司法機構今天上載了香港特別行政區 訴 潘運瑭的上訴案。潘運瑭是何許人?有留意香港社會運動及相關的法庭新聞的人,應該依稀有點印象。潘運瑭叫「佔旺畫家」,我不知他是畫甚麼的。先看這件案他惹的是甚麽官非:
2. 案發地點為旺角花園街公共圖書館內的電腦室。
3. 2015年5月21日下午3時許,控方第二證人圖書館館員在圖書館4樓電腦室當值期間,見到上訴人嚷著要使用電腦。館員告訴上訴人所有電腦已經有人使用。上訴人堅持要用編號S12的電腦,要求館員叫原本的使用者讓出電腦。館員拒絕後,上訴人即用污言穢語破口大罵。館員以「發爛渣」來形容上訴人當時的態度。
4. 由於上訴人持續喧嘩,在附近使用電腦的控方第一證人一市民(受害人)向上訴人指出這是圖書館,要求上訴人減低聲浪。
5. 上訴人於是衝到受害人前面,指著受害人,大聲和兇狠地說話,內容包括指受害人假正義,問受害人知不知道上訴人是誰,叫受害人到外邊與上訴人「隻抽」,說會殺死受害人,和有很多人,很多兄弟會殺或招呼受害人。受害人感到驚慌,坐在原位,要求館員和保安人員報警,獲告知職員已經報警。(香港特別行政區 訴 潘運瑭 HCMA492/2015)
10. 上訴人作供時承認他曾經對受害人說會找兄弟「招呼吓」他,但說「招呼」兩字,可以「文」或「武」角度演繹,而上訴人當時意思是指會藉著上訴人認識的記者或透過社交網絡批評或「唱衰」受害人,沒有武力威脅的意思。裁判官不接受上訴人解釋,因為上訴人當時沒有告訴受害人他的意思是叫記者「唱衰」受害人,受害人不可能知道上訴人所指稱的解釋。裁判官裁定上訴人說會「招呼」受害人的意思是要表示對受害人使用武力的可能。
16. 上訴人又提出,他是一名社運人士,屬「半個公眾人物」,在案發時說的「兄弟」是指社運時一起行動的人。上訴人說他從未有打人,他的朋友也知道他不打人。受害人作供說心靈受創也是不可能的。
17. 上訴人強調他是一名年輕藝術家,離開學校後參與街頭藝術超過十年,不會做一些降低他人格的事情,不會「用刀用槍」,只會拍照放上社交網絡。上訴人認為受害人的供詞傷害了他和他的社運朋友的尊嚴。
2. 案發地點為旺角花園街公共圖書館內的電腦室。
3. 2015年5月21日下午3時許,控方第二證人圖書館館員在圖書館4樓電腦室當值期間,見到上訴人嚷著要使用電腦。館員告訴上訴人所有電腦已經有人使用。上訴人堅持要用編號S12的電腦,要求館員叫原本的使用者讓出電腦。館員拒絕後,上訴人即用污言穢語破口大罵。館員以「發爛渣」來形容上訴人當時的態度。
4. 由於上訴人持續喧嘩,在附近使用電腦的控方第一證人一市民(受害人)向上訴人指出這是圖書館,要求上訴人減低聲浪。
5. 上訴人於是衝到受害人前面,指著受害人,大聲和兇狠地說話,內容包括指受害人假正義,問受害人知不知道上訴人是誰,叫受害人到外邊與上訴人「隻抽」,說會殺死受害人,和有很多人,很多兄弟會殺或招呼受害人。受害人感到驚慌,坐在原位,要求館員和保安人員報警,獲告知職員已經報警。(香港特別行政區 訴 潘運瑭 HCMA492/2015)
10. 上訴人作供時承認他曾經對受害人說會找兄弟「招呼吓」他,但說「招呼」兩字,可以「文」或「武」角度演繹,而上訴人當時意思是指會藉著上訴人認識的記者或透過社交網絡批評或「唱衰」受害人,沒有武力威脅的意思。裁判官不接受上訴人解釋,因為上訴人當時沒有告訴受害人他的意思是叫記者「唱衰」受害人,受害人不可能知道上訴人所指稱的解釋。裁判官裁定上訴人說會「招呼」受害人的意思是要表示對受害人使用武力的可能。
16. 上訴人又提出,他是一名社運人士,屬「半個公眾人物」,在案發時說的「兄弟」是指社運時一起行動的人。上訴人說他從未有打人,他的朋友也知道他不打人。受害人作供說心靈受創也是不可能的。
17. 上訴人強調他是一名年輕藝術家,離開學校後參與街頭藝術超過十年,不會做一些降低他人格的事情,不會「用刀用槍」,只會拍照放上社交網絡。上訴人認為受害人的供詞傷害了他和他的社運朋友的尊嚴。
22. 上訴人現年27歲,自約20歲開始因干犯刑事罪行而被判罰,總共曾經就26條控罪被定罪和判刑。由2010年開始,上訴人每一年也有至少一項定罪紀錄。在2012年有9項紀錄,控罪包括襲擊警員,刑事損壞,公眾地方打鬥,普通襲擊等。在2013年有8項紀錄,控罪包括管有攻擊性武器,襲擊致他人身體受到傷害,刑事損壞,普通襲擊。在2014年有兩項盜竊罪定罪紀錄,也因在緩刑期間犯案而被判監。上訴人對上一次定罪是在2015年4月1日,即本案發生前的50天,因抗拒警務人員而被判監20日。
黃之鋒考慮參選立法會 申司法覆核降低參選年齡門檻
Age of candidacy
我對這些東西相當無知,《立法會條例》(542章)第37條要求參選人要年滿21歳,1990年訂定的《成年歲數(有關條文)條例》(410章)把成年歲數由以往的21歲降至18歲,參選立法會要年滿21歲表面上確實不公平,也違憲,除非政府提出違憲的合理理據(justification for the breach),否則司法覆核可以成功。義務代表黃之鋒的資深大律師MK Wong給我的印象不是搞這方面的,我以為他只打刑事案,看到他的名字我有點突然。
回覆刪除資深大律師MK Wong is not a criminal barrister. He is in Des Voeux Chambers and is a new rising star. He represented 梁麗幗 earlier in another case.
