
Temper justice with mercy法外施恩

在上一篇留言,我回覆PH,用了tamper justice with mercy。在香港的好朋友whatsapp我:喂乜唔係temper justice with mercy 咩?我查字典都係咁講喎。

喂我一直都咁用喎,上訴判辭又見過喎。於是把"temper justice with mercy"同"tamper justice with mercy"一齊輸入司法機構的網頁往判辭裏找,兩個都中喎。字典只有temper justice with mercy,解作法外施恩,這様講來我一直都用錯了。

不服氣之下,去找出處。第一個出處自 John Milton的Paradise Lost :Book X 第77-78行

I shall temper so
Justice with mercy

及莎士比亞的"Merchant of Venice" Act IV Scene i lines 193-199

When mercy seasons justice: therefore Jew,
Though justice be thy plea,  consider this,
That in the course of justice,  none of us
Should see salvation: we do pray for mercy,
And that same prayer,  doth teach us all to render
The deeds of mercy.  I have spoke thus much
To mitigate the justice of thy plea

Paradise Lost已不知丟了那裏去,在書架找不到,Merchant of Venice原來是1977年在南山書屋買的,這旺角的樓上書店已不在多年了。

Louis Tong 可能就是出於宗教的仁恕之心,讓這逾期超過10年的案件上訴得直吧!

我想另一個使我用"tamper" justice with mercy的原因是,以前處理過Tampering with Vehicles的控罪,就想當然用了"tamper"這字了。 就是這一條:

Chapter:374Title:Road Traffic OrdinanceGazette Number:E.R. 2 of 2012
Section:49Heading:Tampering with motor vehiclesVersion Date:02/08/2012

If a person otherwise than with lawful authority or reasonable excuse gets on to a vehicle or tampers with any part of the vehicle, he commits an offence and is liable to a fine of $5000 and to imprisonment for 12 months.

3 則留言:

  1. 查字典,「tamper」的意思是「to attempt to influence or corrupt」,「temper」的意思是「to make more temperate, acceptable, or suitable by adding something else」,似乎「temper justice with mercy 」只能用「temper」。

    1. 有8宗高院判辭用過"tamper justice with mercy", 用者包括陳兆愷、梁紹中、楊振權、杜溎峰及潘敏琦諸位法官,我只能説他們都用錯了字。

    2. I agree that 'temper with justice' makes better sense. I can only say that the other judges have made the same mistake. We have to accept that we are humans, and we all make mistakes sometimes.
