4 more years, covid, covid, covid
"Look at China, how filthy it is. Look at Russia. Look at India. It's filthy. The air is filthy. I walked out of the Paris Accord as we had to take out trillions of dollars and we were treated very unfairly,"
6. Briefly, the Accused admitted that he and his girlfriend “Poon” met in July 2017. One month later, they became lovers with intimate relationship. In early December 2017, Poon was around 5 weeks pregnant.
7. In the morning of 8 February 2018, the Accused and Poon departed HK for Taiwan. The Accused was the one who paid for the air tickets and the hotel accommodation.
8. In the small hours of 17 February 2018, Poon’s mother received a WhatsApp message from Poon, saying that she would return to HK later that night. However, Poon then became out of touch. On 5 March 2018, Poon’s mother made a missing person report to the police. She had also found at her residence a copy of the Accused’s Taiwan Entry and Exit Permit.
9. As for the Accused, he returned from Taiwan to HK on the night of 17 February 2018. On 13 March 2018, he was interviewed by the police. In the course of the interview, the Accused admitted that he had killed Poon in Taiwan. Therefore, he was immediately arrested for the offence of murder and was cautioned.
10. Under caution, the Accused disclosed that he had buried the body of Poon at a piece of grassland in Taipei. The Accused also revealed further particulars during the subsequent video-recorded interviews, including his claim that he had an argument with Poon in the early hours of 17 February 2018 over how their luggage should be packed; as well as an assertion that they later had another argument during which Poon had told him that the baby belonged to her former boyfriend and that Poon had shown him a video capturing Poon and a male having sex.
11. According to the Accused, feeling agitated at the time, he hit Poon’s head against the wall and strangled her from behind with both hands. There followed a struggle with Poon on the floor for about 10 minutes until Poon was dead. The Accused then put Poon’s body into a suitcase and packed her personal belongings into four plastic bags.
12. The Accused, however, admitted that he had kept Poon’s HSBC ATM card; digital camera and iPhone. The following morning, the Accused first disposed of Poon’s belongings at different refuse collection points near the hotel. He then took the suitcase with Poon’s body and travelled by train to search for a place for disposal which he eventually did at a park.
13. Concerning Poon’s properties which he had taken away, the Accused admitted that he had used Poon’s ATM card to withdraw TWD 20,000 cash in Taipei with a view to buying some new clothes for himself. However, he did not do so eventually.
選舉不能脫離宗教, 甚少去教堂的大總統當然不忘拉攏上帝來助選, 今天看了一幕, 似曾相識的一幕, 女牧師(Denise Goulet)說上帝告訴她大總統會勝出, 與香港之前出選的一兩個候選人的口吻雷同。唉! 不靈驗的時候, 到了Judgement Day, 上帝就跟你算賬。我不期然自由聯想起來, 張系國筆下的皮牧師......四、五十年前看過的一本書, 又浮現出來。
Stuffed up
悉尼春天花粉多, 容易使人打噴嚏及鼻塞。The nose is stuffed up. 本是小事一樁, 吃點抗敏的藥或洗鼻就可舒緩, 但在疫情下, 難免使人疑神疑鬼。不過, 在悉尼要找個新冠檢測中心驗下也很方便, 有些可以駕車前往, 不用下車, 只坐在車上檢測的。今天傳媒報導, 自爆疫以來, 澳洲超過一百萬人因此尋求精神治療 (Coronavirus Australia live: One million seek mental health treatment during pandemic):
As the coronavirus crisis continues to wreak havoc across Australia and the world, a new health crisis has emerged.Newly-revealed figures obtained by The Australian have shown the nation is in the grip of a mental health emergency alongside the pandemic, with more than one million Australians seeking help since the coronavirus outbreak began.
The problem is most acute in Victoria, with residents of that state three times as likely to access mental health services in recent weeks.
澳洲政壇正值多事之秋, 早兩天新南威爾斯省長Gladys Berejiklian被傳召到ICAC聽證會作證, 涉及前男友的貪污指控, 捅出了一些兩人之間被ICAC竊聽的電話對話, 省長不能抵賴, 她解釋: I stuffed up in my personal life。這stuffed up不是鼻塞, 而是一團糟。對話內容沒有顯示省長涉及貪污, 沒有collusion, 但明顯是connivance, 隻眼開隻眼閉。省長外貌像貓頭鷹, 政績很好, 做事斬釘截鐵, 抗疫成績超卓, 此役卻萬刼不復。我時常覺得政客像做plumber, 挖出來的都臭氣薰天。省長的誠信掃地, 百功不能抵一過, she must go. 這裏不是美國, Donald Trump一個大話冚一個大話, 還可以有一大堆支持者。My head is stuffed up whenever I see him brag.
Pitiful pariah covered in slop
Donald Trump在Walter Reed軍方醫院錄像, 說I'll be back soon. Well, back soon dead soon對我來講屬於關人屁事, 不少國家元首祝福他早日康復, 心底就說你都有今日, 抵你死喇。 任何人染疫我們都不應黑心幸災樂禍, 但Donald Trump excepted, 因為這吹牛大總統求仁得仁, 贏得訕笑, 是他一手做成, 自食其果的。
第一場辯論後, New York Times 有此標題: Trump-Biden debate prompts shock, despair and, in China, glee。 Glee即是幸災樂禍, 笑到合不攏嘴。我看這場辯論, 覺得可笑的反而是BBC這一篇的小標題: Presidential debate: Who won the Trump-Biden clash? 小標題在此: In a debate that was the political equivalent of a food fight, the winner was the man who emerged least covered in slop. 看到"slop"這字份外親切, 在此當然不是指豬餿, 而是指一臉殘羹。BBC這高手撰文, 維肖維妙, 那些五毛只有聞屁的份兒。
美國最近的October Surprises簡直醜出國際, 我作為外人指指點點, 吹皺一池春水, 是活該被老羞成怒的美國佬罵的, 我只好借CNN評論來作擋箭牌: Analyst: The US is 'a pitiful pariah on the world stage'。Pitiful pariah作何解? 可憐的低端人。這個民主掃地的總統, 活該你來一針漂白水, 5月開始不是服用了很多hydroxychloroquine嗎? 靠吹牛起家, 終於敗於Covid 19, 還要成為guinea pig, 來幾劑antibody cocktail。這大概是2020國際最大笑話。