

匿名在吃與盜一文留言, 寫在曾健超被定罪之後:

匿名2016年5月27日 下午8:08

毫無上訴成功機會,不是因為沒有沒有理據(grounds of appeal 其實能挖出幾個的)但原訟庭的老爺們,即使是最寬容的班太,也不會就曾健超如此公然反建制的犯事定罪而撤銷他罪名的。

Ken Tsang is screwed. ...........

先下個注腳, 匿名所指的班太即Judianna Barnes張慧玲法官, 行內人音譯叫她做班太, 大概是坐上高院後才有這稱謂, 以前只叫Judianna。班老先生以前也是高院法官。匿名說班太最寬容, 我的印象是她看誰代表上訴人, 或者是那個裁判官審的案。這一篇不講班太, 只講「建制」這概念, 因為匿名對原訟庭法官保建制的態度似有微言。

甚麼叫「建制」? 不先作介定就可以會有南轅北轍的討論。一聽到「建制」或「建制派」, 很自然就會聯想到「左派」、「保皇」、「親政府」、「親北京」、「親共」, 又或者是「保守」、「反民主」等語帶貶斥的字眼, 而英文會是pro-Bejing/pro-establishment。我相信匿名這則留言提及「建制」這兩個字並非上面坊間具貶斥性那種意思。

「建制」即是建立了的制度, 擁護建立了的制度具負面的意義嗎?


傳統的民主政黨, 在一小撮激進的港人眼中, 也屬某種程度的「建制」, 因為傳統民主派不激烈、不擲磚、盡量不違法, 違法時起碼會講公民抗命, 而不是罔顧法紀。支聯會的維園六四燭光晚會的舉行目的和方式, 受到大專學生會的反對, 在這些學生眼中, 支聯會也屬建制, 因為支聯會在保存他們建立多年的悼念六四模式。


法律制度是一套經過歷練, 有持續性, 有一定規章及概念貫徹的制度, 法官演譯法律概念, 要參考案例及上級法院的指引, 很自然會恪守建立了的制度。法官這種態度有甚麼不妥當?

論案情, 曾健超可以講自己在行使示威的自由, 潑液是渲洩這種權利的方法嗎? 他沒有上證人台作供, 法官沒有理由去猜測他的state of mind。羅官連示威權利涉及公眾安寧要考慮rationality, proportionality也無需講, 羅官先考慮曾健超是否潑液的人, 再考慮潑液是否構成襲擊的敵對行為(hostile act), 繼而考慮警察是否在執行職務和採取的武力是否相稱。整個審訊程序都是建立了制度, 在這框架內運作, 自然叫建制了, 法官自然需要跟從建制而行的態度, 這種態度, 一點不妥當也沒有。

原訟庭聽審上訴, 也要遵守一定的法則, 如果裁判官在法律原則上沒有犯錯, 正常講上訴得直的空間少, 有些法官只憑自己的喜好而胡亂干擾原審法官的判決, 你叫那種態度做寬鬆或者liberal minded, 我就不敢苟同了。寬鬆或liberal minded, 只適用於法律釋義方面, 或者刑罰輕重方面, 而並不適用於案情事實的裁斷。當然有人會爭論, 上訴本身是一種「重審」, 原訟庭法官有權重新審視案情事實。可是, 重新審視不等如完全取代原審法官的功能, 這方面上訴案例已確立了原則, 耳熟能詳的講周時彬、Raymond Chen等案, 確立的原則是:


原則歸原則, 要干擾就有很多自圓其說的方法, 始終是人在審案, 不是用機器啤出來, 或者應該講不是用3D打印出來, 演譯空間甚大。我講了一大堆, 就是想講法官那種「建制」是正常的態度, apolitical的態度。

不論羅德泉星期一怎樣判處曾健超, 都會有批評的聲音, 也會有不同政治立場的人去凑熱鬧, 警察又要出動去維持治安了。如果判監, 曾健超也會獲得保釋等候上訴。如果判監而不獲保釋, 主控官別忘記申請Body Order帶他6月1日上區域法院做七警案的證人。嘿! 這也是建立了的制度。這種擁護建制, 有甚麼問題? 人總是對不合己意的事隨便扣帽子, 而不能客觀理性地看待社會正常運作必然需要有一套制度。

14 則留言:

  1. 睇黎,標少都畧知果個人是邊瓣人了。。。

    1. 只憑閱讀上訴判辭得到的印象。

  2. What is a body order?

    1. Supposing Ken Tsang is sentenced to a term of imprisonment and bail pending appeal is refused, he will be detained in the Correctional Services institution, presumably Lai Chi Kok Remand Centre. In order to enable him to appear in the District Court to be a witness, the court needs to make an order that the Correctional Services brings him to court. Normally the police will apply for such an order. If the prosecution knows beforehand, then it will be convenient for the prosecution to apply for such an order right after the sentence. This piece of paper is called Body Order.

  3. 匿名2016年5月27日 下午8:08就是 MARO

    1. 是嗎? 不用Maro這名字留言, 不當他藏頭露尾, 而且所用語言也沒有瘋癲, 我就當是Maro洗心革面, 有定期吃藥, 就讓他以匿名重投這部落。

  4. wondering whether the conviction of TSANG would be a positive or negative effect on the seven police officers' case. Mind to share any view?

    1. I would have thought the effect is neutral. Tsang's action (the pouring of liquid and vigorous resistance) provided a motive for the policemen to teach him a lesson or retaliate. What remains is how the prosecution is going to establish the identity of the 7 cops. I don't know what Tsang has said in his witness statement. If he runs a cut throat stance (that means he admitted pouring liquid at the police), then his credibility will not be easily shaken. If he runs a denial stance, then his credibility will be shaken easily. Then 7 cops will earn the benefit of doubt if the protagonist's veracity is in doubt. Until Tsang testifies, we would know what he has said when the police took his witness statement.

      I say Tsang's conviction has a neutral effect because in his case as a defendant, his credibility was never an issue since he did not testify. If all along he denied pouring the liquid, even if the 7 cops are convicted, there are more grounds for appeal.

  5. Golly, Mr. Justice Barnes is still alive. Please do not say that.

    1. Oh, I am really sorry. The content has been amended. Thanks.

  6. It is perhaps good timing for CFA to decide on the requisite standard of proof for photographic / video evidence. Lee Chi Fai was 15 years ago when there was little technology available for photo editting. It is very different now, as recognised by Barnes J in Man Ho Chuen. Peter Law tried to reconcile Lee Chi Fai and Man Ho Chuen by adopting "prima facie authenticity on B/P", but that's just confusing and paradoxical. What's the difference of B/P authenticity, prima facie authenticity and prima facie authenticity on B/P?

    1. In Ken Tsang's case, Lee Chi Fai's decision may not be crucial because there were eye witnesses and police video recording. Man Ho Chuen is only a single photo. I think Peter Law tried to distinguish the two. You think CFA can be able to keep abreast of time regarding the fast growing technology? I really doubt. I would rather expert evidence is made available at trial first before the case goes to the appellate court.

  7. http://hk.on.cc/hk/bkn/cnt/news/20160529/bkn-20160529033044740-0529_00822_001.html



  8. 假難民湧港人數不斷上升,自統一審核機制於一四年三月實施,截至今年四月,入境處接獲一萬一千二百零二宗聲請,令尚待審核的聲請增至一萬一千一百七十八宗,較上月增加廿三宗。政府預計今個財政年度用於處理免遣返聲請的開支高達十一億三千五百萬元。

    Asking what government can do in this case?
