airport, it is unheard of case of issuing diplomatic protest by other countries. So did in China for arresting foreigners, e.g. bribery. Neither the other counties issues diplomatic protests.
It is indeed common for Singapore arrested Malaysians for drug trafficking offence and subsequent hanged the Malaysians after trial. Malaysian never protests diplomatically.
Ms. Meng is a China tech executive. She was not an official acting on official capacity when transiting in Vancouver.
So please identify the previous cases for China issuing diplomatic protest to other country for arresting a PRC citizen.
Please also enlighten the readers, based on customary international law, when diplomatic protest is being used?
So China escalates the matter to a state to state level?
At the end, it is Ms. Meng herself who decided when to transit in Vancouver.
中國有權保護中國公民在外地的合理對待, 講完。
刪除中國不承認雙重國籍, 如中國人取得外國籍而未在中國正式申請和獲得批准放棄中國籍, 這人仍視為中國人
刪除"在 外 國 有 居 留 權 的 香 港 特 別 行 政 區 的 中 國 公 民 , 可 使 用 外 國 政 府 簽 發 的 有 關 證 件 去 其 他 國 家 或 地 區 旅 行 , 但 在 香 港 特 別 行 政 區 和 中 華 人 民 共 和 國 其 他 地 區 不 得 因 持 有 上 述 證 件 而 享 有 外 國 領 事 保 護 的 權 利 。"
中華人民共和國國籍法 - 入境事務處
8:19, 中國不承認雙重國籍是事實, 但操作上沒有相關的「申請、批准、放棄中國籍」, 法例無寫.
刪除中段引文及網連正確, 但不支持「如中國人..」一句.
( 一 九 八 零 年 九 月 十 日 第 五 屆 全 國 人 民 代 表 大 會 第 三 次 會 議 通 過 一 九 八 零 年 九 月 十 日 全 國 人 民 代 表 大 會 常 務 委 員 會 委 員 長 令 第 八 號 公 布 自 公 布 之 日 起 施 行 )
刪除//定 居 外 國 的 中 國 公 民 , 自 願 加 入 或 取 得 外 國 國 籍 的 , 即 自 動 喪 失 中 國 國 籍 。
第 十 條 :
中 國 公 民 具 有 下 列 條 件 之 一 的 , 可 以 經 申 請 批 准 退 出 中 國 國 籍 :
外 國 人 的 近 親 屬 ;
定 居 在 外 國 的 ;
有 其 他 正 當 理 由 。//
我在多倫多的朋友說當地報導孟在2009 已放棄在加的居留權
多謝補充引例, 我收回或更改上面說話.
刪除不過當中的我含意是指有灰色地帶, 可留給中國到時再決定.
8:19時是沒有退出機制(我是錯的, btw, 香港永久居民身份有不能退出的說法!), 所以中國可以當睇唔到你國外行為, 國內當睇唔到(不承認)本外國護照.
9:17時, 若當事人有退出中國籍, 官方無彎轉. 但當事人若自享所有證件, 中國官方可如上處理, 是否中國籍可以由官方決定.
//Ms. Meng is a Canada permanent citizen.
回覆刪除A plain reply - untrue! Please get the facts right before making your lengthy comments.
Thank you very much in pointing out the error. Most gratrful if you can point out any other error.
刪除You cannot give any other example as the present case or explain the use of diplomatic protest under customary international law. Putting up an argument 中國有權保護中國公民在外地的合理對待, 講完 without any authoriyy is the best you can do.
Your perspectives are being noted.
Thank you for your time then.
Don't spend time embroiling in this kind of argument. The way the Chinese Foreign Ministry handles this matter is far from desirable.
回覆刪除16:00 - 20:00
講到胡志明係打到樞密院打habeas corpus贏了港英政府。
我沒找到PC的案例,只有香港判胡志明輸了的判決書。根據SUNG MAN CHO v SUPERINTENDENT OF PRISONS - [1926-1941] HKC 109 的Editorial note:
...(ii) This judgment was appealed to the Privy Council, but the dispute was settled before any judgment was delivered, on terms which allowed Ho to depart Hong Kong without being delivered into custody of the French authorities. See Handley & Lemercier, ‘Ho Chi Minh and the Privy Council’ (2008) 124 LQR 318.
Thanks. Just watched.