I am out of touch now.
刪除There are two MK Wong SC in HK. The one specialising in criminal law is Wong Man Kit 黃敏杰, the other is Anson Wong 黃文傑 who took silk in 2014 is at Des Voeux. The counsel representing Joshua Wong is Anson.
刪除Thanks. No wonder I got mixed up. I only know the older MK.
刪除Bill, you see, sometimes i find it hard to tell if we can, if at all, separate personal political views (or you call it "dislike of some political figures" below) with the law/legal arguments, e.g. in legal practice, it's a business after all. To put it in the extreme (which i hesitate even to suggest), if you are sided, you would get the business of that side. 同聲同氣,人以群分嘛。
It is not difficult to tell at all. Personal political stance affects ones legal practice. Liberal minded lawyers are unwilling to take up cases for people with opposite stance and vice versa. It is a compromise if they do. It also affects their reputation politically. Their cronies will distance from them. Only when it is a pure legal discussion like this, you have no burden at all.
刪除Then how about the Chief Executive - age limit is 40 years' old.
回覆刪除I tend to think that it is a matter of responsibility. Making a vote is easy, not involving to much responsibility. But taking part in election and being a councillor is another matter. I expect to have a mature adult, but not a student. Even setting a higher age limit, I think it is justified.
Anyway, the said legal sue is only a politicial game. The Applicant wants to take part in the election and his supporters are from those youngster.
He is entitled to pursue the case. I really hope that he (as well as his lawyer) does not use public fund / legal aid to get his own interest.
For my part, it is a politicial decision. The change should be made through the political system - i.e. the Legislative Council, but not the court.
Law Student
Politically motivated the application may be, we look at the merit of the application instead of the applicant.
刪除In the Basic Law, there are two places an age limit is mentioned. One is the age of CE, the other is the age of the Chairman of Legco. Both are set as 40. I believe one of the reasons advanced by Wong in the Judicial Review is that the age of nomination imposed on the Legco candidate is inconsistent with the Basic Law. Another reason is equality is infringed. The disparity of age requirement is quite obvious an infringement. Is there justification for the infringement? Maturity of the nominee may not be enough to counter argue. In many countries, the age requirement is also 18, which includes UK.
It appears that MK Wong SC acts pro bono. I don't know eventually legal aid will be applied for or not. After all it is a constitutional issue we have to canvass. The use of public fund is justified.
Please bear in mind despite our dislike of some of the political figures, we have to put our personal view of them aside. The Judicial Review in the instant case is meritorious.
好似係 skeptical?
回覆刪除Thanks. I missed out the 'c'.
刪除yeah, this would be perfect occasion where knuckle heads can keep on chanting "rule of law prevails in HK"
回覆刪除Wise man, you are chanting the demise of it then?
刪除me? i am laughing my pants off.
刪除Who cares?
刪除judging by your reaction. isnt it obvious that you do?
刪除Don't inflate too much. The balloon will burst. I am sometimes sympathetic to lonesome anon like you by replying to balance your mind or instill into you some positive thinking. I laughed my head off when I saw your self-conceited reaction.
刪除apparently you care more than I have given you credit for.
刪除No, Bill's right. Sceptical is British spelling, and rightly so, coz I believe he first picked up the English languages from the Brits. American English employs the letter "K".
回覆刪除Oh, I at first missed out the "c" and spelled it as septical. After seeing the comment of skeptical, I realized the misspell and rectified the mistake. Yeah, sceptical vs skeptical is only a matter of British Eng vs American/Canadian Eng.
回覆刪除牽涉高級警務人員 翁靜晶:冇考慮報警
牽涉高級警務人員 翁靜晶:冇考慮報警
how terrible is ... that is Hong Kong Police
刪除Bill hk
回覆刪除Bill hk
回覆刪除Bill hk